
accessing parent class inherited variable in subclass in PHP

I have made a class in php which is goind to be inherited by another class in the other folder. when i put echo $this->protectedvariableofclass; //in subclass function it gives no value remember my base class is stored \class\user.php sublass is stored as \model\model_user.php Please help me out Thanks in advance Base Class in \class\...

UIImageView subclass with CGRectIntersectsRect - help!

The title of this question should be pretty self explanatory. I am making an app that involves multiple UIImageViews that serve the same purpose. They are merely different sizes. Anyway, I decided that the best solution was to make UIImageView subclasses, link the subcalsses in IB, and work from there. My code should explain this be...

breakpoint inside QComboBox subclass not working

I have subclassed QComboBox to customize it for special needs. The subclass is used to promote QComboBoxes in a ui file from QtDesigner. Everything works except that when I put a break point in a slot, the program does not stop at the breakpoint. I do however know that it is being called from the result it generates. I checked other slot...

Subclass of View constructor not being called

Hi all, I'm subclassing Android's view class, but whenever I make an instance of the view from another class, the constructor never gets called (or so it seems). I've implemented both public myclass (Context context) and public myclass (Context context, AttributeSet, attrs) I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Do I need to override...

C++ How to deep copy a struct with unknown datatype?

hi, i have a "data provider" which stores its output in a struct of a certain type, for instance struct DATA_TYPE1{ std::string data_string; }; then this struct has to be casted into a general datatype, i thought about void * or char *, because the "intermediate" object that copies and stores it in its binary tree should be able to...

Inheritance of class variables to a subclass

I'm having a huge nightmare with these subclasses and I can't figure out why this isn't working. I have main class BODY with a subclass RECTANGLE. BODY has a function called SetWorld which does the following function BODY:SetWorld( worldnum ) = worldnum end Now, if I do this: rect = RECTANGLE:new() rect:SetWorld(1)...

Objective-C subclass and base class casting

I'm going to create a base class that implements very similar functions for all of the subclasses. This was answered in a different question. But what I need to know now is if/how I can cast various functions (in the base class) to return the subclass object. This is both for a given function but also a function call in it. (I'm work...

How to process signals in a Qt subclass?

How do I process a signal of in a subclass? Let's say my subclass is derived from QTextEdit and is interested in the signal textChanged. It seems silly to connect an object to itself, I should be able to simply override the textChange method -- but it isn't virtual. What is the accepted way to do this? ...

Making a circular NSSlide look and behave like in GarageBand

I am new to drawing with Cocoa, and I am making some software which will have sliders similar to these found in GarageBand: These look beautiful and can be controld by moving the mouse up and down. Can you help me with customizing NSSliders by subclassing them, so I can make them look and behave exactly as in GarageBand? Thanks. I...

Subclassing an NSTextField

Given all the complex things I seem to cover every day, this appears to be a "what the heck am I doing wrong that seems to simple?" scenario! I would like to subclass an NSTextField to change the background color and text color. For simplicity sake (and to help anyone who hasn't ever subclassed anything before), here is the example of m...

How to create multiple windows with the same nib file in xcode

I have an iphone app that uses table view as the interface. Each time that the user taps on one of the table cells, I want to show another window to the user. However the user interface of the window that I push into the navigation controller are extremely similar. Therefore I decided to make a "generic nib file" to be used across all th...

For Linq Select Statement, how to construct a SubClass in a general way at run time?

The fake code is: public class ParentClass { decimal quantity, decimal price } IQueryable<ParentClass> parents; //SonClass is created at run time //SonClass has some extra property, such as amount=quantity*price, which is defined by a string at run time IQueryable<SonClass> sons=parents.Select(p=>new S...

JAXB marshalling declared parent class vs. actual runtime subclass

Hi, I'm using JAXB to marshal a class that has an instance variable that's declared as class Foo. At runtime that instance variable is set to an instance of a subclass of Foo, let's say FooBar. There are basic JAXB annotations on both class Foo and FooBar. The XML output shows that an instance of Foo is being marshaled instead of Foo...

How to properly extend Java FilterOutputStream class?

I would like to roughly monitor the progress of a file upload. I know that I can override the MultipartEntity and make the writeTo(OutputStream out) method write to a FilterOutputStream class that I created to wrap the default InputStream. For full details on how I did that, see my answer here. However, upon closer inspection this coun...

Django Inheritance and Permalinks

Hi, I'm creating a simple CMS in django, with multiple "modules" (each as a django app). I've set up the following models: class FooObject(models.Model): id = models.SlugField(primary_key=True) name = models.CharField(max_length=255) creator = models.ForeignKey(auth.models.User, editable=False, related_name="createdby") cl...

mxml inheritance in Flex. how works "instanceof" and "is"?

Hi2all! Earlier i used following structure: Canvas -> Screen1 Canvas -> Screen2 When I feel need in common logic in my application I do next: Canvas -> Screen Screen -> Screen1 Screen -> Screen2 So when I try to apply it in my code if(child is Screen){ return child.localToGlobal(new Point()).x; } It is not works! When I see ...

Fluent nHibernate - DiscriminateSubClassesOnColumn with multiple tables?

I've been trying to wrap my head around subclasses and joined subclasses in Fluent nHibernate for a few days now without making any sort of headway. I've looked at the wiki but it doesn't seem to give me enough information, and googling returns me old results that uses depreciated code or are seemingly unrelated. I just want a simple...

Subclass Cocos2D MenuItem with Objective-C

Hello. I'm using a CCMenu in my small project, it has three buttons in it. I need these buttons to keep triggering if they detect a touch, and as this isn't normal behaviour I decided to subclass the CCMenuItem and override a couple of methods. The two methods I wish to override are: -(void) selected { // subclass to change the de...

Get class type in shared objective-c method?

In Objective-C there is the Alloc/Init metaphor. They've also added a shared convenience method called 'new' that internally just calls both in succession. And if I create a subclass of NSObject called FooClass, FooClass picks up those shared methods, including 'new'. BUT... how the heck is that implemented?? It can't simply delegate...

Java inheritance, anonymous inner class instance member, android callback method

I'm doing this in the context of Android, but my problem is understanding Java. I'm somewhat new to both, so hopefully I'm using the correct terminology here. I've got a number of sub-classes inheriting/extending from my super class (an Android Activity extension) called SuperActivity. I've also defined another class type called Netwo...