
Wordpress htaccess in root overriding htaccess in subdomain. Subdomain app not working now.

Hello, We have a WP install in the root of our server and its running great.. but, we just installed another app in a subdomain. Now, I can view the index.php of that app but cannot do anything with it.. the htaccess rules in the root (from WP base install) are effecting the requests. So, how to I eliminate the WP htaccess file from eff...

Mixing .htacess wildcard and cpanel pointed subdomains gives 500 internal server error for any subdir of the pointed subdomain

On my site, I've got Wordpress in, I've got a search engine on, and I've got subusers on a wildcard with a script in a subdirectory to work out what to serve, based on the subdomain. In cpanel, I have, for the subdomain redirect: * /mydomain /mydomain/find in...

"Subdomain" after my website name

Is there a way to create (dinamically) a kind of subdomain that goes between my website domain and the .com? For, for instance, would be something like: ...

changing selenium domain/subdomain within cucumber scenarios

So, I have a Rails webapp that utilizes subdomains for separating the admin functionality from the public functionality using subdomain-fu. So there is functionality(that I want to test!) contained within two urls(eg and I want some scenarios to run against the admin domain, and some against the www d...

Disable apache catch-all subdomain

Hi, I have a problem with my apache2 configuration and I hope someone here can help me. There is one server with one IP and a few domains. should have /var/www/ as DocumentRoot should have /var/www/ as DocumentRoot should have /var/www/blog.d...

HTML5 localStorage restrictions and limits

HTML5's localStorage databases are usually size-limited — standard sizes are 5 or 10 MB per domain. Can these limits be circumvented by subdomains (e.g., and all have their own 5 MB databases)? And is there anything in the standard that specifies whether parent domains can access their chil...

Why insert static files ( css, images, js, ecc ) in a subdomain ?

Why so many big and little sites inserts static files ( css, images, js, ecc ) in a subdomain like or ? What are the advantages ? Why not just a directory like ? ...

Logging into subdomain with the same credentials in

Hello friends, I have a portal say ''. I have another portal say ''. Could someone tell me how I could use the same login credentials to login into the subdomain? Thanks for sharing your time. ...

Subdomains on Windows Azure

Hi, I've got a Windows Azure project I'm working on. It has two web roles - one is a public-facing site, and the second is an administration site for my customer to make changes to the database etc. I had expected to be able to use a subdomain for each role - so for example have and (obviously CNAME-mapped ...

Subdomain forwarding using .htaccess

I want to redirect a praticular subdomain to the main domain http(s):// to http(s):// How to achieve the above using .htaccess Why i want to do this: Whenever any user download a file from my server, if the file is huge , then user cannot do any other operation until the file is downloa...

Apache/Django subdomains problem

Now I have apache configuration which works only with localhost domain (http://localhost/). Alias /media/ "/ścieżka/do/instalacji/django/contrib/admin/media/" Alias /site_media/ "/ścieżka/do/plikow/site_media/" <Location "/"> SetHandler python-program PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE...

$this->url() to another subdomain

Hello, I created subdomain for my application. host_www.type = "Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Hostname" host_www.route = "" host_www.defaults.module = "default" host_www.defaults.controller = "index" host_www.defaults.action = "index" store_infos.route = "storeinfos/:store" store_infos.defaults.controller = "store" sto...

PHP Session shared with subdomain

I have read many forums (including this one) about passing session variables between subdomains, and I can't get this to work. Can someone explain what I am missing? Step 1 In the php.ini file: session.cookie_domain = "" Verified with phpinfo() that I am using the right php.ini file Step 2 In page at set...

AJAX, Subdomains and the 200 OK response.

A non-hypothetical but abstracted situation: I have a domain, from which I'm making an AJAX POST to Examining the XHR object, I see a response header of 200 OK, but no response text - I even get a response 12B long, which is the exact response (a 12-character string) that I'm expecting - but the response text ...

How can I setup a svn subdomain so I can checkin/out without using svn+ssh?

I have a svn repository on my hosting account at ~/repository/. At the moment I have to create ssh keys to my server for users to checkin/out from the repository using a command like "svn+ssh://". This is fine when there were 2 of us using the repository but now I have other people that might be doing work on the...

Subdomain URL Rewriting and Web Apps

So a lot of web apps have the customer choose their own subdomain, ie Presumably, every subdomain works off the same set of files and the unique subdomain is perhaps stored as a session object. So how does the URL rewriting work? If someone goes to, you have to rewrite their unique address to a...

What is the recommended approach to add static subdomains to a website?

I would like to create a few static subdomains like: in a rather small website and would like it to point to the folder: without showing such redirection in browser address bar. What is an easiest way to achieve it? I can do it in either IIS settings,, C# code, etc I ...

Subdomain to folder htaccess

I am trying to point to*sub, but the farthest I can get is making it a redirection and I do not want it to redirect. Here is what I have, it works but it redirects it instead of staying on the subdomain, which is what I want. RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*) RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.exampl...

User chooses own subdomain, so URL rewriting?

I know we set up the DNS so all subdomains point to our server and configure IIS to respond to every subdomain. I'm looking to know how to rewrite the URL so that each account uses the same set of files and they still browse at that subdomain. Our application isn't written in MVC, so I cant rewrite to At ... MVC How to run multiple instances of the same app at the same time in different subdomains? MVC How to run multiple instances of the same app at the same time in different subdomains? I have a dozen or so subdomains. and the folder structure like this \website\sub1 \website\sub2 If i need to run the same app for all of the subdomains, what would be the best appoach? Host is in t...