
Windows State Machine workflow: How can we achieve Parent Child workflow communication when both are hosted as WF service.

I am trying to spawn child workflows as services from parent workflow which is also a workflow hosted as a service. Problems I am facing: How to spawn multiple child workflows as service "synchronously"? How to communicate to the consuming applications that the child workflows are ready for action? How to communicate to the parent tha...

Windows Phone app crashes when navigating back from a task

Some pages in my app allow users to click a hyperlink to launch the external browser via a WebBrowserHelper. I'm carefully saving the app state in OnNavigatedFrom and restoring it in OnNavigatedTo, but when the user navigates back from the web browser into my app, the app hangs, then crashes. I've carefully followed the great blog post...

How can i maintain the selected state in button in iPhone

Hi friends, I have created scroll view and sets the buttons are in the scroll view. The Buttons are scrolling horizontally and it works fine. If i clicked the button, i set background image as "Selected State" in button. My problem is how can i changed the selected state in different button, when clicking it and how can i deselected the...

Android - Where to set the color of pressed,focused... Tabs?

Hey, I created a small Tab-Layout. Now how can i specify the color of the TabWidget depending on its state (focused,pressed..) I built a new .xml, but i dont know how to set it to my Tabs: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <selector android:id="@+id/tabSelector" xmlns:android=""...

ASP.Net MVC maintain state of a dynamic list of checkboxes

I have a class called "PropertyFeature" which simply contains PropertyFeatureID and Description. It's a proper model created through LINQ to SQL mapped to an SQL Server database table. An example instance/row would be: PropertyFeatureID: 2 Description: "Swimming Pool" The number of rows (PropertyFeatures) can of course grow and shrink ...

ASP.NET Session State Server on IIS 7.5 and Windows 2008 - Not Working

We are moving an application from a hosting environment using IIS 6.0 and ASP.NET session state server (both on Windows 2003) to IIS 7.5 and ASP.NET session state server (on 2008 R2). We are having a problem, in the new environment, where if a user gets moved across servers in the farm, their session state is lost. We had this exact pr...

Functional Reactive F# - Storing States in Games

I am a student currently learning about Functional Reactive paradigm using F#. It's radically new viewpoint for me. Yesterday I learned about creating a simple ping-pong game using this paradigm. The idea I grasp so far is : we think values as functions of time. On its pure form, it's stateless. However, I need to remember the position o...

ASP.NET MVC & JQuery UI Drag Drop - Does anyone know how to store/retrive the panel state?

I have used the Telerik RadDock in the past, and although it's pretty good, it is a little bit clunky and bloated. One nice feature is the ability to save the state of a page (all dock locations, etc) in the database and recover them at a later date. I'm wondering if there is a way in MVC and jQuery to save the state of the jQuery UI D...

View State lost with click...


UITableViewCell should animate the change of the state. But how??

Hi, I've got a problem with my custom UITableViewCell. I have my custom labels and want to move them aside when the delete button appear. I tried the method: -willTransitionToState: but the animations doesn't work. The change is made immediately, but not with my animation. Does anyone knows a method to use? Thank you!!! ...

What's the problem with the ExtJS Hybrid State and encoding using PHP ?

So the other day I posted about a problem I had trying to use the sessionProvider found in the examples of ExtJS but it was in a fairly complex page so I figured I woud trim things down and use the basic array-grid sample that uses the default CookieProvider to demonstrate the state saving in a cookie and modify it to use the SessionProv...

Is the state design pattern overkill for a PHP form?

I have a page that, when accessed displays a table of information related to a video: Embed code Title Description Current gallery Thumbnail image This information is read-only when the page is first accessed. There is a select menu that has the following options: Edit Description Create Thumbnail (Upload/Replace) Edit embed code ...

How to change scenes in cocos2d while retaining state of the original scene

Hello, In my cocos2d project, I have two scenes. I transition between the two using CCDirector's replaceScene. Is it possible to save the state of the current scene so that when the scene is changed to a different scene, and then changed back to the original, all the objects and variables in the original are the same. Thank you, nonono...

Wadler, "Monads for Functional Programming," Section 2.8

Edit II: Ah, okay: I wasn't understanding how a and b were being bound in the definition of eval! Now I do. If anyone's interested, this is a diagram tracking a and b. I'm a pretty big fan of diagrams. Drawing arrows really improved my Haskell, I swear. A Diagram of an eval call (PDF) Sometimes I feel really dense. In section 2.8 of...

Share Session between two web sites using and state server

I have two exactly the same web sites hosted in two different machines under IIS 7.5. ASP.NET state service is running on my machine and the web.config is updated in both sites with the following code: <sessionState mode="StateServer" stateConnectionString="tcpip=" cookieless="false" timeout="120"/> The allow remote ...

Minimizing a supplementary JFrame when main application JFrame gets minimized

The application I'm working on contains a main JFrame, from which users might eventually open another supplementary frame. I am trying to implement such a behavior of the app where the supplementary frame is minimized (iconified) as soon as the main frame gets minimized. I was thinking of overriding the setExtendedState method of the ma...

JAVASCRIPT / AJAX : Why I'm NOT getting xmlhttp.readyState 1 and 4 ?

My Problem xmlhttp.readyState is always 2 then 3 in firefox and other browsers in Internet Explorer the opposite, and 1 and 4 is missing. My Code function like(id,type){ if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { // code for IE6, IE5 ...

Clojure namespace management - Is there a way to save and restore the state of clojure repl namespaces, imports etc. ?

Clojure has a large number functions/macros for working with namespaces and java package imports. To my (limited) understanding the set up of namespaces can be considered state in a clojure process (repl). When working iteratively at a REPL session, especially when source files are (re)-loaded, I can find it easy to get confused - often...

Where to store the state in a MVP architecture

In other MVP-related questions on SO, people talk about the Presenter keeping the state information (could be session state or UI state). What I'm wondering is, since state is basically "transient data", and the Model's purpose is to encapsulate data access, can't state be kept inside the Model? Are there any rules of thumb or pros/cons ...

What is the default drawable for pressing a list item

When the user presses a ListView item (android:state_pressed="true") it flashes a shade of yellow (or you can press and hold). What drawable is this? I've created my own selector because I want my own ListView item color , but I lose the pressed color. There's an Android doc about skinning buttons that references #ffff0000, but this p...