I'm trying to define a path at compile time by passing:
on the compile line. I then try to get use this in the code like:
char * ptr_path;
strcpy(ptr_path, DCROOTDEF);
char *pftf=ptr_path;
I am wondering about the benefits of having the string-type immutable from the programmers point-of-view.
Technical benefits (on the compiler/language side) can be summarized mostly that it is easier to do optimisations if the type is immutable. Read here for a related question.
Also, in a mutable string type, either you have thre...
I am currently working on a project that dynamically displays DB content into table.
To edit the table contents i am want to use the dynamically created "string"+id value.
Is there any way to retrieve the appended int value from the whole string in javaScript?
Any suggestions would be appreciative...
What's the right way to check for equality between Strings in Javascript?
i need to set a string equal to this in vba. how do i do it?
Hi there,
I have the following HTML code:
<P>Notes: Mails: <BR> 1. <A href="mailto:example@mail.com">example@mail.com</A></P>
and of course when I try to pass it to string it gives me error:
string s = "<P>Notes: Mails: <BR> 1. <A href="mailto:example@mail.com">example@mail.com</A></P>";
Is ...
Possible Duplicate:
How to handle diacritics (accents) when rewriting 'pretty URLs'
I want to replace special characters, such as Å Ä Ö Ü é, with "normal" characters (those between a-z and 0-9). And spaces should certainly be replaced with dashes, but that's not really a problem.
In other words, I want to turn this:
en r...
i have a list:
a = ['a','b','c'.........'A','B','C'.........'Z']
and i have string:
string1= 's#$%ERGdfhliisgdfjkskjdfW$JWLI3590823r'
i want to keep ONLY those characters in string1 that exist in a
what is the most effecient way to do this? perhaps instead of having a be a list, i should just make it a string? like this a='abcdefg...
I've a temperature conversion program as an assignment, which I've completed. The program has many printf statements in it which print the temperature. Now the negative temperatures are printed the way I want them but the positive temperatures are printed without a leading + sign.
Now what is the best way to get printf print a leading ...
I would like to select only one class from severals with the condition that the selected class has any div-descendant with the id "#exampleId".
I thought something like this could work, but it didn't:
The second problem: I have to get rid first of the hash "#".
because the String (#exa...
What I would like to script: a PHP script to find a certain string in loads of files
Is it possible to read contents of thousands of text files from another ftp server without actually downloading those files (ftp_get) ?
If not, would downloading them ONCE -> if already exists = skip / filesize differs = redownload -> search certain st...
I'm creating a browser-based form verification script that checks if the input doesn't have any uppercase characters according to Unicode Standards. My definition of an uppercase character is a character that has a lowercase mapping. If a certain character in the input string doesn't have a lowercase or uppercase mapping (like chine...
I want to set the users clipboard to a string in a Java Console Application. Any ideas?
I know this is simple, and I've done it before, but I've forgotten how to do it.
How might I, in php, subtract the first letter of a string?
For example:
FOOBAR would become OOBAR
I think its something like $string[-1];
Christian Stewart
Why it is possible to do
const string exclam = "!";
const string str = exclam + "Hello" + " world";
And not possible to do this :
const string exclam = "!";
const string str = "Hello" + " world" + exclam;
I know (although can't understand why) that it is not allowed to do :
const string str = "Hello" + " world" + "!";
as it wil...
how to split <p><span>Hello</span></p> to <span>Hello</span> using javascript
var text = "<p><span>Hello</span></p>";
remember:I don't know what contain <p>, I don't know if <p> has any attribute or not
I found the answer !
var patt=/^<p.*?>(.*)<\/p>$/i;
var result=patt.exec(text);
thank's ring0 & w3schools
I have a string like this:
And I need to convert it to a hex value like this:
How would I do it?
This is what achieved, help please:
in pageload
string toexport;
toexport = RenderControl(panelmain);
ImageFormatConverter imgc = new ImageFormatConverter();
System.Drawing.Image convertedimage;
convertedimage = (System.Drawing.Image) imgc.Conver...
I have one string as string1= this is my name.
In string 1 find "is" i.e. Find string= "is"
replace string= "was"
final op=this was my name. Explain with c language.
Bloch said: Provide Programmatic Access to All Data Available in String Form.
I am wondering if he means to override toString() which should involve 'all data available'?
I think the 'in string form' means that the string is for human reading, so override toString() is enough for the advice. Am I correct?