
Bits in a memory address

While debugging on Windows XP 32-bit using the immunity debugger, I see the following on the stack: _Address_ -Value_ 00ff2254 ff090045 00ff2258 00000002 My understanding is that every address location contains 8 bits. Is this correct? ...

How to get a stack trace object in Ruby?

I need to get a stack trace object in Ruby; not to print it, just to get it to do some recording and dumping for later analysis. Is that possible? How? ...

stack vs queuing ?

hello im still a student and im a bit confused about stacking and queuing ? first question is, what is the main diffrence between them two ? btw there is circular queuing beside normal queuing how about that ? how do they work ? is there any different ways to queuing? im useing php, is there a simple ( very simple or easy to read ) sa...

Java: Object Oriented Design; LinkedList and Stack

I am writing a BFS and DFS in Java. What I was hoping to do was create one class like this: /** Preforms BFS and DFS on ... */ public class Search{ private XXX toSearch; // where XXX is an interface of Stack and LinkedList that has // remove() and add() methods. public Search(boolean isBFS){ if(isBFS) toSearch = ...

Structs on the stack (ANSI C)

Dear all Having started to study Ulrich Dreppers "What every programmer should know about memory" [1] series I got stuck when trying to reproduce the examples presented in section 3.3.2 Measurements of Cache Effects As far as I understand the structures should be allocated on the stack since then they are in memory one after another....

Stack Overflow in multi threaded application

Hopefully someone can help me out a little bit. I have a c# application running under .NET 2.0. It's a strange app. It is listening on the network for any UDP packets. When it receives a UDP packet with the first 8 bytes spelling out 'Catalina', it parses the packet and then sends the information to an appropriate socket connection (asyn...

Difference between char *str="STRING" and char str[] = "STRING" ?

Hello, While coding a simple function to remove a particular character from a string, I fell on this strange issue: void str_remove_chars( char *str, char to_remove) { if(str && to_remove) { char *ptr = str; char *cur = str; while(*ptr != '\0') { if(*ptr != to_remove) { ...

How the size of stack and heap memory bound is determined in iPhone OS?

How is internally the maximum size of stack and Heap is set? How can we determine its maximum size? I am not using it for any of my projects. But this is just out of curiosity. ...

Java Stack Help

How would you implement a stack using two queues. And what would the running time of the push() and pop() methods be. ...

how to use gdb to explore the stack/heap?

Hello. Could anyone please give me a quick overview/point me to documentation of a way to inspect the stack (and heap?) of a C program? I thought this should be done with GDB, but if there are other more straighforward alternatives, then that should be fine as well. Thanks. ...

Canonical example of stack destruction in a C program

Hi, could someone please teach me a common example whereby (!) you destroy the stack in a C program? I use GCC, in Ubuntu. Thanks. ...

in C++ how can I pass a static array to an object as a parameter, and modify the original array in there?

The array has to be on the stack, and I need to modify the elements. Here is what I have: Class Me { private: int *_array; void run(){ for (int i = 0 ; i < 10; ++i) { _array[i] += 100; } } public: Me(int array[]) { _array = array; } }; This is main: int array[10] = {0, 1...

Is there any way to display a function call graph?

While browsing through source code in my IDE I'll sometimes wish I could see a call stack/s or function call graph from a particular point in the code (while the program isn't running) to help me understand the sequence of events better. An example of the functionality I'd like to see is: I click a function called 'sendNotificationEmai...

Push String in Stack?

I am using C++ and i want to push strings in stack like push int in stacks. For Example 3."stackoverflow" 2."is" 1."Best" 0."site" at every index of stack I want to push a string. How can I do this? ...

Unchecked conversion when popping stack Java

I'm new to Java and have a question about a warning: My general code: private Stack<ArrayList> stackFrame = new Stack<ArrayList>(); private ArrayList<Object> curBlocKList = new ArrayList<Object>(); ... curBlockList = stackFrame.pop(); I'm getting: warning: [unchecked] unchecked conversion found : java.util.ArrayLis...

scope of pointers to (local) objects declared within a for loop

Dear all, I'm not sure if the snippet of C++ code below is legitimate or not: std::vector<int*> myints; for (int i = 0; i<N; i++) { int j = i; myints.push_back(&j); } for (int i=0; i<myints.size(); i++) cout<<*(myints[i])<<endl; How does the compiler handle this ? I understand the variable j itself goes out of scope when ex...

How many stacks does a windows program use?

Are return address and data mixed/stored in the same stack, or in 2 different stacks, which is the case? ...

stack level too deep in simple captcha plugin for ruby on rails

I am using Simple Captcha plugin in my application. The application was running fine from last two months but recently (last two days) it is giving error "stack level too deep" while saving the user into for "@user.save_with_captcha" line. The error occurs only in Production environment. In development mode, everything works fine. After ...

Where are ref value type parameters stored for asynchronous method calls in Microsoft's CLR?

I understand that this is an implementation detail. I'm actually curious what that implementation detail is in Microsoft's CLR. Now, bear with me as I did not study CS in college, so I might have missed out on some fundamental principles. But my understanding of the "stack" and the "heap" as implemented in the CLR as it stands today is...

generate all possible subsets of a given Set that contain n elements using stack and queue

generate all possible subsets of a given Set that contain n elements using stack and queue without using recursion. and then find the complexity of this pseudo code so if we have a set {1,2,3) then the subsets are 2^n so its 2^3 and its 8 subsets result will be {} {1} {2] {3} {1,2} {1,3} {2,3} {1,2,3} ...