
vertical navigation that shows hidden submenu on click using JQuery

Hi, I am trying to make a menu that works like the one on this flash site: When I click "portfolio", only then to the subnavigation links reveal themselves. Right now I have only managed to get a typical vertical "reveal subnavigation on hover menu" working. What is required is that once the appropriate menu item...

add width li's to parent ul

i would like to calculate the width of the li's for each submenu en then put in the ul element. example <ul> <li>level 1</li> <li> <ul style="widht:??;"> // total width li's added here 70px <li>level 2</li> // width of this li 20px <li>level 2</li>/ width of this li 50px </ul> </li> <li>level 1</li> <li>level 1 <ul styl...

Create submenu with Zend Navigation

Is it possible to create a submenu in Zend Navigation? At this time i've got this in my application.ini: resources.navigation.pages.indexHome.label = "Home" resources.navigation.pages.indexHome.controller = "index" resources.navigation.pages.indexHome.action = "index" resources.navigation.pages.indexLogin.label = "Login" resources.navi...

How to add sub menus to the ContextMenu control in Silverlight 4?

I have the following piece of XAML code: <controlsInputToolkit:ContextMenuService.ContextMenu> <controlsInputToolkit:ContextMenu Height="75" Width="200" IsOpen="False" Visibi...

Mouseover submenu broke

Hi! I had a mouseover submenu working very nicely on my site (so nicely in fact that it was working exactly right in Chrome, IE 7 & 8, and FF), but now it's broken somehow and I can't see the problem. Here's the CSS: .MainMenu { width: 90% !important; min-width: 800px; height: 42px !important; padding: 0 0 0 10%; o...

Figure out nested submenu selections in wxPython?

Let's say in a larger submenu structure with a depth of 3 levels, I have selected 'car' in the first level, 'type' in the second, and 'suv' in the third and last level. Is there any way I can figure all these three selections in my def OnPopupItemSelected(self, event) method? I hope I have made myself clear enough, if not, please add a ...

android onOptionsMenuClosed not being called for submenu

I want to be able to automatically unpause my app when the user exits from the options menu. (unless, of course, they have selected pause...) Handling it onOptionsMenuClosed works fine for the top level menu but is not called for a submenu. The higher level onPanelClosed does not appear to be called either. I can detect when they enter...

Android Open Menu from a button

Is there a way for a button to call a submenu? I currently have a menu where if they select one of the options it opens a submenu, however I want to be able to start the submenu from the Button widget instead of the Menu object. \ Thanks! ...

menu control css based on childitems

Hi I need to set the css on some menu items on its hover based on whether they have childitems or not. "Home" "Manage Customer" "Manage Employee" "Customer List" "Employee List" "Customer Detail" "Employee Detail" The sample menuitems are shown above. I want "Home","...

error C2065: 'MIIM_STRING' : undeclared identifier

While Trying to create a Menu to SubMenu using InsertMenuItem: MENUITEMINFO mii = { sizeof(MENUITEMINFO) }; mii.fMask = MIIM_SUBMENU | MIIM_STRING | MIIM_ID; mii.wID = uCmdID++; mii.hSubMenu = hSubmenu; mii.dwTypeData = _T("Net&Work Drive Solution"); // InsertMenu ( hmenu, uMenuIndex, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_POPUP, // (UINT_...

Can't find file

Hi! I'm working on a custom menu system in that populates a horizontal menu on the fly based on which menu item is selected from the website's main menu. This 2nd menu is populated from a custom XML file in the website's root directory. (See for det...

Submenu not showing - overflow hidden??

Hi, my problem is that I got 3 submenus in the third nav named "Productos", but they are not showing. I think maybe the error got something with the jQuery plugin kwicks... making it overflow:hidden; I'm kinda new so I will appreciate your help ^^ Here is the link to the website Edit: I remove the kwicks and I can see the submenu b...

How to slideUp (hide) children divs in JQuery?

Ok, let's say I have a navigation system constructed in nested divs and I want to show sub-menu divs (and sub-sub-menu divs) when I do a mouseover on the menu div AND hide sub-menu divs (and sub-sub-menu divs) on a mouseout, or more precisely, when I mouseover a different menu div. What would be the best way? So far, here's what I've g...

JPopupMenu bug/glitch(?) when showing submenu

Hi, I have this strange bug with my popup menu. It happens rarely and seemingly randomly. The problem is when I have a submenu in my JPopupMenu - when I select the submenu, main menu disappears and the submenu is painted incorrectly (it's like the buffer of main menu is painted over the submenu). I can still navigate it using keyboard. ...

OOP - PHP not working correctly

I am not sure what I am doing wrong, I have try and looked everywhere but nothing I do is working I am using the following code. - I know it is a little long, but if you have time could you please have a look. The issue part is <?php for ($a=0; $a<count($subresults); $a++) { echo '<li id="subcategory"><a id="nav" href="#/'.str_repl...