
Serializing a WPF Image

I'm trying to understand how image serialization works in WPF. I have the following class: [Serializable] public class TestClass : ISerializable { public TestClass() { } protected TestClass(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { SerializedImage = (byte[])info.GetValue("SerializedImage", typeof(byte[]))...

Java IO (javase 6)- Help me understand the effects of my sample use of Streams and Writers...

BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream("out.txt") ) ) ); So let me see if I understand this: A byte output stream is opened for file "out.txt". It is then fed to a buffered output stream to make file operations faster. The buffered stream is fed to an output str...

using setw with user-defined ostream operators

How do I make setw or something similar (boost format?) work with my user-defined ostream operators? setw only applies to the next element pushed to the stream. For example: cout << " approx: " << setw(10) << myX; where myX is of type X, and I have my own ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const X &g) { return os << "(" << g.a...

disposing streams in Java

In C#, I almost always use the using pattern when working with stream objects. For example: using (Stream stream = new MemoryStream()) { // do stuff } By using the using block, we ensure that dispose is called on the stream immediately after that code bock executes. I know Java doesn't have the eq...

Writing asynchronously on a stream in cocoa

Hi folks I have been trying to find any way for writing asynchronously on a stream in Cocoa. I have a set of events in my applications which will try to send data through the socket but i can't be blocked during this transmission due to design terms. I have tried setting a delegate on the output stream and check the event NSStreamEven...

Getting text data from C++ using JNI through std::ostream into Java

Hi everyone, I have a class in C++ which takes an std::ostream as an argument in order to continuously output text (trace information). I need to get this text over to the Java side as efficiently as possible. What's the best way to do this? I was thinking of using a direct buffer, but another method would be to take all the function cal...

Reading formatted data with C++'s stream operator >> when data has spaces

I have data in the following format: 4:How do you do? 10:Happy birthday 1:Purple monkey dishwasher 200:The Ancestral Territorial Imperatives of the Trumpeter Swan The number can be anywhere from 1 to 999, and the string is at most 255 characters long. I'm new to C++ and it seems a few sources recommend extracting formatted data with ...

Does GUI program need Standard Streams?

I read about standard streams. My understanding is old fashioned programs that don't have GUI need some kind of user interface, too. So Operating System provide each of them with a console window, and the console window's out/input/err stream was mapped to the program's standard input/output/error stream. And thus these programs are call...

how to tell if a stream is closed in C before calling fclose()

I have a failing C program, and i've narrowed it down to a fork()ed child trying to close stdout and stderr, which were closed by its parent process before calling fork() - i assume those streams were passed on to the child process. how can i tell if a stream is closed in C before attempting to close it using something like fclose(stdou...

Checking ignore() for values

When you use ignore() in C++, is there a way to check those values that were ignored? I basically am reading some # of chars and want to know if I ignored normal characters in the text, or if I got the newline character first. Thanks. ...

Serialization over Pipes

I wrote several simulation programs in C++ and want to connect their outputs/inputs with pipes (best solution would probably be to use the C++ streams). For this I would like to serialize some objects (for example the simulations output/input are tensors and matrices). How should I handle this problem? I searched around for some time fo...

What is the difference between a stream and a reader in Java?

Hi, Today I got this question for which I think I answered very bad. I said stream is a data that flows and reader is a technique where we read from that is a static data. I know this is an awful answer, so please provide me the crisp difference and definitions between these two with example in Java. Thanks. ...

Pipe transfer blocks when writing object with small pipe size

Hi everyone, I'm having a bit of problem with an example I'm currently testing. For some reason, the execution blocks when writing at oos.writeObject(new SimpleObject());, despite that fact that the pipe should transfer the data across, even (I'd assume) if it had to do it in smaller operations due to a small pipe size. Anyway, the examp...

how to pass the parameters to the urlconnection in java/android?

hi all, i can establish a connection using HttpUrlConnection. my code below. client = new DefaultHttpClient(); URL action_url = new URL(actionUrl); conn = (HttpURLConnection) action_url.openConnection(); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.setDoInput(true); conn.setRequestProperty("userType", "2"); conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "app...

-[NSCFData writeStreamHandleEvent:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance in a stream callback

Hi everyone, I am working with streams and sockets in iPhone SDK 3.1.3 the issue is when the program accept a callback and I want to handle this writestream callback the following error is triggered " Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: ' -[NSCFData writeStreamHandleEvent:]: unrecognized sele...

How to solve a deallocated connection in iPhone SDK 3.1.3? - Streams - CFSockets

Hi everyone, Debugging my implementation I found a memory leak issue. I know where is the issue, I tried to solve it but sadly without success. I will try to explain you, maybe someone of you can help with this. First I have two classes involved in the issue, the publish class (where publishing the service and socket configuration is ...

Sending STDERR to logger

Im writing a bash-script to perform an offsite backup, using rsync over SSH. I'm able to send STDOUT to logger, for logs via rsync --del -az -e 'ssh -i mycrt.crt' /home/gnutt/backup/ me@offisite:backup | logger -i But I want to send STDERR instead, so if there is a problem, such as that offsite is unavailable, that output should be se...

How to get video and audio streams from web cameras with Java?

How can I get video and audio streams from web cameras with Java (in a cross-platform way)? For example, we have a computer with 3-4 USB web cameras; we want to get their streams and make them visible in the user interface. How can we perform such a thing? I need code for a simple app which would find ALL cameras on the computer and let...

How to use infinit live streams with JAVE library? (Java, ffmpeg)

So I want to use JAVE to save mp3 radio stream to my File system. I have this code for file saving but what shall I do to save a stream (stop on timer for ex) File source = new File("source.wav"); File target = new File("target.mp3"); AudioAttributes audio = new AudioAttributes(); audio.setCodec("libmp3lame"); audio.setBitRate(new Inte...

Some questions about writing on ASP.NET response stream

Hi, I'm making tests with ASP.NET HttpHandler for download a file writting directly on the response stream, and I'm not pretty sure about the way I'm doing it. This is a example method, in the future the file could be stored in a BLOB in the database: public void GetFile(HttpResponse response) { String fileName = "e...