
Can't get JSF input field value on JAVA backend

Hello. I have following UI part on JSF - it's simple search form with input field and submit: <h:form> <h:commandButton action="#{operation.found}" value="#{}" /> <h:inputText name="searchParam"/> </h:form> And correspondingly, on backend, i attempt to get value of input field next way: public List<Store> getFound() ...

IE8 cache ajaxSubmit

I am using the following function to do a image upload/display The Target is the div where I am updating the content that is returned from the form function. I wanted ajax so I don't have to reload the whole page just to upload and see previews of the image. I upload a image, display it into the preview, I crop it, and do another funct...

How Do I Prevent Enter Key Submit in jQuery?

I'd like to either simply swallow an Enter key press in <input> fields or else instead substitute Tab key presses. I haven't yet decided which is best. How can I do this in jQuery? I've got this so far: $(document).ready(function(){ ... //handle enter key $("input").keypress(function (e) { var k = e.keyCode || e.w...

What should the action return when submitting multiple forms in an MVC app?

I have a form with multiple tabs. Each tab has its own <form>, defined like this: <% Using Html.BeginForm("Save", "FirstSection")%> I've got a master Save button that submits all the forms on the page like this: $("form").each(function() { $(this).submit(); }); The problem is that I don't know what each Save action should return: ...

Issue with jQuery form plugin

hi, I'm using the jQuery form plugin to call a function before submitting the form. This function call google geocoder service, that finds the coordinates of an address, and set the value of a hidden coordinates field in the form. It seems that the form is submitted before the beforeSubmit callback finishes. Is that normal? Isn't the fo...

Issue with Django form when submitted using jQuery form plugin

hi, when submitting my form using jQuery form plugin, the request received by the target view is different than that received when the form is submitted in the standard way (with no javascript), and my Django template does not render as expected. When submitted in the standard way, the template renders the form errors (the "form.[field_...

jQuery; Submit Form if Required Fields Filled in and Other Combinations Are True

Hello. I have a form with dozens of fields. Some are required, some are not. With the fields that are required, I have added class="required" to the item I found this snippet of code and was wondering how to adjust it $('#form').submit (function() { if(formValidated()) return true; return false; }); I only want to submit the...

How to set values displayed after submit using PEAR QuickForm?

Let's say I've got form like this: $form = new HTML_QuickForm('Novinky'); $defaults = array('text' => ''); $form->setDefaults($defaults); $elements['text'] = $form->addElement('textarea', 'text', 'Text', array('cols'=>55, 'rows'=>10, 'id'=>'text')); $form->addElement('submit','save','Save'); if (isset($_POST[save])) { if ($form->v...

ASP.NET catch the submit action

Hello, I'm a super beginner ASP.NET developer. I read that on every submit the request parameters are being populated to the controls and instead of reading the "Response.Form[]" parameters I can read the input parameters from the control itself. Are there any events that I can catch all the submits before and after the magic happens...

How do I submit a "file" input without submit button with JavaScript?

There is a way to automatically submit a form without clicking to a "submit" button? I have a form with one "file" input. I would submit the form after the user have selected one file. ...

ASP Button (Command vs Submit)

I want this to be a command button not a submit button, so that when the user presses the "Submit" button is "clicked". ASP Code: <asp:Button CommandName="StartButtonName" CommandArgument="soo" CausesValidation="false" ID="StartButton" Text="..." Visible="false" runat="server" OnClick="StartButton_Click" /> Generated HTML co...

show / hide submit button

HOWTO? show submit button only if one or two needed inputs are filled with a value but if you remove on of the needed values, the submit has to disappear. should be done with keyup i think. any idea? ...

jquery autocomplete submit issues in Mozilla

Hi, I am implementing jquery autocomplete to show a list of products in a drop down and be able to search on it. In IE, when a user starts autofill and scrolls down to a suggestion and prett "Enter" key, it just select the item and focus remains on the search box. In mozilla, when user scrolls down on auto fill and presses enter key, i...

Is it possible to submit a form in without any server controls

Hai guys, I had this doubt for a long time now. Now being a part of stackoverflow i ve decided to ask it... Consider form without Runat="server" and it contains two html text boxes and a html button all without Runat="server", now my is it possible to submit this form and i have to insert the values in my DB... ...

jQuery AJAX submit form

I have a form with name orderproductForm and an undefined number of inputs. I want to do some kind of jQuery.get or ajax or anything like that that would call a page through Ajax, and send along all the inputs of the form orderproductForm. I suppose one way would be to do something like jQuery.get("myurl", {action : document...

using Jquery to automatically submit form

hi guys I am trying to submit a form by using jquery automatically after page load $(function(){ $("input[name=name]").val("somename"); $("input[name=email]").val("[email protected]"); $('#aweberform').submit(); }); Both the name/email value can be seen to get populated on the form. But the submit event wont triggered. Any one here that ...

disable submit button when javascript is disabled

I have a form which needs javascript to be enabled for validation, is there a way to disable submit button when javascript is disabled and warn user to enable it first ? ...

php remove button keeps retreiving posted information

Hi every1! im quickly finding im quite the beginner to php, so please bare with me! I have a quick problem, I have a remove button for a shopping cart and the code works for it everytime except for the last product thats in the cart. If a person pushes the addtoCart button the URL is reloaded with ?buyproduct=$productNumber and when the...

IN jquery UI tabs us a form and using ajax submit it

I have used a jquery UI tabs plugin in my page and in one of the tab i have put a form. SO for example , the tab calls a page form.php which has the form tag of html. Now form.php uses ajax and jquery to submit the form. Does this sound feasible. $(document).ready(function(){ $("form#formdata").submit(function() { ...

submit form with delay while entering data into input field

I have a simple form that I need to submit automatically when text is entered. I can use the onChange or onKeyUp without the best result. HTML is: <form action="" id="fusionSearchForm" method="post"> <input type="text" class="std_input" id="fusion_searchText" /> </form> And jQuery jQuery("#fusionSearchForm").keyup(function(...