
Is there a way to force svcutil.exe to ignore SSL certificate issues?

I need svcutil.exe to generate a proxy class for me, but the problem is that the web service can be accessed only via HTTPS and the SSL certificate is self signed. How can I force svcutil.exe to ignore this issue? ...

How do I export metadata for a single contract with svcutil.exe?

I have two ServiceContracts implemented as interfaces. I want to export the metadata for only one of them. The trick is that both interfaces are implemented by the same class. Therefore, I don't think that I can use /excludeTypes. Please include example syntax when answering. Thanks! EDIT: A co-worker recently asked me why this is ...

SVCUtil or WSDL batch processing

I was given a set of 170 WSDL files which I need to convert to C# class files. Is there any way to batch process this? ...

svcutil fails against service with a fault contract

We have a WCF self hosted service which we have been developing for awhile. As part of our standard we have defined a FaultContract which we apply to operations. Recently we needed to add a new ServiceContract so we did that and added a simple method (void/no params) to it. Once we added this contract though SVCUtil would no longer ge...

C# and WCF - svcutil not generating wrapper correctly for string[]

Hi, I have a class in a wcf service for representing a set of invalid parameters, [DataContract(Namespace = WebServiceNamespace.WsNamespace)] public class InvalidParameterFault : FaultBase { public override string GetReason() { return Resources.OneOrMoreParametersInvalid; } [DataMember] ...

WSDL handling practices for external service

I have a project where it's dependent on Oracle Hosted web services (not WCF). I have a copy of the WSDLs for the services and their correlated XSDs. What is the proper way of generating the proxies and datacontract assembly for this? I started with XSD.exe /c /language:CS user.xsd For each of my xsds. This generate a bunch of class...

Svcutil.exe MSBuild Task

Is there a task in MSBuild to execute svcutil.exe? Or is there a definitive wrapper task somewhere? ...

ASMX service parameter (type string) has null value when invoked from WCF client

I am trying to consume an existing ASMX service using WCF with a BasicHttpBinding. I used SvcUtil to get me started and just extracted the contract definition interface and the config in to my project leaving all default configuration values as generated by SvcUtil. The following is what I have currently: Contract: <ServiceContract()> ...

Excluding WCF FaultContracts using SLSvcutil (or svcutil)

Hi guys, Basically, I have a silverlight 2 client (hence my use of SLSvcutil) that needs to access a WCF service. Anybody know how I can prevent SLSvcutil.exe from decorating OperationContracts with FaultContractAttributes? I'm running SLSvcUtil against a WCF service who's operations are all decorated by Faultcontracts. Unfortunately...

Control over wcf proxy class name generated using svcutil.exe

Is there a simple command line switch or a trick to renaming the generated class name when running svcutil.exe to generate a client proxy? ...

Errors/Warnings using svcutil.exe to create proxy classes for several WCF services

I'm writing a .NET 3.5 app and have control over both the WCF service and client. I'm using svcutil to generate proxy classes for my services, combining several services since they share data types. svcutil /out:ServiceReference.cs /noconfig /namespace:*,Global.ServiceReference /tcv:Version35 http://localhost:12345/first.svc http://loc...

svcUtil error 'SchemaLocation' must successfully resolve if <redefine> contains any child other than <annotation>.

I am trying to generate a proxy from a 3rd party wsdl and xsd files. I am calling svcutil like so: svcutil *.wsdl *.xsd /language:C# It returns this error: 'SchemaLocation' must successfully resolve if contains any child other than . There is only one element in all the files, and it's schemaLocation attribute points to another f...

I want to add the date to my log file

Log files can get very big, very fast if you log wcf calls and messages. I want to split up the log files by date. I can write my own tracelistener but i prefer some constant in the log if that is possible. Something like this <sharedListener> <add initilizeDate="SomeLogFile{TODAY}.log" this would output a log file like this : SomeLo...

How can I make WCF talk to this web service?

This is a follow up of this question. As suggested by @Benjamin here, I am trying to add a service reference for my wsdl now (in stead of a web reference). Here is the url to the wsdl in question: The problem is that Visual Studio generates an empty codefile: //------------------...

SvcUtil doesn't generate TransactionFlowAttribute

It seems that using svcutil will not generate the TransactionFlow attribute. Looking at the generated class, we see that it is missing. Is there a fix for this ? EDIT: more info, I'm running svcutil against a dll to get the metadata and then run svcutil /t:code against that metadata for code generatino. I've notice that running ...

Alternative to SvcUtil.exe?

I have been wrestling with SvcUtil all day, trying to get it to generate useful code for some IMS Enterprise Services (primarily Group Management Service, but there are others we need it to work for as well.) You can find the IMS service WSDL's here I have come to the conclusion that SvcUtil is a...

SvcUtil.exe Generate multiple wsdl files

I've made a project in Visual C# 2008 Express with several interfaces with a service contract. I generate a WSDL from this using the scvutil.exe tool. All this works perfectly: I get a nice and working WSDL file. However I would like the tool to generate separate WSDL files for the different interfaces. Now it puts everything together in...

How to generate client-side code for multiple WCF services with shared types

I have multiple WCF services that share some data contracts and need to generate client-side code using svcutil.exe. I've run into errors using two most obvious ways to do this and need some help. But first, here are the services: [ServiceContract( Namespace = "" )] public interface IFooService { [Operati...

Why does SvcUtil create a Channel interface that derives from IClientChannel

When you create code from a WSDL file using SvcUtil.exe, among the many types created is an interface that derives from both the service interface and IClientChannel. If, for example, the created service interface is called IMyService, it also creates this interface: public interface IMyServiceChannel : IMyService, System.ServiceM...

Generating .net webservice proxy with svcuril without SoapAuthHeader in method signature

The generated webservice proxyclass for a none wcf .net webservice added an SoapAuthHeader object to every method signature. This is somewhat undesired, since the webservice has no security implemented and the additional argument is unused. Formerly the webserviceproxy was been generated by Visual Studio but since we want to share types...