
MySQL concat question

Hi guys! I am somewhat mystified by concat and joins in MySQL 4. Here's where I am having an issue. I have two tables... person id, fname, lname, city, state, zip capital state, city I am needing to generate all states and the number of persons (from the person table) from each. Something like .... AK | 5 AL | 7 AZ | 0 etc et...

PHP Summarize any URL

Hey guys, How can I, in PHP, get a summary of any URL? By summary, I mean something similar to the URL descriptions in Google web search results. Is this possible? Is there already some kind of tool I can plug in to so I don't have to generate my own summaries? I don't want to use metadata descriptions if possible. -Dylan ...

Collapse summary block in visual studio 2010

I have been asking Mr Google about how I shall do if I want my block to be collapse but not the code block. I write my code in C#. ...

Getting (a) title (b) summary and (c) relevant images of web page, a la Facebook status updates

Did you ever submit a link in your Facebook status? When you do, they do something very nice: They get a title, summary, and bunch of relevant images from that page, and you can choose one of them as thumbnail. I need something like that right now. Is there any open-source piece of code that does this? (It needs to be in Python because ...

MsiGetSummaryInformation always returns invalid parameter error

Hello All, I am trying to set the Template property in the Summary Information Stram but whatever I do, it fails. I can read the property from the handle but can't write it back. I want to generate multilingual copies of the MSI which is built (candled and light) in English. I am able to replace all the respective translated data in all...

Any one know of any good log summary/monitoring tools

I'm looking for a (preferable) opens source tool that gives me daily/hourly summaries of log files. It have multiple log files on multiple machines and I would like a email every day with a list of all the error for each of these. Does anyone know if there is something like that out there. We had one at my previous Job but it was built i...

Classify or cut dataframe by list of class range and summarize it with ddply

I have question about ddply and subset. I have dataframe df like this : df <- read.table(textConnection( " id v_idn v_seed v_time v_pop v_rank v_perco 1 15 125648 0 150 1 15 2 17 125648 0 120 2 5 3 18 125648 0 100 3 6 4 52 125648 0 25 4 ...

SQL: Expand 1 Column into 3 on Summarize Table

I'm writing a program that displays products and the stores at which they can be located. So far, I've been able to write an SQL query that displays data as follows: Product Availability Milk Store1 Candy Store1 Eggs Store1 Milk Store2 Eggs Store2 Candy Store3 Eggs Store3 Is there any SQL qu...

How can I set the android preference summary text color?

On my preference screen I have a preference that when clicked opens a color picker dialog. What I would like to do is when the user selects a color, that the text summary of the preference is displayed in that color. I know I can have the summary set up like this, Currently <font color="#ff0000">this color</font> and have it display in...