
Use a subclass object to modify a protected propety within its superclass object

Sorry for the crappy title I failed to think of a better version for my Java question. I am right now using Java version: 1.6.0_18 and Netbeans version: 6.8 Now for the question. What I've done is created a class with only one protected int property and next I made a public method to Set the int property to a given value. Then I made a...

In C#, how do I check if a type is a subtype OR the type of an object?

To check if a type is a subclass of another type in C#, it's easy: typeof (SubClass).IsSubclassOf(typeof (BaseClass)); // returns true However, this will fail: typeof (BaseClass).IsSubclassOf(typeof (BaseClass)); // returns false Is there any way to check whether a type is either a subclass OR of the base class itself, without usin...

how to map SubclassMap and HasManyToMany in Fluent NHibernate

Hi everyone. My problem is fluent nhibernate mapping a many to many relationship, they end up referencing a non existent Id. public UserMap() { Id(x => x.Id); Map(x => x.Name); Map(x => x.Password); Map(x => x.Confirmed); HasMany(x => x.Nodes).Cascade.SaveUpdate(); HasManyToMany<Node>(...

I want a function to return an instance of the subclass it's invoked from

I want to have a function defined in a superclass that returns an instance of the subclass that is used to invoke the function. That is, say I have class A with a function plugh. Then I create subclasses B and C that extend A. I want B.plugh to return a B and C.plugh to return a C. Yes, they could return an A, but then the caller would h...

Java: Superclass to construct a subclass on certain conditions, possible?

I have this condition public class A { public action() { System.out.println("Action done in A"); } } public class B extends A { public action() { System.out.println("Action done in B"); } } when I create an instance of B, the action will do just actions in B, as it overrides the action of the su...

subclass UINavigationController and initialization complicaton

I need to subclass UINavigatonController. In my subclass, I overwrite the init -(id)-(id)initWithRootViewController:(customViewControllerA*)rootViewController { if(self=[super initWithRootViewController:rootViewController]) { ...initialzation block.... } } I am surprise to discover when executing [super initWithRootV...

Perl - Calling subclass constructor from superclass (OO)

This may turn out to be an embarrassingly stupid question, but better than potentially creating embarrassingly stupid code. :-) This is an OO design question, really. Let's say I have an object class 'Foos' that represents a set of dynamic configuration elements, which are obtained by querying a command on disk, 'mycrazyfoos -getconf...

Reflection: cast an object to subclass without use instaceof

I have this simple interface/class: public abstract class Message { } public class Message1 extends Message{ } public class Message2 extends Message{ } And an utility class: public class Utility { public void handler(Message m){ System.out.println("Interface: Message"); } public void handler(Message1 m){ Syste...

Is it possible to use inheritance in this situation? (Java)

I have ClassA and ClassB, with ClassA being the superclass. ClassA uses NodeA, ClassB uses NodeB. First problem: method parameters. ClassB needs NodeB types, but I can't cast from the subclass to the superclass. That means I can't set properties which are unique to NodeB's. Second problem: When I need to add nodes toClassB, I have to ...

Passing dependent objects to a parent constructor in Scala

Suppose I have the following class heirarchy: class A() class B(a:A) class C(b:B) class BaseClass(b:B, c:C) Now I want to implement a subclass of BaseClass, which is given an instance of A, and constructs instances of B and C, which it passes to its superclass constructor. If I could use arbitrary expressions, I'd do something like ...

Use Automapper to flatten sub-class of property

Given the classes: public class Person { public string Name { get; set; } } public class Student : Person { public int StudentId { get; set; } } public class Source { public Person Person { get; set; } } public class Dest { public string PersonName { get; set; } public int? PersonStudentId { get; set; } } I want...

Mixing table per subclass and per hierarchy in hibernate

In my database there are two three tables. The first one, table ABSTRACT, holds three columns id, type, someText This table contains all abstract information for the abstract class abstract. Now the two tables CONCRETEONE and CONCRETETWO contain all information for the concrete classes concreteOne and concreteTwo. Now I know I could ...

"Overriding" instance variables in subtype: Possible risks?

Say I had a class SuperClass and two subclasses SubClassA and SubClassB that inherit from SuperClass. abstract class SuperClass{ ... List someList; ... } class SubClassA extends SuperClass{ ... List<String> someList; ... } class SubClassB extends SuperClass{ ... List<Integer> someList; ... } That way...

C# Initialize Subclass based on Parent object

So basically I have this public class Ticket{ public TicketNumber {get; set;} ..a bunch more properties... } I want to add some properties using a subclass like this using subsumption instead of composition. public class TicketViewModel(Ticket ticket){ //set each property from value of Ticket passed in this.TicketNumb...

Forward event from custom UIControl subclass

My custom subclass extend UIControl (EditableImageView) Basically it contains 3 subviews: UIButton (UIButtonTypeCustom) UIImageView UILabel All the class works great but now I want to connect some events generated from this class to another. In particular when the button is pressed I want to forward the event to the owner viewcontro...

Hibernate multi column discriminator

I have a single lookup table that manages all lookups - legacy and new lookup table structure is context,name, code, value context is either legacy or new name is the name of the lookup - state, status etc...for example code is the code and value is the value associated with the code Is there a way to specify multiple columns as discri...

Subclassing UIButton but can't access my properties

Hi, I've created a sub class of UIButton: // // DetailButton.h #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <MapKit/MapKit.h> @interface MyDetailButton : UIButton { NSObject *annotation; } @property (nonatomic, retain) NSObject *annotation; @end // // DetailButton.m // #import "MyDetailButton.h" @implementation MyDetailButto...

What's my best approach on this simple hierarchy Java Problem?

First, I'm sorry for the question title but I can't think of a better one to describe my problem. Feel free to change it :) Let's say I have this abstract class Box which implements a couple of constructors, methods and whatever on some private variables. Then I have a couple of sub classes like BoxA and BoxB. Both of these implement ex...

Howto extend SomeActivity to relocate e.g. onCreateOptionsMenu?

Hi everyone, I know this should be fairly simple but I don't get it anyhow. I've got an Activity (let's call it XyActivity) which has gotten pretty long. Therefore, I'd like to relocate some overriden methods to a subclass (let's call it XyOptions). Looks like that: public class XyActivity extends Activity { XyOptions xyOptions; ...

Giving another object a NSManagedObject

Alright, so I'm running into an issue with my code. What I have done is subclassed UIButton so I can give it some more infomormation that pertain to my code. I have been able to create the buttons and they work great. Capiche. However, one of the things I want my subclass to hold is a reference to a NSMangedObject. I have this code ...