
Producer/Consumer, Stream buffer problem

I'm trying to write a buffermanager that manages 3 Streams. The typical usage would be with a slow producer and a fast consumer. The idea behind the three buffers is that the producer ALWAYS has a buffer to write in and the consumer ALWAYS gets the latest data produced. Now i already have this, and it sort-off works. namespace YariIfSt...

Play MP3 from stream...

Dear All Is there any way to play MP3 directly from a memory stream (without any temp. files) using VB.NET or C#? or play from SQLCe database? Thanks ...

How do I get a string or stream into a CStreamFile?

Hi, this question may seem a bit too specific, but I figure I'd give it a shot here since I've found some great programming answers here in the past. I am modifying the open-source program TinyCad for a project I'm working on. I've visited the TinyCad message board and posted, but I didn't get the answer I'm looking for. I'm having trou...

OutOfMemoryException when send big file 500MB using FileStream ASPNET

I'm using Filestream for read big file (> 500 MB) and I get the OutOfMemoryException. I use , .net 3.5, win2003, iis 6.0 I want this in my app: Read DATA from Oracle Uncompress file using FileStream and BZip2 Read file uncompressed and send it to page for download. When I read file from disk, Fails !!! and get Ou...

Duplex WCF service - Direct call and callback do not use same channel

Hi, My goal is to reach a WCF service behind a firewall with no incoming ports opened. The solution I chose is to host a duplex WCF service on the public side, that has as callback the same contract that was used if no firewall was involved. It worked if I used netTcpBinding but since I need streamed communication I had to use the cust...

OutOfMemoryException using BZip2 (SharpZipLib)

I use , .net 3.5, win2003, iis 6.0. I use Oracle for gathering files, saving file in SharpZipLib.BZip2 compressed format in field RAW in table Oracle. My application is Web, and I use WCF Service for get data (array of bytes) of a file. The aspx page send file to user (download file). My issue-problem: I read DATA from Orac...

Stream.Length throws NotSupportedException

I am getting a error when attempting stream.Length on a Stream object sent into my WCF method. Unhandled Exception! Error ID: 0 Error Code: Unknown Is Warning: False Type: System.NotSupportedException Stack: at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.StreamFormatter.MessageBodyStream.get_Length() How do you get the length of the stream...

Stream video From iPhone Or Android to RTMP

is there any way to Stream video From iPhone Or Android to RTMP Server using Red5?? i searched over internet and there is only 2 application that mange to do this successfully (UStream , Qik) the problem they closed source So if anyone could help me find some code snippets that make this possible ?? ...

file location to System.IO.Stream

Hi Guys, I have this method public void SetSource(Stream streamSource); which sets the source of BitmapSource, is there a way to convert my URI or my image file location and pass it as a stream? (another issue): Uri uri = new Uri("../images/MyImage.png", UriKind.Relative); BitmapImage btmp1 = new BitmapImage(uri); ...

How to write a playlist from an IceCast stream in C#

Hi, i want to monitor an icecast stream and write all file information (the actually played mp3) i can get to a local playlist for later processing. Any ideas how to do that? ...

live Video streamming

Hello Can any one tell me how to stream video using mac osX , i need to write an application in mac os for video conferencing please let me know any prerequisites for making this application and what shud i learn for this . Thanks in advance . ...

Capture videostream with C#

Hello! I need to capture and save videostream using C#. I receive the videostream from a "Makito" server of "HaiVision", listening to a UDP port of my machine. I don´t need to specify the IP of the videostream server. The videostream that i receive can be encoded in "Transport Stream over UDP", "Transport Stream over RTP", "Direct RTP"...

Does a Stream from a file contain the source file's attributes?

I'm trying to understand how File attributes such as the Created and Modified dates relate to a System.IO.Stream or System.IO.FileStream to the file. Are these attributes contained in the stream, or is the data part of the file that is read by the Stream separate from the file attributes? ...

How to read a char[] object into a

I have a D program with Tango and I'm trying to uncompress a gzipped string. unfortunately I don't have A stream to it, but the compressed data is stored in a char[]. how can I uncompress it using tangos I need another char[] with the uncompressed data. I've been trying this for hours now. I'm not very fami...

C# FMOD playing from stream.

Can anyone help me on playing a file from a memorystream using FMOD or any other way? So far i have this: Variables private FMOD.System _fmod = null; private FMOD.Sound _sound = null; private FMOD.Channel _channel = null; Code var file = File.ReadAllBytes("test.ogg"); //MessageBox.Show("Bytes from file: "...

Play audio data using QIODevice (Qt4.6 with VC++)

Hello, I'm working on playing audio from an audio stream using VC++ with the QtMultimedia library. Since I'm not too experienced with Qt's libraries I started by reading in a .wav file and writing it to a buffer: ifstream wavFile; char* file = "error_ex.wav"; file, ios::binary ); After that, I used ifstream's .read() fu...

Deleting posts from other user's wall using Javascript

Hello, I've managed to post to another user's wall, but I couldn't figure how to delete them using the access token. I'm using the JavaScript SDK. Can someone please help? Thanks in advanced! :) ...

Php Buffer Problem fgets (Bandwidth)

Hello i'm saxtor, i'm creating this download quota program, so what i am doing is fetching the file from a remote server and buffering it out back to the client however i would like to record the buffer output to the client and record how much bytes the client has downlaoad, what the code supposed to do is to limit the client if he or s...

Error "This stream does not support seek operations" in C#

Hi, I'm trying to get an image from an url using a byte stream. But i get this error message: This stream does not support seek operations. This is my code: byte[] b; HttpWebRequest myReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); WebResponse myResp = myReq.GetResponse(); Stream stream = myResp.GetResponseStream(); int i; using (Bina...

Save string to client with Open/Save dialog

I am using the following code to write the contents of a string (converted to a byte array) to the client in ASP.NET/C# byte[] data = StrToByteArray(strData); Response.ClearContent(); Response.AppendHeader("content-length", data.Length.ToString()); Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Response.AppendHeader("content-Disposition", "attach...