
AS3/Flash Builder: Conditional Metadata Tags?

I'd like to be able to have my SWF compile to different sizes based on whether I'm debugging or creating a final build. Is there a way to accomplish this in Flash Builder? I'm using the [SWF] metadata tag to format my SWF. My initial impulse is to create some sort of logic around said tag, but I've a feeling that won't work. Thanks in...

How to stop image tearing with scrolled externally loaded SWF files in Flex?

I am loading a large number (50 - 500) of swf files into a viewer that scrolls them horizontally. Each of the swf files is loaded into a container (internally it is Hbox(Canvas(SWF)), and this is done to allow overlays on top of the swf (which works fine)). Each of these containers is then loaded into an Hbox, and then that hbox is set...

Flash Player hijacked by Mac .app publish - any help?

I published my Flash AS3 game as a Mac app and now any swf opened runs my game concurrently behind the intended swf! Any idea what happened, or how to fix? I have been selling these games, but haven't had any support issues relating to this, so I think it's a local problem...? ...

load .swf file quickly at client side !!!

Any tips or methods(encryption, plugins etc) to load flash files (i.e. swf) as quickly as possible at the client side ??? consider files size is between 5MB - 10MB.... ...

Some Flash SWF files not loading at my server

EDIT: See my comment. Hello. I just saw that some (only some) flash files (games) aren't loading in my website, but are in other servers. Most of the files do work. For example: (External) http://jogolandia.uol.com.br/arquivos/games/sokobones.swf (My Server) http://www.plugb.com/files/games/sokobones.swf It is the same file, but do...

DIV containing a SWF

Hello, I have a tag to include add a SWF but I would like around it to control it's size. I have something like the following: <div style="left: 852px; top: 596px; width: 30px; height: 20px;"> <embed align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" allowscriptaccess="always...

Embed about 90 images in the flash.

I have about 90 images which I need to embed into action script (version 3). The only way I could figure out is typing the following code 90 times for each image. [Embed(source="images/door0091.bmp")] private var Door1:Class; var door1:Bitmap = new Door1(); It's really painful to write it so many times. I would like to know if...

mxmlc/fcsh ignoring [SWF(width="550", height="400", ...)]

I'm compiling an .as file using fcsh, which uses it mxmlc. I use the following shell: mxmlc /Users/johannesjensen/Desktop/Doodler.as -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries=true But when I get the .swf on my desktop it's dimensions are 500x375 and framerate is 24 when I told it that it needs to be 550x400 and framerate needs to be 12...

Flash Builder Export to Web Server / Browser-based swf

I am trying to export a .swf for view in the browser. Here's what happens: The .swf works by itself (i.e. double click to run it), webcam prompt, webcam image loads The .swf does not work inside the browser. Webcam prompt comes up - black screen after. I've selected "HTML wrappers" in build/compile settings. Loaded up the html in the...

Running Flash files (.swf & .html) in a Firefox sidebar

I'm developing a Firefox extension that runs a local Flash object (SWF and HTML files). I'm new to extension development so I followed a few web tutorials to run a simple Hello World application in a new window in Firefox. The test extension was simply a popup window that opened when you selected it in Tools menu. All in all, I know tha...

Can't call Flash (Swf) method from Javascript within QWebView

Hello, everybody! I have: Swf-file, that a) makes one of its method available to the outer world through ExternalInterface.addCallback; b) calls predefined outer world method through ExternalInterface.call; html-page, where this Swf-file resides. There are two javascipt methods in this html: one for calling Swf-published-method and on...

How do Change swf file dimension in html....?

Hi guys... I just built a flex applcation with AS3 only.. the generated swf will expand as much as browser's window..I wish to reduce the dimension of swf file...any ideas?? Thanks.. ...

How to set Stage width and Height in pure AS3 project..

Hi guys.... I was wondering if there are ways to set the width and height in a pure AS3 project...I appreciate any help....Thanks ...

How to create fixed size swf in pure AS3 only

Hi guys,,, I was wondering if there are anyways to get the fixed size swf file when I build my AS3 only project in Flex environment. I can't use scaleMode="noScale" since my swf is very small. I don't want it expand it to full browser winder either. Are there anyways to do it? Thanks for the help! ...

Merge FLA files or Loading a swf file on another swf

I have two FLA files, call them MAP.fla and ANI.fla, that I have to merge. One way I tried was to load the ANI.swf in MAP.swf during runtime using the normal way of doing it, using Loader and URLRequest. However, when I try to run it, flash detects errors about methods I have included in ANI.swf. I do know that the Loader and URLRequest...

Loading swf and using it through interface

I've created simple swf with interface: public class Test extends MovieClip implements ITest { public function Test() { Security.allowDomain("*"); Security.allowInsecureDomain("*"); } public function speak(str):String { trace(str); return "yeah"; } } ITest: public interface IT...

Is it possible to handle shockwave objects in flash?

Hi everyone, I want to know, Is there any way to handle or control the shockwave objects in flash by using 'as3'? I know this is possible in 'Director' by using 'Lingo'. But I am not able to find any way or any articles from where i can get some idea about this. In the director, I've seen there is way to set some properties like camera ...

external swf load into main swf

I need to load exteranal swf into my main swf into a dispay object in this main swf. how do it? i like to play gta! ...

AS3 - Embedded SWF video shows totalFrames == 0

I've got this 1 minute long movie that I want to compile into an AS3 project. The movie started out in MOV format, so I used FFMpeg to convert it to FLV, then again with FFMpeg from FLV to SWF. I'm embedding this movie into the AS3 binary by using Embed metadata: [Embed(source="1.swf")] private var _Vid:Class; I've got a container ...

AS3: Accessing External Library Symbols Dynamically

I am loading an external SWF containing uninstantiated MovieClip Symbols. I can get the SWF loaded, no problem. If I call: loader.contentLoaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition( "TestClip" ) as Class I get the class of a Library symbol called "TestClip", which I can then instantiate. Jawesome. The issue I'm having is that basicall...