
Insert a trailing space into a SQL Server VARCHAR column

I'm trying to insert trailing spaces into a VARCHAR(50) column and the SQL insert seems to be cutting them off. Here's my code: create table #temp (field varchar(10)); insert into #temp select ' '; select LEN(field) from #temp; Unfortunately, this returns a length of zero, meaning the ' ' was inserted as a ''. I need a blank space to ...

Regular expression to replace period in name portion of e-mail header?

I am attempting to send an e-mail in PHP and the system is rejecting the e-mail because the name portion of the e-mail address contains a period like below: Mr. Joe Nobody <[email protected]> I am looking for an elegant solution to replace all periods that are not part of the e-mail address with either a space or no character at...

C - Copy string into a linked list variable

#define STRLEN 65 /*Create linked list */ struct node { char str[STRLEN]; struct node *next; }; newInput = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); strcpy(newStr, newInput->str); I left the other parts of the code, but it doesnt seem to be copying the string into newInput->str. The string accepted is only 64 bytes. It's just blank when...

How do I modify a single character in a string, in Python?

How do I modify a single character in a string, in Python? Something like: a = "hello" a[2] = "m" 'str' object does not support item assignment. ...

Split string by number of words with python

How do I split up a string into several parts of a number of words in python. For example, turn a 10,000 word string into ten 1,000 word strings. Thanks. ...

Is there a generator version of `string.split()` in Python?

string.split() returns a list instance. Is there a version that returns a generator instead? Are there any reasons against having a generator version? ...

How to determine if all characters in a string are equal.

I need to know if all characters in a string are equal (formed by the same character). the function must return true or false depending if all the elements of the string are equal to an particular char. I wrote this function that works well, but I'm looking for a more optimal (fastest) solution, the strings can have thousands of chars...

Fastest way to replace string in PHP

I need to replace some string in a PHP code to make it look better. What would be the best way to go about that? ...

In Perl, how can I replace only the first character of a string?

I don't know the slightest bit of Perl and have to fix a bug in a Perl script. Given a variable $myvar which contains a string, if the first character is a dot, replace it with "foo/bar". How can I do this? (Bonus points if you can guess the bug) ...

Clojure stripMargin

Scala offers a method called stripMargin that removes the left-hand part of a multiline string up to a specified delimiter (default: "|"). Here is an example: """|Foo |Bar""".stripMargin returns the string Foo Bar Is there a similar function in Clojure? If not, how would you implement it (most functionally)? Thanks. UPDATE: Th...

BASH - Make the first Letter Uppercase

I try to capitalize the first letter in a CSV which is sorted like this: a23;asd23;sdg3 What i want is a output like this a23;Asd23;Sdg3 So the first String should be as is, but the second and third should have a capitalized first letter. I tried with AWK and SED but i didn't find the right solution. Can someone help? ...

VB.NET string manipulation -- caps to only one letter caps

So I have a string "NEW". What is the SIMPLEST way to convert that string to "New". Basically right now I'm doing this: Case "NEW" makes = connector.GetMakesByYear(_AuthorizationKey, "NewCar", CDate(Now), Year) Case "USED" makes = connector.GetMakesByYear(_AuthorizationKey, "UsedCar", CDate(Now), Year) And I would prefer not...

extracting last 2 words from a sequence of strings, space-separated

I have any sequence (or sentence) and i want to extract the last 2 strings. For example, sdfsdfds sdfs dfsd fgsd 3 dsfds should produce: 3 dsfds sdfsd (dfgdg)gfdg fg 6 gg should produce: 6 gg ...

Best way to find a sub string in a string

Hello, I have a problem where I am trying to search for a substring in string. That sub string may or may not be in the string. str = "hello how are you?" substr = "how are" Two ways which I know if can be done are: 1. string.indexOf("how are") 2. regex But, is there any other "optimized" way? What would have you done? Can ruby pr...

In Python, can you have variables within triple quotes? If so, how?

This is probably a very simple question for some, but it has me stumped. Can you use variables within python's triple-quotes? In the following example, how do use variables in the text: wash_clothes = 'tuesdays' clean_dishes = 'never' mystring =""" I like to wash clothes on %wash_clothes I like to clean dishes %clean_dishes """ pri...

Replace\remove character in string

Hello, string DelStr = "I! am! bored!"; string RepStr = "10/07/10" I want to delete all '!' on DelStr and I want to replace all '/' with '-' on the RepStr string. Is there any way to do this without doing a loop to go through each character? ...

How to reverse values in a string in T-SQL

Using T-SQL, I'm trying to find the easiest way to make: "abc.def.ghi/jkl" become "abc/def/ghi.jkl"? Basically switch the . and / Thank you ...

How could these case conversion functions be improved?

As a learning exercise, my three functions—ToggleCase, LowerCase and UpperCase—each expect a pointer to an ASCII char string, terminated by the null character; they work as expected. Are there more efficient or faster methods of accomplishing this task? Am I breaking any unspoken rules of good C coding? I've made use of macros because...

How do you split a string into word pairs [php]?

I am trying to split a string into an array of word pairs in PHP. So for example if you have the input string: "split this string into word pairs please" the output array should look like Array ( [0] => split this [1] => this string [2] => string into [3] => into word [4] => word pairs [5] => pairs please ...

Regex get parts of string that do not match pattern

I am learning regex (, and trying to figure out how to match the part of the following string that is not: a word containing a q that is not followed by a u. I've gotten this far, but cannot figure out how to reverse it properly. This regex is successful in finding the word. Now, I just need to figur...