
Java: `static` Methods

When I call a static method like: Something.action(); Since a instance isn't created how long will the Class of the static method be held in memory? If I call the same method will the Class be reloaded for each call since no instance exists? And are only individual static methods loaded when called or are all the methods and static ...

C++: Do static primitives become invalid at program exit?

Assume I have a function like this: MyClass &MyFunction(void) { static MyClass *ptr = 0; if (ptr == 0) ptr = new MyClass; return MyClass; } The question is at program exit time, will the ptr variable ever become invalid (i.e. the contents of that ptr are cleaned up by the exiting process)? I realize that this function leaks,...

How to modify http-headers on static files served by JBoss

I have a web application (.war) that contains some static files (e.g. MS word documents). When I try to download these files, JBoss automatically sets some HTTP-headers in the response. Is there a way to configure JBoss (version 3.2.7) to set these headers to specific values (or omit them)? I'm especially interested in the Cache-Contr...

C#, correct use of the static keyword when designing a basic color class

I am making a Color class, and provide a standard constructor like Color(int red, int green, int blue) And then I want to provide an easy way to get the most common colors, like Color.Blue, Color.Red. I see two possible options: public static readonly Color Red = new Color(255, 0, 0); public static Color Red { get { return new Color...

Asp.Net/C# static variable persistence

When I update the .dlls in my C# ASP.Net application, the transition is handled gracefully and the users are allowed to finish their requests before the code is switched over to the new code. My question is do the static variables reset when that is done or do they persist through the update (if of course the static objects themselves a...

Do you declare your module specific functions as static?

I am thinking it is a best practice to declare them as static, as it makes them invisible outside of the module. What are your thoughts on this? ...

Static members need special synchronization blocks?

I have a class which looks something like this: public class Test { private static final Object someObject = new Object(); public void doSomething() { synchronized (someObject) { System.out.println(someObject.toString()); } } } Can I consider the object to be synchronized, or is there a problem since it is a static member? Edi...

Why main() cannot be declared as a static in C ??

Why main must be declared as if it has external linkage? Why it should not be static? what is meant by external linkage?? ...

Dynamic Scoping - Why?

I've learned that static scoping is the only sane way to do things, and that dynamic scoping is the tool of the devil, and results only from poor implementations of interpreters/compilers. Then I saw this snippet from a Common Lisp vs. Scheme article: Both Lexically and Dynamically Lexical scope only, per the standard. scoped spec...

Static vs global in terms of speed and space consumption in C

I would like to know difference between static variables and global variables in terms of access speed and space consumption. (If you want to know my platform: gcc compiler on Windows. (I am using Cygwin with Triton IDE for ARM7 embedded programming on windows. Triton comes with gcc compiler on Java platform which can be run on Windows.)...

Static Variables, Separate Compilation

Hi, I wrote a program out, which was all in one file, and the methods were forward declared in a header. The program initially worked perfectly when it was in one file. But when I separated the program, I kept getting random occurrences for the destructor of one of the classes which was declared in the header file. I have a static v...

Is it possible to use Mono static compilation on Windows?

I was wondering if it is possible to use Mono static compilation on Windows. If so, what should I do? ...

Singleton vs Static Class for exposing data read from xml

Hi, We have a PageRoles xml file which contains the page path and the user role that can access that page. We are maintaining a Dictionary in a static class, which gets loaded int static constructor for the class. The class has a method CheckIfRoleAllowed that takes in a page path and returns a bool. Each page call the CheckIfRoleAllo...

Static initializer in Java

My question is about one particular usage of static keyword. It is possible to use static keyword to cover a code block within a class which does not belong to any function. For example following code compiles: public class Test { private static final int a; static { a = 5; doSomething(a); } private s...

Static memory allocation in Vista results in crash?

I'm using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express, and have a pretty annoying problem. It doesn't seem to happen in XP but in Vista I can't find a way around it. Whenever I declare variables non-dynamically, if their combined size exceeds about 30mb, the program will crash immediately at start-up. I know that Vista limits non-Win32 apps to 32m...

Mock Objects in PHPUnit to emulate Static Method Calls?

I am trying to test a class that manages data access in the database (you know, CRUD, essentially). The DB library we're using happens to have an API wherein you first get the table object by a static call: function getFoo($id) { $MyTableRepresentation = DB_DataObject::factory("mytable"); $MyTableRepresentation->get($id); ... do s...

What is the difference between a static global and static volatile variable?

I have used a static global variable and a static voltalile variable in file scope, both are updated by an ISR and a main loop and main loop checks the value of the variable. here during optimization neither global vriable nor the volatile variable are optimized. So instead of using a volatile variable a global variable solves the probl...

Static classes in c#

In answering this question (, it got me wondering... Is there any danger in regarding a static class as being equivalent to a non-static class instatiation that implements the singleton pattern? ...

static concepts

class Trial { static int i; int getI() { return i;} void setI(int value) { i = value;} } public class ttest { public static void main(String args[]) { Trial t1 = new Trial(); t1.setI(10); System.out.println(t1.getI()); Trial t2 = new Trial(); t2.setI(100); ...

Prevent creation of class whose member functions are all static

All the member variables and member functions in my class ClassA are static. If a user is trying (by mistake) to create an object of this class, he receives a warning: "ClassA, local variable never referenced", because all the functions are static, so this object is never referenced. So, I want to prevent the user from trying to create...