
C++ Streams Not Reading Blank Line

Hi, I am trying to write a function that reads in individual lines from a txt file and stores them in a string array. The function works correctly except for when it reads in blank lines. Example: Function ifstream flinput( "somefile.txt" ) string line; while( getline(flinput, line) ) { //Add line to array So the problem is if th...

XOR on streams, reading and writing

My recent turn-on is using BinaryFormatter instead of some database product. I have an idea to write simple 64bit number into hardware dongle, and encrypt my files with it - via simple XOR operation. Just so it can't be readable at some other end. Do I derive from Stream, or what? I know I can simply put that number into the file and...

wrapping MemoryStream in a using

I've been told that System.IO.MemoryStream need not be wrapped in a using block because there is no underlying resource, this kinda goes against what i've always been told about streams ("if in doubt, use a using"). Is this true? Why then does MSDN example use one (summarized below)? using(MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(100...

Copying Stream from XmlTextWriter to a FileStream

I have an HTTP Handler that is binding an XmlTextWriter instance to Response.Output like so... Sub GenerateXml(ByRef Response As HttpWebResponse) Using Writer As New XmlTextWriter(Response.Output) ' Build XML End Using End Sub And now I also want the same XML to be saved to the local hard drive (in addition to being st...

In httpclient what is the most elegant/correct way to turn HttpEntity to a String?

I'm fetching a web page using the Apache httpcomponents Java library. After connecting the result I get is an HttpEntity which has a method getContent() which returns an InputStream and also has a method writeTo() which writes to an OutputStream. I want to turn the result into a String for extracting information. What is the most elegan...

Access denied in SQL 2008 on image write

I have create my code in order to write images in a remote sql server All the details of accessing and writing are fine until now, including the system account right now i'm in the command of: SqlFileStream = New SqlFileStream(filePathName, fileToken, FileAccess.Write) and when i'm trying to execute it the Server returns the error 'A...

StreamWriter sending null messages when closing

I've written a simple chat program to experiment with some basic tcp/socket concepts. For some reason I've found that when I close my writer stream (which I am getting from the TcpClient.GetStream() function) it will send one final null message to my server. To top it all off it doesn't do this if I send one final message over the stream...

Unzipping a file from InputStream and returning another InputStream in Java

I am trying to write a function which will accept an InputStream with Zip file data and would return another InputStream with unzipped data. The Zip file will only contain a single file and thus there is no requirement of creating directories, etc. I tried looking at ZipInputStream and others but I am confused by so many different type...

Multiple streams in wcf

Hi, I am trying upload multiple files using WCF. Since WCF only supports one stream I need to join multiple file streams together on the client and pass this to the service. The files might be huge and cannot be buffered in memory. How do I do this? Please show some code sample if you have. Regards, Rune ...

Read a line from file, using stream style

Hi, I have a simple text file, that has following content word1 word2 I need to read it's first line in my C++ application. Following code works, ... std::string result; std::ifstream f( "file.txt" ); f >> result; ... but result variable will be equal to "word1". It should be equal to "word1 word2" (first line of text file) Yes, i ...

Reading BLOBs from one DB to another

I am trying to move from a mysql set to a postgres one, and one of the fields that I'm having trouble moving is a mysql LBLOB. I am trying to move it into a LargeObject type in postgres and I'm having some speed issues. I'm doing this in Java/Groovy and, frankly, the streaming business has me confused. I've tried two approaches: Hold...

Reading from a file in C++

I'm trying to write a recursive function that does some formatting within a file I open for a class assignment. This is what I've written so far: const char * const FILENAME = "test.rtf"; void OpenFile(const char *fileName, ifstream &inFile) {, ios_base::in); if (!inFile.is_open()) { cerr << "Could...

Fastest way of processing Java IO using ASCII lines

Hello, I'm working with an ASCII input/output stream over a Socket and speed is critical. I've heard using the right Java technique really makes a difference. I have a textbook that says using Buffers is the best way, but also suggests chaining with DataInputStreamReader. For output I'm using a BufferedOutputStream with OutputStreamWri...

How to discard (reset) process.standardoutput in .NET?

Any ideas on how to discard or reset the contents in a Process.StandardOutput, so we can discard the message of the day and any other initial content of a process? ...

How does QDebug() << stuff; add a newline automatically?

I'm trying to implement my own QDebug() style debug-output stream, this is basically what I have so far: struct debug { #if defined(DEBUG) template<typename T> std::ostream& operator<<(T const& a) const { std::cout << a; return std::cout; } #else template<typename T> debug const& operator<<(T cons...

Any tutorial to understand Streams, Buffers and their usage in Java?

I have been coding Java for a while, but I have to admit that I don't get streams, buffers, etc. 100% I have tried to find a good tutorial on the subject that explains the reasoning behind them and their patterns of usage, but I couldn't find any. Only short, isolated snippets that don't help. Is there something out there? ...

Is ASP.NET MVC's FileStreamResult less efficient than writing directly to the Response Output Stream, or am I missing something?

First of all, I love ASP.NET MVC. This question is not a criticism of it. Rather, I want to confirm what I think I see and make sure I haven't missed something. Bear with me ... I can't get to the question without providing a little bit of context. The question has to do with returning data in a Stream in response to an HTTP Post. In th...

How to close the input stream of an IronPython engine executing a script?

I am creating an IronPython engine more or less like so: var engine = IronPython.Hosting.Python.CreateEngine(); var scope = engine.CreateScope(); // my implementation of System.IO.Stream var stream = new ScriptOutputStream(engine); engine.Runtime.IO.SetOutput(stream, Encoding.UTF8); engine.Runtime.IO.SetErrorOutput(stre...

How can I extend std::basic_streambuf to treat any iterable sequence as a stream?

Note: Edited based on responses to receive more appropriate answers. I have a collection of C++ templates that I've made over the years, which I call Joop. It comprises mainly libraries that don't quite fall into the "general-purpose" category but are just useful enough that I keep slapping them into different projects, so most of them ...

How do I download a file in vb .net with a download timeout?

I want to download thousands of files from the web and save them locally. What is the most efficient way? It is important the failures timeout within 10 seconds. Is there a better way to stream one stream into another? Maybe a smaller buffer, like 1024 bytes at a time, is more efficient for large files? Dim w_req As System.Net.HttpW...