
Why switch expressions of type 'System::Guid' are illegal?

void Foo(Type^ type) { System::Guid id = type->GUID; switch (id) { case System::Byte::typeid->GUID: ... break; ... } Obviously case expressions are not constant. But I'd like to know why GUIDs cannot be known at compile time? (silly question I guess). At the end of the day it looks you have to use imbricated if the...

Creating a switch-statement

Recently, I needed to convert a series of dates from the form "July 25, 2010" to the standard R format "2010-07-25": > head(old.data$dateoccurred)` [1] "April 9, 2004" "September 1, 2004" "February 7, 2005 To solve this, I would like to make a 12-case switch-statement that returns the the numeric representation of a month; howeve...

In Tcl is whitespace equal to Empty string?

I am using the switch statement to match some options which may or may not have VALUES associated with them, then extracting the values (which I imagine could be nothing or just a bunch of empty strings). In Tcl are these equivalent? I.e. will trailing white space be fed as an option or parsed out? Should I "string trim" the value or i...

javascript consolidating switch statement

I have the following: switch(state) { case MyStates.StateA: //do something break; case MyStates.StateB: //do something break; case MyStates.StateC: //do something break; } Say StateB and StateC both need to process the same bit of code, how can I avoid the duplication? Note that I cannot set MySta...

Are .Net switch statements hashed or indexed?

Does .Net 4 (or any prior version) perform any sort of optimization on longer switch statements based on strings? I'm working around a potential performance bottleneck due to some long switch statements looking for matching strings in the cases, and I've always assumed these are searched in linear time (or near linear, i.e. not using a...

"if" versus "switch"

Possible Duplicate: is else if faster than switch() case ? I've encountered a lot of situations lately where I have very simple conditionals and need to branch application flow. The "simplest" means of accomplishing what I'm doing is just a plain old if/elseif statement: if($value == "foo") { // ... } elseif($value == "ba...

Multi Class program problem

Hi I was attempting to create a calculator that can add subtract multiply and divide to challenge myself but find myself getting stuck around the switch part:(I will point out the errors within the switch message that say "The method addition etc(String[]) in the type addition etc is not applicable for the arguments ()." I believe the pr...

Inline switch / case statement in C#

I am on a weird kick of seeing how few lines I can make my code. Is there a way to condense this to inline case statements? switch (FIZZBUZZ) { case "Fizz": { //Do one process break; } case "Buzz": { //Do one process break; } case "FizzBuzz...

How do I use TCHAR* Provided in Cmd Line Argument in Switch Statement?

Here's what I've got: switch(argv[0]) { case "-test1": AfxBeginThread(method1, 0); break; case "-test2": AfxBeginThread(method2, 0); break; case "-test3": AfxBeginThread(method3, 0); break; default: AfxBeginThread(method1, 0); break; } I'm using windows so the arguments come into the array as TCHAR*'s. What do I...

javascript switch depending on user type

I'm trying to make one registration form for two types of attendees that have different options for registration dates and price. Here's how I'm trying to set it up: They select their type: <SELECT id=StudentType name=StudentType> <OPTION id=0 selected value=0>Please Choose</OPTION> <OPTION id=freshman value=F>Freshman</OPTION...

Why do you need to put break after the last label of a switch statement?

Surely the compiler knows that it's the last label of the switch statement? ...

Expression inside switch case statement

Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a switch statement but I can't seem to be able to use an expression that gets evaluated (rather than a set string/integer). I can easily do this with if statements but case should hopefully be faster. I'm trying the following function reward(amount) { var $reward = $("#reward"); switch (amount...

Python lazy dictionary evaluation

Python evangelists will say the reason Python doesn't have a switch statement is because it has dictionaries. So... how can I use a dictionary to solve this problem here? The problem is that all values are being evaluated some and raising exceptions depending on the input. This is just a dumb example of a class that stores a number or ...

C# | Making a switch to work against items in an array

I'm using authorize.net AIM, the sample code they provide prints an ordered list of the response values. Rather than print out an ordered list to the screen where the customer would see all this information, how do I set up a switch to access certain indexs of the array and do something based on the text returned for the particular array...

UISegmentedControl always equals 0

answer.h: #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "operator.h" @interface answer : NSObject/* Specify a superclass (eg: NSObject or NSView) */ { IBOutlet operator *operator1; IBOutlet operator *operator2; IBOutlet UILabel *answerLabel; IBOutlet UISegmentedControl *operation; } - (IBAction)compute:(id)s...

What's the powershell syntax for multiple values in a switch statement?

I basically want to do this: switch($someString.ToLower()) { "y", "yes" { "You entered Yes." } default { "You entered No." } } ...

JavaScript switch case: anyway to force the order of the elements as they are written out?

I've got results being returned to a Google Mapping application in the div sidebar. The results are names of businesses that belong to categories that the client wants returned in a certain order. And unfortunately it's not a straight alpha sort. So one category begins with F and the second one with a C and the last three are A's, for...

how to make switch statement generic in c#

Hi, I want to use switch statement in c#. but instead of using a constant in the case expression I want to use an enumeration value. How do I use this. If i try to use it like: string strPageMode=...//some value; switch (strPageMode) { case ModesEnum.SystemHealth: //some code break; } giving error. what have to use t...

convert from if else to switch statement

I have the following if, else if, else construct and I am just curious how I could convert such as construct into a switch statement. var emailSubject = email.subject.toLowerCase(); if(emailSubject.indexOf("account request") >= 0){ //do acct req }else if(emailSubject.indexOf("accounts pending removal for") >= 0){ //do accou...

c# simple switch

Feel like an idiot :) Why does this not work? switch (sortCol) { case: "username" mnu_username.Text = ""; break; case default break; } Thanks! ...