
In Swing, how can I find out what object currently has focus?

I have few TextFields on my frame. I want to know the TextField name which is currently focused. Can someone please help me? How can I find out the current focused object name? Thanks ...

Multi-threading and Java Swing Problem

Hi I have a GUI application that is working fine. I created a socket server. When I create a new object of the Server class in program the GUI application stops responding. This is my server class. If I do Server s = new Server(); in my main application it stops working. How should I add it? Making a new thread? I tried Thread t...

How can I fix a Java-GUI-program (swing), that it works with awesome-wm?

The swing-UI of Java-programs doesn't work perfectly together with the awesome-wm. awesome is a window-manager for UNIX, that automatically resizes program-windows, and the Swing-UI doesn't recognize these resizes correctly. I don't care if awesome or Java is guilty, what I wanna know if I can change my Java-programs in a way, that they ...

the right way to select monospaced fonts in Swing

I'm messing around with DefaultStyledDocument and am trying to figure out the right way to set a style to the proper monospaced font. By "proper" I mean that the font selected is: A monospaced font that exists on the user's machine A font specified by the user's preferences (is there a standard way to do this in Java?) If there is no s...

How can I create a Java Swing app that covers the Windows Title bar?

I'm working on a java swing application that will be used in a psychology experiment and the researchers have requested that I make the program "black out the screen" in order that there should be no outside stimuli for the user. They want the swing app to be truly full-screen and without any type of title bar or minimize/maximize/close ...

Do .NET GUI components support HTML (like Java swing does)?

HTML can be used in Java swing GUI components, like JTextBox, JButton, ... etc. Is there an equivalent to that in .NET (C#) WinForms? or at least some simple way of making a single word bold inside a textbox without using another GUI component? ...

java swing program with multi lingual support

I want to create a TextArea in java where i can write data in chinese. How can I achieve this Thanks Bapi ...

Best programming process for creating a graphically-complex Java Swing Application?

I'm starting a fairly complex Swing application that heavily graphics-oriented with about 1000 separate jpegs, 30+ different forms, and timers keeping track of the rate of user-interactions throughout. My question is from a practical programming perspective, after I've already written a storyboard for the entire project and got it appro...

No blanks in JTextField

How can I forbid users to put blanks into a JTextField? It should not even be possible to write blanks. ...

bold fixed fonts in Java Swing

I'm trying to use fixed width fonts in Java. I can use Courier or Lucida Console, but when I apply a "bold" style, it makes the characters larger in width and that's not acceptible in my application. Is there anyway I can force the bold characters to have the same width as non-bold characters? ...

Reset/remove a border in Swing

Here's a very specific coding question: I've recently been asked to maintain some old-ish Java Swing GUI code at work and ran into this problem: I've attached my own subclass of InputVerifier called MyFilenameVerifier to a JTextField (but it may as well be any JComponent for these purposes). I've overridden the verify() method such th...

Setting the mouse cursor for a particular JTable cell.

I have a JTable with a set of uneditable cells and I want all the cells in a particular column to have a different mouse cursor displayed whilst the mouse is hovering over them. I am already using a custom renderer and setting the cursor on the renderer component doesn't seem to work (as it does for tooltips). It does seem to work for e...

Swing component prints text differently than it displays it

I am printing a Swing component that contains text. The Swing component renders the text just fine on the screen, but, when I print it (to a .tif file), the characters are all smashed together. Why is this? Run this code to see what I mean: import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.text.MutableAttributeSet; import javax.swing.text.Sim...

Swing UIManager.getColor() keys

is there a list somewhere of the UIManager.getColor() keys for Swing? I can't seem to find it online, just occasional references to strings like "Panel.background" and "Table.selectionBackground". ...

Java (Swing) - Drag two windows at once.

How can I have one window move with another? i.e., I'd like a JDialog to follow a JFrame when the JFrame is being dragged. If the JFrame moves by (+5, +20), the JDialog needs to move the same. I've tried using ComponentListeners, but I only receive drag events in chunks which causes the JDialog window to be jumpy while dragging the ma...

How do I catch this exception in Swing?

I have a Swing application, and even though I have everything in a try/block, the exception isn't caught. public static void main(String[] args) { try { App app = new App(); app.setVisible(true); } catch (Throwable e) { System.err.println("never printed"); } } all I get is this stack trace: Exception in threa...

Swing: why wont my custom component repaint?

Item is a simple model class. ItemComponent is a view for an Item which just draws simple rectangles in a given spot. A bunch of ItemComponent instances are put into a parent component that is added to the JFrame of the application (just a simple shell right now). The view has two different display styles. I want to adjust some proper...

Splitting a swing control into equal parts

I know this is gonna be a stupid question. Pardon me as a n00b into CS I have a new swing component that inherits from JComponent. I am trying to paint lines on its surface to show that the lines split the control into equal parts. The code looks like int spc; spc = (int) Math.round((this.ZBar.getWidth() / this.ZBar.getModel().getModel...

Keyboard Polling System

I'm looking for an efficient keyboard input system for a game in Java. At present I'm using some code I found here: Keyboard Input Polling System it seems a little inefficient however (please comment as to your thoughts on the code). The full code is available here: Pastebin Code I've only just started looking into a new solution a...

Java Swing - JList custom cell rendering - capturing actions

Any time I make a custom cell renderer for a JList, any elements I add to it don't ever respond to actions. For instance, If I have the cell renderer return a JPanel with elements on it, one of which has an ActionListener, it doesn't respond at all. Why is this? ...