
jquery javascript switch if else form

http://jsfiddle.net/ujTDf/1/ link text Can anybody help please. The div/form doesn't switsch automaticly in other direction. thanks a lot!!!!!! ...

Shortening a "for / switch-case"

A school system has 30 schools. The lowest school code is 298 and the highest is 516. For every school, the same processes will be called. The approach I've taken so far can be seen below. How can I shorten this code? Thank you. for ( $i = 298; $i <= 516; $i++ ) { switch ( $i ) { case 298: $c_sch = strval ( $i ...

JavaScript Switch Statement Fades Opacity to None But Doesn't Fade it Back

Hey all, I have a really weird situation. The idea is there is a scroller that moves from left to right to display different groups. But when it stops to show specific group, there are links to leaf through different "pages" of the group. Now in order to do this, you click link one page fades and another fades in. Everything worked smoo...

Switch with typedef enum type from string

Hello, I'm trying to get a value from a string that belongs to an enum typedef in Obj C but I don't seem capable of geting the value out of the NSString. I'me doing something like this: typedef enum{ S, M, L } Size; -(void)function:(NSString *)var{ Size value=[var value]; swicth(value){ case S:... case M:... ... } }...

[C++] Expected constant expression fails miserably in switch statement..

Say I have a class "Code" defined like this, with a user specified type conversion to int: class Code { public: int code; std::string description; Code (const int c, const std::string& d) : code(c), description(d) { ; } operator int() const { return code; } }; And a second class "Master" using the code class: cl...

jQuery replacement for switch

Good Day. I'm looking for switch replacement in jQuery. Basically, I have no idea how to replace switch. I got following switch, for about 70 countries. Is there any way to replace it with a loop? $("#country").change(function () { switch ($('#country :selected').val()) { case 'pl': $("fieldset#state").hide().load('pl.txt').fa...

Problem with javascript switch statement..

elmid = "R125"; switch(true){ case elmid.match(/R125/): idType = "reply"; break; } alert(idType); // Returns undefined -------------------BUT---------------------- elmid = "R125"; if (elmid.match(/R125/)){idType = "reply";} alert(idType); // Returns "reply" Using the swtich returns undefined but using an if ...

(almost) Non-colliding simple hashing function for use in a switch

Hi, I am writing an advanced calculator in C. As you can guess, it currently has many functions, and I use a switch to do the proper operation for every function name. It goes something like this: switch(hash_of(function_name_currently_being_parsed)) { case HASH_COS: // do something break; case HASH_SIN: // do something...

In what better example can represent a switch statement in Java ?

I'm sure there are better examples than mine:) Let's say that it's snowing and the users can earn points for each snowflake, but they have to do it fast to no get stuck in the snow, so this is my ex: class apples{ public static void main(String args[]){ int points; points = 1; switch (points){ case ...

in c++, why would they make you put break statements in switch statements?

I know what the basic idea there is, but I was thinking, and I realized, that it would therefore take MORE characters for a switch statement than for a bunch of if statements, since an if statement has 7 characters (not including the variable name, nor what it is being compared to, nor the code), while the switch statement has 9 charact...

I wanted to know how to properly use switch/case

hello, I was just wondering if someone could just give me an example of how to use switch/case. I kinda get the just of it but am having trouble figuring out what and how i can use this. Thank you in advance. ...

Is it possible to handle switch parameters with Add-Member methods?

When adding a method to a PSObject using Add-Member is it possible to use [switch] parameters? If so how does the syntax work when calling these methods? ...

Adding program arguments to C

How can I load the batch file console to my C console? I know in batch The command is Showme.bat /B and it'll load the console into whatever console you called that file from. What would that be in C? ShellExecute(NULL,"open","Showme.bat",NULL,NULL,SW_SHOW); Also, doing that... How could I also add additional arguments such as >>...

Switch, same value for multiple case

switch ($i) { case A: $letter = 'first'; break; case B: $letter = 'first'; break; case C: $letter = 'first'; break; case D: $letter = 'second'; break; default: $letter = 'third'; } Is there any way to shorten first three cases? They have the sa...

How can i use a switch with a spinner ?

Hi everyone, so i started android programming like a month ago, and i've got a probleme today. The thing i want to do is : From a Item in the Spinner, when i select it there is a Text View changing on the back. spin.setAdapter(adapter_city); spin.setOnItemClickListener(this); } @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> p...

Why doesn't C# allow declaring variables with the same number inside different case blocks for switch statements?

Possible Duplicate: Case Statement Block Level Declaration Space in C# For example: string danger; switch ( this.Type ) { case Warfare.Nuclear: case Warfare.Biological: case Warfare.Chemical: danger = "deadly"; break; case Warfare.Air: string threat = "major" ... brea...

How do I prevent Application Switch popup from being displayed?

I notice that in the emergency dialer of HTC Sense, application switch popup (menu) is disabled for the long press of the Home button. Would some one in the know point me how this is done? Also related: I notice that Toddler Lock modified the icons on the application switch popup (menu). Again, how do I go about doing that? Suggestions...

How to properly switch UIViews

I want to have multiple views in my application that I switch between. What is the proper way to switch between UIViews that also supports UISplitViewController? Is there a support way to switch or are Apple's controller classes designed to be root and root only? I've tried having one root view and root controller and swap subviews in ...

Noob at Xcode and Objective C, trying to understand global variables, and switch statement

Hi! I'm new to this so please excuse my presumably simple questions. Hope you'll be able to help me out quite easily! I'm making an app that uses 4 variables to calculate the amount of water recommended for the user. The problem with this switch statement is that no matter what value i set age to, it always does the last case. Why is thi...

iPhone Packager AS3 failing to convert switch case statement?

So, I've been creating an application using the Adobe AIR Packager for iPhone (command line style). The app consists of a lot of screens that provide various information, and the navigation is handled all in the document class via an event-triggered function that uses a large switch-case statement to determine what screen to go to. When...