
A good machine learning technique to weed out good URLs from bad

Hi, I have an application that needs to discriminate between good HTTP GET requests and bad. For example: # BAD # GOOD My system can make a binary decision about whether or not a URL is good or bad - but ideally I would...

Issues in Convergence of Sequential minimal optimization for SVM

I have been working on Support Vector Machine for about 2 months now. I have coded SVM myself and for the optimization problem of SVM, I have used Sequential Minimal Optimization(SMO) by Mr. John Platt. Right now I am in the phase where I am going to grid search to find optimal C value for my dataset. ( Please find details of my project...

Calculating Nearest Match to Mean/Stddev Pair With LibSVM

I'm new to SVMs, and I'm trying to use the Python interface to libsvm to classify a sample containing a mean and stddev. However, I'm getting nonsensical results. Is this task inappropriate for SVMs or is there an error in my use of libsvm? Below is the simple Python script I'm using to test: #!/usr/bin/env python # Simple classifier t...

Nominal Attributes in LibSVM

When creating a libsvm training file, how do you differentiate between a nominal attribute verses a numeric attribute? I'm trying to encode certain nominal attributes as integers, but I want to ensure libsvm doesn't misinterpret them as numeric values. Unfortunately, libsvm's site seems to have very little documentation. Pentaho's docs s...

SVM Visualization in MATLAB

How do I visualize the SVM classification once I perform SVM training in Matlab? ...

Off the shelf discriminative reranking software

Is there existing software for discriminative reranking, such as that used by the Charniak NLP parser, Shen, Sarkar, and Och's parser or Shen and Joshi's techniques? I'd like something that I can easily adapt for my own uses, which are similar to parse reranking. ...

Save PyML.classifiers.multi.OneAgainstRest(SVM()) object?

I'm using PYML to construct a multiclass linear support vector machine (SVM). After training the SVM, I would like to be able to save the classifier, so that on subsequent runs I can use the classifier right away without retraining. Unfortunately, the .save() function is not implemented for that classifier, and attempting to pickle it (b...

How to figure out optimal C / Gamma parameters in libsvm?

I'm using libsvm for multi-class classification of datasets with a large number of features/attributes (around 5,800 per each item). I'd like to choose better parameters for C and Gamma than the defaults I am currently using. I've already tried running, but for the datasets I'm using, the estimated time is near forever (ran ...

How to compute the probability of a multi-class prediction using libsvm?

I'm using libsvm and the documentation leads me to believe that there's a way to output the believed probability of an output classification's accuracy. Is this so? And if so, can anyone provide a clear example of how to do it in code? Currently, I'm using the Java libraries in the following manner SvmModel model = Svm.svm_train(...

Which machine learning library to use

I am looking for a library that, ideally, has the following features: implements hierarchical clustering of multidimensional data (ideally on similiarity or distance matrix) implements support vector machines is in C++ is somewhat documented (this one seems to be hardest) I would like this to be in C++, as I am most comfortable with ...

HostOnly and GuestOnly PMC bits supported on AMD Family 0x10h CPUs?

My company develops a hypervisor, and this question concerns use of AMD's SVM (Secure-Virtual-Machine) API. I'd like to track exactly how many instructions have executed in my guest operating system in a given period. AMD has kindly provided so-called "HO" and "GO" or "HostOnly" and "GuestOnly" bits in the PerfEvtSel MSRs (0xc0010000.....

least squares svm in matlab

Which ls-svm toolbox can use in matlab? Which implementation do you recommend? ...

Example of 10-fold SVM classification in MATLAB

Hi, I need a somehow descriptive example showing how to do a 10-fold SVM classification on a two class set of data. there is just one example in the MATLAB documentation but it is not with 10-fold. Can someone help me? ...

SVM Multiclass text classification

Hi I want to classfy News data set and training data are classified with IPTC subject code(Hierarchical classification). In my project I should use svm . I have done all of feature extraction ,stemming,removing stop word ... I almost have the file format required for svm multiclass : which is like: category feature:value feature:...


Hello, ist it possible to do a 10-fold cross-validation with svmmulticlass or do I have to implement this manually? Thanks in advance, ...

What is the OpenCV svm type parameter

The opencv SVM implementation takes a parameter labeled as "SVM type" which must be used in the CVSVMParams structure used in training the SVM. All the explanation I can find is: // SVM type enum { C_SVC=100, NU_SVC=101, ONE_CLASS=102, EPS_SVR=103, NU_SVR=104 }; Anyone know what these different values represent? ...

A few implementation details for a Support-Vector Machine (SVM)

Hello, In a particular application I was in need of machine learning (I know the things I studied in my undergraduate course). I used Support Vector Machines and got the problem solved. Its working fine. Now I need to improve the system. Problems here are I get additional training examples every week. Right now the system starts trai...

In OpenCV, what is the svm.predect parameter returnDFVal?

I am using openCV but I can't find anything in the documentation about what the parameter returnDFVal means in the predict method for support vector machines. Does anybody else know? ...

Making predictions from a CV

I have a database with many CVs, including structured data of the gender, age, address, number of years of education, and many other parameters of each person. For about 10% of the sample, I also have additional data about a certain action they've made at some point in time. For instance, that Jane took a home loan in July 1998 or that...

Need an SVM implementation or a JAVA library

Hi guys. I have a data set with 2400 samples and 10,000 features. All the data is binary (+1 or -1). I need to run it past an SVM algorithm so I could compare my algorithm to it. However, I know not much about SVMs or which package to use. I tried reading about to so I could implement one, but it's way over my head, and I need to get fro...