
Which 'not equal' operator is preferable in mysql

Perhaps this is a stupid question but we've had some debate recently. Which of the two (semantically equivalent) ways is preferable to test for inequality: 'foo' != 'bar' 'foo' <> 'bar' The mysql documentation clearly indicates that there is no difference between them and yet some people seem to be attached to only doing it one way ...

Looking for XHTML / CSS WYSIWYG editor recommendations.

Hello. I'd like to know if there is a good XHTML / CSS editor available. The intent is to be able to create html pages that resemble a design in question. The editor should be WYSIWYG and output should be standards compliant (XHTML, CSS2) and the markup produced should be readable and lean. On Googling, I do get a list of many product...

Where in the world are encrypted software in cash registers required and in that case what security measures are required?

Background Sweden is transitioning to a compulsory law for all business owners handling cash or card transactions, to implement/buy partially-encrypted POS (point of sale)/cash registers: Signing and encryption are used to securely store the information from the cash register in the control unit. The control system with a cert...

c99/c89 standards vs. c coding practice

What code have you written in c that is not defined by either c89 or c99 standards? Specifically, I am looking for techniques like using pointer manipulation to move within a struct instead of using the member operator. This works fine on most compilers, but the compiler is free to add buffer space between struct members, so will not a...

"as if" in language standards

What is the exact meaning of the phrase "as if" in standards and how does it work when a user can modify individual parts of the behavior. The question is in regards to the C++ standard when talking about the nothrow version of operator new. reads (my emphasis): This nothrow version of operator new returns a pointer obta...

FDA and WCF Interoperablity Proof

How do I prove to the FDA that WCF is interoperable? Is there a document describing their test procedures? Or, is it common knowledge? ...

Tricky CSS Layout

So I am making a website with quite a problematic layout. There are four corner images TL, TR, BL and BR indicated by black blocks. The dark orange area is the main content (to a width of 960px), with the outside area denoted by the green arrow as the browser window. See diagram: The top image represents the site at its narrowest po...

mp3 playlist - any alternatives to popup window?

Hi, I'm developing a site for a classical music ensemble. They want tracks from their CDs to be available to visitors in a 'jukebox' style playlist. They initially wanted music to play when the visitor arrives at the site, but I have refused to do this as I think it's bad design. Instead, we've agreed that an audio player should appear...

When does invoking a member function on a null instance result in undefined behavior?

This question arose in the comments of a now-deleted answer to this other question. Our question was asked in the comments by STingRaySC as: Where exactly do we invoke UB? Is it calling a member function through an invalid pointer? Or is it calling a member function that accesses member data through an invalid pointer? With the ans...

Does SQL standard allows whitespace between function names and parenthesis

Checking few RDBMS I find that things like SELECT COUNT (a), SUM (b) FROM TABLE are allowed (notice space between aggregate functions and parenthesis). Could anyone provide a pointer to SQL standard itself where this is defined (any version will do)? EDIT: The above works in postgres, mysql needs set sql_mode = "IGNORE_SPACE"; as ...

Why does std::cout convert volatile pointers to bool?

If you try to cout a pointer to a volatile type, even a volatile char pointer where you would normally expect cout to print the string, you will instead simply get '1' (assuming the pointer is not null I think). I assume output stream operator<< is template specialized for volatile pointers, but my question is, why? What use case motivat...

Template access of symbol in unnamed namespace

We are upgrading our XL C/C++ compiler from V8.0 to V10.1 and found some code that is now giving us an error, even though it compiled under V8.0. Here's a minimal example: test.h: #include <iostream> #include <string> template <class T> void f() { std::cout << TEST << std::endl; } test.cpp: #include <string> #include "test.h" n...

Opening Pages in New Window

Is there a way to open a page in XHTML without using <a href="page.html" target="_blank"> that is standards compliant? I'm not using frames, but there are some pages that I want to open in a new window instead of the current one. ...

Does (size_t)((char *)0) ever not evaluate to 0?

According to the responses in "Why subtract null pointer in offsetof()?" (and my reading of K&R), the C standard doesn't require that (size_t)((char *)0) == 0. Still, I've never seen a situation where casting a null pointer to an integer type evaluates to anything else. If there is a compiler or scenario where (size_t)((char *)0) != 0, ...

Why does C++ allow variable length arrays that aren't dynamically allocated?

I'm relatively new to C++, and from the beginning it's been drilled into me that you can't do something like int x; cin >> x; int array[x]; Instead, you must use dynamic memory. However, I recently discovered that the above will compile (though I get a -pedantic warning saying it's forbidden by ISO C++). I know that it's obviously a b...

Is MinGW exactly the same as GCC as far as standards compliance or features?

As a port, I'd think it'd be hard to keep it completely up to speed with GCC. Is it, or are there any differences with regards to standards compliance or features? ...

What are the common compliance standards for software products?

This is a very generic question about software products. I would like to know what compliance standards are applicable to any software product. I know that question gives away nothing. So, here is an example to what I am referring to. CiSecurity Security Certification/Compliance lists out products ceritified by them to be compliant to ...

Is `auto int i` valid C++0x?

In answering this question the question arose as to whether the traditional C meaning of the keyword auto (automatic storage) is still valid in C++0x now that it means type deduction. I remember that the old meaning of auto should remain where relevant but others disagreed. auto char c = 42; // either compilation error or c = '*' Lo...

Seeking References To MSVC 9.0's C++ Standards Compliance

I "know" (hopefully) that MSVC 9.0 Implements C++ 2003 (ISO/IEC 14882:2003). I am looking for a reference to this fact, and I am also looking for any research that has been done in to how compliant MSVC 9.0 is with that version of the Standard. I have searched for and not been able to find a specific reference from MicroSoft that actua...

Is it possible to use CSS round-corners and still pass validation?

IIRC the situation is that IE simply doesn't support rounded corners, but some other browsers need browser-specific extensions... either FF or web-kit, I don't recall. I'm happy to use it in some cases and let IE fall-back to square corners, but does using browser-extension CSS break validation... I quite like having my site validate AN...