
I'm having a problem with unsigned data types iwith SubSonic 3 and MySQL

Hello, I know others have "found" the issue an indeed I know where the issue is but it would be nice if the fix was posted as per the second link.

Subsonic template for SQLite is incorrect

The SQLite.ttinclude (for VB) should have tbl.Schema=""; in the LoadTables procedure, otherwise the will not compile Running transformation: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: objectToConvert at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.ToStringHelper.ToStringWithCulture(Object objectToConvert...

SubSonic 3.0 exception "'Public member 'ChangeTypeTo' on type 'Decimal' not found."

When saving a row that has an integer primary key following exception is thrown in the VB version: 'Public member 'ChangeTypeTo' on type 'Decimal' not found.' This happens in ActiveRecord.VB file : Public Sub SetKeyValue(value As Object) Implements IActiveRecord.SetKeyValue If value IsNot Nothing AndAlso value IsNot DBNull.Value T...

Why does Subsonic create a class for my CoreData table as CoreDatum?

As the question says... does Subsonic not like the word Data so it changes it? ...

Subsonic 3 - Passing null value to stored procedure parameter

Using Subsonic is it feasible to pass a null value to a stored procedures parameter? If so, what is the appropriate way? Details Say I have an sp where one of the parameters has a default value like: CREATE Procedure Test_SPWithNullParams( @p1 int=null, @p2 varchar(50) ) AS SELECT 1 as Stuff Then in my code I want to...

Subsonic 3 Class Library & Winforms App Null IDataProvider BUG

I have got a class library project and a winforms app. Everything is getting geerated fine and my Winforms app references the class library but as soon as I run it and try to retreive data it comes up with dataprovider is null. The one thing to note is that I do not have a app.config in my Winforms app only in the class library. Do I ...

how about run Subsonic version 2 and 3 together ?

Dear friends Today I compile subsonic version with different namespace (as subsonic3) and place it together with subsonic version 2. Also create all files (for both versions, in different dlls) for my database with success, and make simple tests, and seams that everything works perfect. This is my simple test code, and you can see 3 ...

SubSonic 3.0 Multiple Where clause with inner joined tables

Hi, everyone. I am getting a error with following code (C# with SubSonic 3) (Korisnik == User && Uloga == Role) dbPupinDB db = new dbPupinDB(); SqlQuery query = db .SelectColumns( KorisnikTable.IdKorisnikColumn, KorisnikTable.UsernameColumn, KorisnikTable.EmailColumn ) ...

SubSonic3 Update Question

Is it possible to do something like this in SubSonic3? _db.Update<Product>() .Set("UnitPrice") .EqualTo(UnitPrice + 5) .Where<Product>(x=>x.ProductID==5) .Execute(); I would need something lik this: UPDATE Blocks SET OrderId = OrderId - 1 WHERE ComponentId = 3 But in SubSonic3 ...

How to use Scaffoling from SS2 in SubSonic 3.0?

Hi, I just started using SubSonic ver 3.0 and I am not able to find sufficient info on the scaffolding feature. I understand scaffolding is included in version 2.x but can be used with 3.x also. My question is, what do I have to include in my SunSonic 3.x ActiveRecord project, what to reference and what to add to the web.config /

On subsonic3 How to get the name of a field from a table, and the max length, type etc

How to get the string-name of a field from a table on subsonic 3? On subsonic version 2 I use the TableName.columns.Field Also in subsonic 2 I have the opportunity to get the max length of a string field. How can I do that on subsonic 3 ? Thank you in advanced. ...

SubSonic 3 and MySQL, removing underscore from column name in CleanUp() method causes exceptions when using property in linq-query.

I've run into a problem when using SubSonic 3(.0.0.3) ActiveRecord with MySQL. Since MySQL doesn't allow you to use uppercase letters in table or column names (or rather disregards it if you do) I decided to separate words using underscores, e.g. entity_id, and then use the CleanUp() method to add title casing and remove the underscores...

VS2008 T4 Subsonic Error on DBs with many tables System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException

At a consulting assignment they are using Subsonic 3.x (latest) which uses the T4 Code Templating Engine (rather than CodeSmith like 2.x did) When we run it on our DBMS that has ~ 1 thousand tables we run into an error generating the Structs.cs file. T4/Subsonic generates fine on smaller DBs.... An Exception was thrown while running th... MVC and Subsonic 3 installation

I am new to Subsonic3. Want to create a project using MVC and subsonic 3. I am not sure how to install subsonic3 in my web application? Is there any installer available for subsonic so that i can find " MVC Subsonic 3" project type while creating new project? Any best pattern to create subsonic3 with MVC? thnx ...

Subsonic MVC Template and Code Generation

hi, I am using Subsonic MVC Template from;can=2&amp;q= Here is a folder named [Code Template] which contains the .tt files for generating views and controllers. But that is giving me error "MvcTextTemplateHost not found" I want to generat...

Subsonic 3.0 MVC and paragraph control.

I have a subsonic 3.0 MVC site. Is it CMS based? if yes how can i use subsonic's paragraph control. If its not CMS based then from where i can get it? the subsonic 3.0 on does not contains the CMS? ...

how to use paragraph control in subsonic 3.0 MVC?

How can i use paragraph control to edit the paragraphs in subsonic 3.0 MVC??? ...

SubSonic All() with user specified connection string

When I try to do something along the lines of var myTableAll = myTable.All(connectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient"); var count = myTableAll.Count(); // this works foreach( var record in myTableAll ) { DoSomething(record); } // this throws an exception the excpetion is thrown because it is looking for the database connection str... + subsonic Auto Generate MetaData Classes from TT

hiya Not a question but i dont have a blog and i have just created a new subsonic TT file that will generate the Metadata classes automatically for the subsonic classes so you can skip out some work when using dataAnnotation and CreateForModel etc so the first step is to amend your ActiveRecord.TT with the following using System.Com...

How can I automate the t4 code generation for SubSonic

Hi all, I'm using SubSonic 3 (ActiveRecord mode) to generate the code for my DAL. It uses T4 templates (.tt) files that as soon as you save, generate the code for you. I want to automate this as part of my NANT build, but I can't get this to work. I know that MS provide a tool called TextTransform to generate the code from T4 templates...