
Directly show XML record to jtable record

I am a c++ programmer but new to the java world. I have to display the xml data to a jtable directly. Say, the xml is of the following format <Name> Tom </Name> <DateofBirth> 12/3/1985 </DateofBirth> <country> US </country> Then the table needs to be dispalyed as follows Name | DateofBirth | Country Tom 12/3/1985 ...

Interpreting Java crash files

I have a Swing application that is heavy customised with a lot of custom painting mainly on the panels and button to add gradients and round borders. The application infrequently crashes with exactly the same error and i get hs_err_pid[0000].log Snippet: Java Threads: ( => current thread ) 0x032ff400 JavaThread "Thread-1" daemon [_t...

Java Mac OS X running with out a Dock Icon

i have a swing application that i would like to run on os x without a dock icon. Just a system tray icon. I know about headless but if i set that property i can not create JFrames. Is it possible to run a swing application without a dock icon in java? or through JNA if there is a native way. ...

How to make a JFrame have no taskbar button ?

I would like to have a normal JFrame with its full functionalities (decoration, title, icon, resizing, minimizing, maximizing, etc.), with the only thing that it wouldn't appear in the system's taskbar. (Typically, there would be another program opening and managing them). Is it possible ? And if yes, what is the best way to do that ? ...

Server-client Java distributed application

Hi to all, I have to design a distributed application composed by one server (developed in Java) and one or more remote GUI clients (Swing application with windows). As stated before the clients are Swing GUI application that can connect to the server in order to receive and send data. The communication is bidirectional (Server <=> Cli...

Showing TIFF images in Java

Hi! Someone can tell me how to load a multipage TIFF image in Java and show it in a JScrollPane? Which class can I use? ...

How to change icon of a JLabel?

I have a jlabel to show a generated image. But it only works the first time. After that, imageicon of the jlabel does not change. What could be the problem? ...

Finding the restore bounds of a JFrame when it is in a maximized state

When a JFrame is in a maximized state, the getBounds method returns bounds that match its current state. What I need is the "restore bounds" (that is, the size/location of what the window would be set to if a user clicked on "Restore Down" on a Windows platform) without actually setting it to a non-maximized state. The reason I ask is b...

How to debug a swing UI in Eclipse?

I am trying to figure out where in some Swing code a UI window is created. It is ~1 million lines of code (no joke), and I have done a reasonable amount of searching and debugging. I am looking for a tool where I can click on a window in the UI and it will show me something about its Java code (name of an object, etc). I am using Ecli...

Scala and Swing GUI applications

From reading parts of the Programming in Scala book, I realize that Scala can work with the Java Swing components to create GUI applications. My question is if there are any projects or released applications (that are more than just simple examples) that use Scala and Swing? ...

Java7 swing application framework support

The future of the Swing application framework on the Java 7 platform is undefined. http://weblogs.java.net/blog/archive/2009/08/19/saf-and-jdk7 Is it safely to use it now? ...

What is the correct way of manipulating Swing components at program startup?

I'm creating an application in Swing using NetBeans. I would like to be able to manipulate some components during its startup (just once), after the window's made visible, for example update a progress bar. To this end, I have the app's main class, called MainWindow: public class MainWindow extends JFrame { public MainWindow() { in...

What is the difference between the ways a Swing window can be initialized?

I am curious as to the differences between the following approaches to creating a Swing window: Using java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater() in main(); Using SwingUtilities.invokeLater() in main(); not bothering with threads at all, simply instantiating the JFrame subclass and calling setVisible(true) from main without wrapping it inside a ...

How to change background color of the selected item in JList dynamically

How can I change the background color of the item which is selected in JList dynamically? ...

How to force a component to grow in MigLayout in Java

I have a component that is made up of various components such as a checkbox a slider and some buttons. i want to add this to a scrollpane and have the slider grow to fill all the remaining space. This is no problem as this code demonstrates : public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame f = new JFrame("Test"); JPanel c = new...

How to add scrollable JTextArea to jDesktopPane

I was try several opinion but neither of them it seams to work. This method returns JTextArea private static JTextArea getJArea() { if (jArea == null) { jArea = new JTextArea(); jArea.setBounds(new Rectangle(16, 153, 468, 139)); jArea.setVisible(true); jArea.setLineWrap(true); jArea.setWrapStyleWord(true); jArea.set...

Easiest way to unit test SWT and Swing apps in a headless environment?

I'm looking to unit test some SWT and Swing code for a project I'm working on and the tests run fine as long as I'm running them from eclipse. As soon as I run them in my hudson environment it fails since hudson runs the tests in headless mode. What's the best way of doing this? Open source solutions only please (since the project is ...

Can I set a window in Java so it has uniform resizing (ie. a square)?

I've seen several applications window's only allow the user to resize it in the diagonal direction, so it must maintain its square shape. Is it possible to specify this constrain using swing/java? ...

how to stop cell editing in JTextPane ,cell editor of JTable

Hi everyone!! I created JTable with JTextPane as cell editor.I want to stop cell editing and want to do some processing if I pressed enter key in JTextPane .And I also want to use single line in JTextPane. So, I add keylistener in JTextPane and call stopCellediting method. But it does not work, focus is in JTextPane and if I click other ...

java swing app with a custom titlebar?

Is there a way to write a Java Swing application with a custom chrome? Please take a look* at the frame for Microsoft's Zune 4.0 software. I realize that colors, the shape of scroll bars, etc. are controlled by skins or looks and feels. Right now I'm trying to tackle the native window which houses the java components--the title bar ma...