How do I convert from stringstream to string in C++?
How do I convert from std::stringstream to std::string in C++? Do I need to call a method on the string stream? ...
How do I convert from std::stringstream to std::string in C++? Do I need to call a method on the string stream? ...
Is there a way to substring a string in Python, to get a new string from the 3rd character to the end of the string? Maybe like myString[2:end]? EDIT: If leaving the second part means 'till the end', if you leave the first part, does it start from the start? ...
I'm just trying to get a grip on when you would need to use a hash and when it might be better to use an array. What kind of real-world object would a hash represent, say, in the case of strings? ...
I'd like to do this: MyClass mc = MyClass("Some string" << anotherString); Thanks for your answers, I have decided to re-write this question based on what you've told me, as it's gotten a little messy. Eventually, I read C++ format macro / inline ostringstream, and decided to use a macro, as it's not really possible to do this using a...
I have a long string and I need to find instances of '#!#'+some text+'#!#' right now I have: string.replace(/(#!#*#!#)/g, function (m) {....}); I need the whole thing passed into a function like that so that I can replace them correctly. However, I want m to only be equal to what lies between the two #!#..I want this part....
I'm trying to center a string drawn with a ""system", Font.BOLD, 90" font in Java. I've tried (width/2 - (font.size/2 * num_of_chars)) but that didn't work. g2d.setFont(new Font("system", Font.BOLD, 90)); g2d.drawString("Pause", (int) ((800/2) - ((Font.getSize()/2) * 5)),270); ...
In my new code I am not using strings to pass directory paths or file names. Instead I am using DirectoryInfo and FileInfo as they seem to encapsulate a lot of information. I have seen a lot of code that uses strings to pass directory information then they "split" and "mid" and "instr" in long incomprehensible statements until they get...
. . . as in this example: helloworld.rb:1: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting $end :helloworld = "hello ".concat("world") I thought if I use concat I'm modifying the string "hello " and adding "world" to it and then ultimately assigning the resulting string - "hello world" - to the :helloworld symbol on the left side of the equal...
x = "hello" " world".to_sym puts x.class This works and allows me to concatenate the two strings into a symbol, producing the output: Symbol But if I change it slightly to use a + instead of a space separating the hello and world strings, I get an error: x = "hello" + " world".to_sym puts x.class This produces the following e...
I am seeing if it's worthwhile creating a reference showing how to do common things in multiple programming languages. Please list below the command that you would use to achieve the following in your chosen programming language: String Replacement examples: PHP: mixed str_replace ( mixed $search , mixed $replace , mixed $subject [,...
I would like to write a function GetHashCodeOfList() which returns a hashcode of a list of strings regardless of order. Given 2 lists with the same strings should return the same hashcode. ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList() list1.Add("String1"); list1.Add("String2"); list1.Add("String3"); ArrayList list2 = new ArrayList() l...
There are different ways of creating dynamic strings in C (with length that constantly changes). After some google search, the main way of doing this is to use realloc(). A way I implemented this is using linked lists with 32 bytes chunks for each node. I was wondering if there are better ways of tackling this apart from using realloc...
If I write something like this: string s = @"...."......"; it doesn't work. If I try this: string s = @"...\"....."; it doesn't work either. How can I add a " character to a multi line string declaration in C#? ...
I am trying to find some examples but no luck. Anyone knows some examples on the net? I want to know what it returns when it can't find, and how to specify from start to end, which I guess is gonna be 0, -1. ...
i want to open a notepad from php file and the notepad should contain the text which i declare as string in php file. essentially a notepad should open with the text I pass from php file. ...
I know there are plenty of upper() methods in Java and other frameworks like Apache commons lang, which convert a String to all upper case. Are there any common libraries that provide a method like isUpper(String s) and isLower(String s), to check if all the characters in the String are upper or lower case? EDIT: Many good answers abo...
I am looking for a hashing algorithm that produces a 31/32 bit signed/unsigned integer as a digest for a utf8 string with the purpose of using the output for seeding a prng, such as a Park-Miller-Carta LCG or a Mersenne-Twister. I have looked into FNV1 and FNV1a, but they provide very close values for similar strings differing in their ...
How to get the filename without the extension from a path in Python? I found out a method called os.path.basename to get the filename with extension. But even when I import os, I am not able to call it path.basename. Is it possible to call it as directly as basename? ...
Hi all I have been trying to write a C program which generates all possible permutations of a string (eg 123 in code below). I succeeded but it generates some garbage values after each possible permutation. Please help me in finding the possible cause. Is it something to do with initialization? Code: #include <stdio.h> void permute(c...
Hi all, Given a seed string, I want to find its neighbors with at most differ in 2 positions. All the digits involve in generating string are only four (i.e. 0,1,2,3). This is the example for what I mean: # In this example, 'first' column # are neighbors with only 1 position differ. # The rest of the columns are 2 positions differ See...