
What are static variables?

What are static variables designed for? What's the difference between static int and int? ...

What is the best way to initialize a complex static member in Java?

My objective is to have a private static Properties object in my class, to act as defaults when creating other Properties objects needed by my application. The current implementation looks like this: public class MyClass { private static Properties DEFAULT_PROPERTIES = new Properties(); static { try { DEFAULT...

How to initialise a std::map once so that it can be used by all objects of a class?

Hi, I have an enum StackIndex defined as follows: typedef enum { DECK, HAND, CASCADE1, ... NO_SUCH_STACK } StackIndex; I have created a class called MoveSequence, which is a wrapper for a std::deque of a bunch of tuples of the form <StackIndex, StackIndex>. class MoveSequence { public: void AddMove( ...

Using static properties in PHP >= 4.3.0?

Disclaimer: Yes, I am forced to support PHP 4.3.0. I know it's dead. No I can't upgrade it, because I'm dealing with multiple servers some of which I don't have su access. Well, since I can't use self:: since it's PHP5 specific, how should I go about implementing statics in a PHP4 class? So far from my research it seems that I can...

Is it a good idea to internally invoke the constructor in a static method?

Let's say for example I had a localised date class where the normal usage was to create an object. $d = new Date(mktime(), 'MM-DD-YYYY', array('locale' => 'es')); Now, what if I didn't want to always create a new object explicitly, but instead wanted something more along the lines of... <p>The date is <?php echo Date::formatDate( mk...

When to use enums, and when to replace them with a class with static members?

It recently occured to me that the following (sample) enumeration... enum Color { Red, Green, Yellow, Blue } ... could be replaced with a seemingly more type-safe class: struct Color // (edited: this was previously a class) { private Color() { } public static readonly Color Red = new Color(); p...

static Member access linker problems

gph is a singleton class with no getInstance method class gph { public: static void newfun(); static void newfun1(); //...// private: gph(); }; This class gets build into a static library Now I have a Dll from where I need to access the static function . So class A is a part of a Dll I have a C++ member function say ...

F# code organization: types & modules

How do you decide between writing a function inside a module or as a static member of some type? For example, in the source code of F#, there are lots of types that are defined along with a equally named module, as follows: type MyType = // ... [<CompilationRepresentation(CompilationRepresentationFlags.ModuleSuffix)>] module MyType = ...

What is the right way to implement communication between java objects?

I'm working on an academic project which simulates a rather large queuing procedure in java. The core of the simulator rests within one package where there exist 8 classes, each one implementing a single concept. Every class in the project follows SRP. These classes encapsulate the behavior of the simulator and inter-connect every other ...

Why can we have static final members but cant have static method in an inner class ?

Why can we have static final members but cant have static method in an inner class ? Can we access static final member variables of inner class outside the outer class without instantiating inner class ? ...

get static initialization block to run in a java without loading the class

I have a few classes as shown here public class TrueFalseQuestion implements Question{ static{ QuestionFactory.registerType("TrueFalse", "Question"); } public TrueFalseQuestion(){} } ... public class QuestionFactory { static final HashMap<String, String > map = new HashMap<String,String>(); public static void...

Is there a nice way of having static generic parameters is Java?

Hello, recently I'm writing some functions that I take from Haskell and translate into Java. One of the main problems I have is I cannot easily create a static property with a generic type. Let me explain by a little example... // An interface to implement functions public interface Func<P, R> { public R apply(P p); } // What I wan...

Where does static variable work in ASP.NET page?

I had an interview today and every thing was going very good, but then an interviewer asked me a question Where Does Static Variable Work in C#- At Application Level or At Page Level. I was not very much clear about this answer as I only knew that static variables are stored on heap and I didn't knew anything about web related thing. ...

C++ Class Static variable problem - C programmer new to C++

Hi guys, I am a C programmer, but had learnt C++ @school longtime back. Now I am trying to write code in C++ but getting compiler error. Please check and tell me whats wrong with my code. typedef class _filter_session { private: static int session_count; /* Number of sessions count -- Static */ public: _filter_session(); ...

Are there any performance or contention considerations when using VB.Net "Shared" or C# "static" classes and methods?

I have a C# class library behind a WCF service. The library contains ClassA which is declared as static. This static class has a method MethodA which accepts a string and uses LINQ to query the database for a translation of the string which it then sends back through the webservice to the client. My question is whether using a s...

How to free static member variable in C++?

Can anybody explain how to free memory of a static member Variable? In my understanding it can only be freed if all the instances of the class are destroyed. I am a little bit helpless at this point... Some Code to explain it: class ball { private: static SDL_Surface *ball_image; }; //FIXME: how to free static Variable? SDL_Sur...

overloading new/delete problem

This is my scenario, Im trying to overload new and delete globally. I have written my allocator class in a file called allocator.h. And what I am trying to achieve is that if a file is including this header file, my version of new and delete should be used. So in a header file "allocator.h" i have declared the two functions extern voi...

C# two classes with static members referring to each other

Hi, I wonder why this code doesn't end up in endless recursion. I guess it's connected to the automatic initialization of static members to default values, but can someone tell me "step by step" how does 'a' get the value of 2 and 'b' of 1? public class A { public static int a = B.b + 1; } public class B { public static i...

best alternative to in-definition initialization of static class members? (for SVN keywords)

I'm storing expanded SVN keyword literals for .cpp files in 'static char const *const' class members and want to store the .h descriptions as similarly as possible. In short, I need to guarantee single instantiation of a static member (presumably in a .cpp file) to an auto-generated non-integer literal living in a potentially shared .h ...

java objects, shared variables

hello, I have a simple question here. If I declare a variable inside an object which was made [declared] in the main class, like this: public static int number; ( usually I declare it like this : private int number; ) can it be used in a different object which was also made [declared] in the main class? btw I do not care about sec...