
How to set up Django app to make cookies work on subdomain

Hi, I have deployed my application on (it works only on that one subdomain). Everything works fine except the fact that from time to time users cannot log in to application (the message "Looks like your browser isn't configured to accept cookies. Please enable cookies, reload this page, and try again" is shown when ...

HTACCESS: *.subdomain.domain.tld redir to subdomain.domain.tld/*

Hi guys, sorry for the vague question title. But anyways, I have here a subdomain which i wish to pass on wildcard sub-subdomains and make a proper htaccess redirect to a sub-folder (relative to the server root) equivalent to the wildcard value such that *.subdomain.domain.tld will redirect to subdomain.domain.tld/* where * = wildca...

need to remove www from 2nd level subdomain generically in Apache (using rewrite)

I have the problem but with many subdomains: E.g.. and and and many many more like this. How do I remove the www from in front of any of these with one generic rule. E.g. if someone types or to change it to Thanks ...

Create subdomain - IIS7

Hi, Maybe some one can help me understand why i can't create sub domain. My site is working fine for and but when i added to the bindings i can't reach to that address for some reason. i read a post here that someone mention the app.config handler setting but i don't know what. than...

Setting up Subdomain-Fu in Production Environment?

I'm using the popular subdomain-fu for subdomain functionality in my Rails app. I've watched the Railscast and read everything I could find through google. In the dev environment, you need to manually add the available subdomains to the /etc/hosts file. I get that. But how does this work in production? This seems to be considered ...

Problem with merging wildcard of subdomains with wildcard of few sub-subdomains

Hello! I have EHCP installed because it's simple and helpful on server with few FTP accounts and websites. It's testing only server. Problem is: I can access *, * but * isn't working. My config's are: a) Apache template: #______start of {domainname}paneluser:{panelusername}...

ASP.NET MVC MOBILE Controller Route to Subdomain

I currently have an ASP.NET MVC application that exists. I want to add a small mobile friendly section to the site. I want to keep it extremely simple and integrate into my project. Then on Home/Index check if the are mobile, then forward them on to the Mobile Controller ( H...

What is the correct value for SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN if my Django site is set up on a subdomain?

Hi, I have constant problem with cookies on my Django site which is set up on a subdomain. It works for a couple of days, then message 'your browser doesn't accept cookies' appears on a login page. I need to restart my web server to make it work for a couple of next days and this cycle repeats. This is really frustrating. I am not sure...

Detect language and redirect to subdomain on Symfony

Hi, I'm using Symfony 1.2.7. My web is in several languages, each of one is in a subdomain like, If the user enters into, I want to redirect him to his language. I also want to have support and redirect to and so I can test every...

PHP: Move file from domain to subdomain

Hi guys, I have a site on a domain, let's call it "", where people can log in. This domain has a subdomain When the user uploads a file on the main domain, I want to move it to the uploads folder on The folder I want to move the file to has full write/read privileges. My code that upload...

How to make Authlogic sessions work for all subdomains

When a user logs into my site at, I want him to be logged in when he visits How can I accomplish this? (I'm using subdomain-fu if relevant) ...

Google Analytics... pretty easy question about tracking subdomains

Hey folks, This is barely even a question, I'd just like someone to confirm this for me! :) Google Analytics has generated my tracking code for the subdomain A line of the tracking code looks like this: _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '']); Do I need to change to The tracking code p...

RewriteEngine: subdomain to index.php, how?

Days later I asked about redirecting dynamic directories to index.php, and I got this code that works perfect (it's the only code I have in .htaccess): RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule (.*) index.php This translates urls like http://mydomain.example/dynamicdir/ to http:...

Wordpress, why doesn't my blog load the posts if U use the /subfolder domain method?

I have a blog at amongst others. If I try to access it from it loads the blog but says it couldn't find the page I wanted. How do I fix this so I can use either? ...

Regex to match Domain.CCTLD

Does anyone know a regular expression to match Domain.CCTLD? I don't want subdomains, only the "atomic domain". For example, doesn't get matched, but does. However, this gets complicated with stuff like, CCTLDs. Does anyone know a solution? Thanks in advance. EDIT: I've realized I also have to deal with...

Get domain without subdomain from a URL

What is the proper way to get the domain from a URL without the subdomains? In Java, from a string you can make a new URL(urlString) and call getHost() on the URL, but you have subdomains with it. The problem is because there can be hosts like: and There are several other of these two part dom...

Copying cookies from main domain to subdomain

My application has a userspace which used to be accessed by a url like, but I am in the process of converting that to using subdomains instead ( However, I am running into an issue that I'm hoping someone might have an idea of how to get around. Currently, visitors to a user's site get a cookie ...

retrieve subdomain as a get variable

Hi guys I'm setting up mywebapplication to give unique urls for users such as, etc. I want to be able to in a php script grab the subdomain part of the url. Would be nice if I can get it as a GET variable - I think it can be done with htaccess. Any ideas? ...

htaccess for subdomain

I need a .htaccess file: the file will rewrite rule for: will be rewritten as: will be rewritten as: will be rewritten as: ...

Disable Google Anayltics cookie from being sent to cookie less domain

To optimize my site i have set up a static subdomain for content such as images, css and javascript. How do i stop the google analytics tracking cookie from being sent to my static subdomain, but still to both and Have already looked through some of the documentation with no luck ...