
Getting certain lines of text c#

Hi I was wondering if someone could help me. I would like to able to be to have my program give the user the ability to only read a certain block of code from a text document. However I would like it to be placed behind a button so it can be turned on and off. I have experimented wih different ways of doing this but nothing has made the ...

Under High load XDocument.Parse Creating errors

Hi everyone, I am trying to access this webservice, The problem is that sometimes XDocument.Parse is not able to process and generates an error System.Xml.XmlException: Root element is missing. on the line: XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Parse(xmlData); Even though the XML sent is correct according to my logs. I was wondering, Is it p...

Can I use a StreamReader to read from a file in Silverlight?

I'm trying to read in some sample data from an XML file in a Silverlight project, and this line: using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(@"C:\Users\mike\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\test\test\Data\test.xml")) Throws this exception: System.MethodAccessException: Attempt to access the method failed: System.IO.Stream...

Reading EML files from Windows SMTP service. Any reason not to use StreamReader?

I'm going to be reading and parsing the EML files dropped by the Microsoft SMTP service. I am a newbie to using the various stream classes. The implementation I have seen that parses these files uses a variation on System.IO.Stream to read byte by byte. However, it seems like these files should never be anything but text. Wouldn't it...

ASP.Net MVC: Can an msi file be returned via a FileContentResult without breaking the install package?

I'm using this code to return a FileContentResult with an msi file for the user to download in my ASP.Net MVC controller: using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(@"c:\WixTest.msi")) { Byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(reader.ReadToEnd()); return File(bytes, "text/plain", "download.msi"); } I can download the file, ...

Why is this StreamReader only reading one line?

The following piece of code should read each line of the file and operate on it. However, it only reads the first line. Without the for loop it reads the whole file. I honestly have no idea why it's not reading the whole thing. StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(gridPath); string line; char[] lineCh; char current; int x, y; bool north,...

search text file using c# and display the line number and the complete line that contains the search keyword

I require help to search a text file (log file) using c# and display the line number and the complete line that contains the search keyword. ...

simultaneously read and write data into file

Hi, i want simultaneously read and write data into file. Can i use StreamReader and StreamWriter with only file? And why code below doesnt out numbers? var stream = new FileStream(path,FileMode.Create,FileAccess.ReadWrite,FileShare.ReadWrite); var sw = new StreamWriter(stream); var sr = new StreamReader(stream); for(int i=0;i<10;i++)...

C# streamreader, delimiter problem.

What I have is a txt file that is huge, 60MB. I need to read each line and produce a file, split based on a delimiter. I'm having no issue reading the file or producing the file, my complication comes from the delimiter, it can't see the delimiter. If anybody could offer a suggestion on how to read that delimiter I would be so gratefu...

Should I use StreamReader/Writer with NetworkStream for C# server/client?

I'm in the process of building a client/server based game for a project(feeling quite out my depth). I've been using TCPclient and a multi-threaded socket server. Everything is working fine at the moment but I have been using StreamReader and StreamWriter to communicate between both client and server. I keep seeing examples like this fo...

Trouble with StreamReader

Alright so here is what I have so far, List<string> lines = new List<string>(); using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(f)) { string line; while ((line = r.ReadLine()) != null) { lines.Add(line); } } foreach (string s in lines) { NetworkStream stream = irc.GetStream(); writer.WriteLine(USER); writ...

iphone scanning a dat file for data

I am trying to remake a program I have made in C# in OBJ-C.In C# I used streamreader to search the data file for the line I am looking for then convert that line into a string that I can work with. I have looked at NSScanner but I'm not sure if thats quite waht I'm looking for but I'm by no means a cocoa expert. All I would like to b...

Error opening streamreader because file is used by another process

I am developing an application to read an excel spreadsheet, validate the data and then map it to a sql table. The process is to read the file via a streamreader, validate the data, manually make corrections to the excel spreadsheet, validate again -- repeat this process until all data validates. If the excel spreadsheet is open, the...

What is the best way to read the uploaded files from Request.Files, StreamReader or BinaryReader or BufferedStream?

I have a form where the user can upload multiple files. I am using MVC 2.0 and in my controller I need to call a webservice that is a common import interface requires the files to passed in as byte[]. .NET exposes Request.Files as a HttpFileCollectionBase and I access the filehandle using HttpPostedFile or HttpPostedFileBase that provid...

Using returned XML from an authorised HTTP request in vb.NET

Hi, How can I use the returned XML from the reader in a xmltextreader? ' Create the web request request = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(""), HttpWebRequest) ' Add authentication to request request.Credentials = New NetworkCredent...

StreamReader returning another char

I'm trying to read the content of a file with a StreamReader, that receives a FileStream. The file has some spaces inside (char 32) and the StreamReader is reading them as 0 (char 48). The screenshot shows the FileStream buffer and the StreamReader buffer. Both have the value 32, but when I call Read(), it returns 48. Am I missing someth...

How could I read a very large text file using StreamReader?

I want to read a huge .txt file and I'm getting a memory overflow because of its sheer size. Any help? private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var Reader = new StreamReader(@"C:\Test.txt")) { textBox1.Text += Reader.ReadLine(); } } Text file is just: Line1 Line2...

C# Stream Reader adding \n to XML

I use the StreamReader class to obtain XML for my GeoCoding process from Google. StreamReader srGeoCode = new StreamReader(WebRequest.Create(Url).GetResponse().GetResponseStream()); String GeoCodeXml = srGeoCode.ReadToEnd(); XmlDocument XmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); GeoCode oGeoCode = new GeoCode(); XmlDoc.Load(GeoCodeXml); I get XML ba...

Reading HTML table data / html tag

I have some 50 pages of html which have around 100-plus rows of data in each, with all sort of CSS style, I want to read the html file and just get the data, like Name, Age, Class, Teacher. and store it in Database, but I am not able to read the html tags e.g space i kept to display it here <table class="table_100"> <tr> <...

C# System.Diagnostics.Process redirecting Standard Out for large amounts of data

I running an exe from a .NET app and trying to redirect standard out to a streamreader. The problem is that when I do myprocess.exe >> out.txt out.txt is close to 14mb. When I do the command line version it is very fast but when I run the process from my csharp app it is excruciatingly slow because I believe the default streamreader ...