
Why is an XSD element of type s:date becoming a string when generating a Service Reference?

I'm trying to create a new Service Reference from a WSDL and all of the properties I expect to be DateTimes are instead strings. For example, this xsd definition for Contact: <s:complexType name="Contact"> <s:sequence> <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Address" type="tns:Address" /> <s:element minOccurs="...

How to handle xs:any in WCF Data Contract

scratching my head on WCF ... I've got XML messages where the children of could be anything, e.g. <Test1Root> <CaseNo></CaseNo> <Activity></Activity> <DataFields> <AccountRef></AccountRef> <PropRef></PropRef> <User></User> </DataFields> </Test1Root> I've handled this in BizTalk using the xs:any for the <xs:...

How to get metadatas of soap service which require log in ?

Hello I am trying to get metadatas of a service which require log in with svcutil.exe. How can i do that ? ...

SvcUtil.exe creating its own class name for service contract implementation class - WCF

Hello I've written a WCF service and hosted in IIS 6.0. When i try to create the proxy using the following command svcutil.exe /language:cs /out:MyProxy.cs /config:app.config /a http://serviceurl it is creating its own class name in MyProxy.cs. Why is that? I was trying to step in to the service for debugging and i was not able to ...

How to specify CppCodeProvider on command line of svcutil.exe?

I am trying to use svcutil to generate managed C++ code from XSD. The command line I am using is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin\xsd.exe" MyTest.xsd /classes /language:"Microsoft.VisualC.CppCodeProvider7, CppCodeProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" /namespace:MyTestApp ...

svcutil.exe - Error: Cannot import wsdl:portType

Hello, I have to integrate several existing webservices in my .net application. But unfortunately, invoking the svcutil tool results in an error with the message: Microsoft (R) Service Model Metadata Tool [Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Communication Foundation, Version 3.0.4506.2152] Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserve...

Unable to generate wsdl file with methods having type generic collection Datatype.?

I have a web service which has a method with parameter of type Collection( of Byte). When i try to generate the proxy using the wsdl command but the datatype gets converted to single dimensional Array of Bytes. So i thought of creating the wsdl file which will have the type as Collection(of byte) using Add as Service Reference, but even...

WCF svcutil Error: Cannot obtain Metadata from locahost

I've been looking around the questions here to see if anything similar was addressed already. I've yet to find a solution so hopefully someone can help out and point me in the right direction. I have a service and I can successfully navigate to the svc page on my localhost. https://localhost/WebSite/UploadService/UploadService.svc Thi...

wsimport try to resolve by namespace

Is it possible for wsimport to ignore "import" tags in wsdl that are http-linked to some XSD files and insted use XSD files provided next to the wsdl file?. I know svcutil is able to do so. ...

How to export metadata from a running WCF service.

Hello, I wish to send the service metadata of a running WCF service to a third party developer, so he'll be able to create a proxy on his end. At the moment the service is accessible from my local machine only. ...

Why doesn't the /reference option to svcutil.exe work?

I'm attempting to use svcutil.exe to generate -only- the service contracts (interfaces) from a set of .wsdl files. When I do this (from an http-hosted wsdl), it picks up the included schemas and generates all the code for them. Great. What I would REALLY like to do, however, is to use a set of classes already generated from the schema ...

Error generating proxy class via svcutil.exe. Referenced type only valid for encoded SOAP

I'm trying to generate proxy classes via svcutil.exe for a 3rd party web service using their WSDL. However, when I run svcutil.exe on the WSDL I get the following error, which then cascades down to other elements in the file causing no code to be generated. Warning 2 Custom tool warning: Cannot import wsdl:portType Detail: An excepti...

WCF "Always generate message contracts" does not generate MessageContract

I'm importing a WSDL as a service definition (inbound to my service), and for whatever reason the client is formatting the request such that WCF cannot deserialize it without the proxy classes having MessageContract decorations. I've gotten it to work this way by adding the MessageContract attribute on the main container class, which ...

SVCUtil "update service reference" equivalent command parameters

Hey. I want to update service references in a Visual Studio 2010 solution by using SVCUtil because this solution has several projects and it's not good to get references refreshed one by one. I'd like to know your point, because I've to be sure I'm going to execute exactly same command than one done by Visual Studio 2010, or even if Vi...

Multiple XSD files with same entities defined

Hi, Thanks for any help, We have two XSD files, both of them shares some same entities and some others different. Note that the one with differences are called differently. We want to generate C# code that can Serialize / Deserialize those entities, without ending up with two entities that share the same name and same content in two ...

Reference Shared Silverlight Assembly with slsvcutil.exe

I have several WCF services being consumed by different Silverlight applications. I am currently using slsvcutil.exe with a pretty standard setup to generate my Silverlight proxy objects: "%ProgramFiles%\microsoft sdks\silverlight\v4.0\tools\slsvcutil.exe" http://myhost/MyService.svc?wsdl /out:Proxy.cs /edb /namespace:"*,My.Namespace" /...

SvcUtil and 'System.Xml.Linq.XElement' cannot be converted to 'System.Xml.XmlElement' compiler error

I always recieve the above error when I generate a proxy class for my service using SvcUtil. The service is exposing a property that is of System.Xml.Linq.XElement type. The SvcUtil generates a System.Xml.XmlElement type property unfortunately. On the other hand if I'm using Add Reference in VS to generate the proxy class, everything's o...