
Automatically generating Guids in Sybase

I have a table with 42 million records. 32 million have a null value and I would like to generate a new guid for each one. Should I do this in batches? Also, going forward, I would like a new guid added to the field on the insert of a new record. What is the best way to do this? The field is not the primary key, which is an auto-increm...

How to work properly with data in .NET?

I'm using a datagridview in C# WinForms, with data from a Sybase database, and characters are not showing correctly. This is what I see: Do you know how can I fix this? ...

sybase - values from one table that aren't on another, on opposite ends of a 3-table join

Hypothetical situation: I work for a custom sign-making company, and some of our clients have submitted more sign designs than they're currently using. I want to know what signs have never been used. 3 tables involved: table A - signs for a company sign_pk(unique) | company_pk | sign_description 1 --------------------1 ----------...

Install Sybase SQL Anywhere 11 as service

we are using Sybase SQL Anywhere 11. I am using command line to install/init database, dbinit -dba %username%,%pwd% -p 4k %dbLocation%, and start database server, dbsrv11 %dbLocation%, in a batch file. What I really want is install my database as Windows service and can be start/running automatically when machine get reboot. But I want ...

how to effectively modify index

Hej everyone, problem : I am looking for right way to convert an index from clustered to non-clustered Description : I have a table as below in sybase db: dbo.UserLog ------------------------ Id | UserId |time | .... ------------------------ This is hash partitioned using UserId. Currently it has 2 indexes UserId : non-clustered...

Detemining a database's OS with a SQL query?

I'm writing a tool to gather customer configuration information. One of the questions I want to answer, what OS is the customer database running on. I haven't found a generic way to find the OS with SQL and I can't create stored procedures on the customer's database. If there is a way, it's probably vendor specific. Suggestions? Thank...

iBatis mapping: map a string field into a List<String>

Hi all, is it possible to map a string field with a particular format like: aaa,bbb,ccc,ddd into a List having elements [aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd] using iBatis? What I need is to have in my model something like: public class Request{ private List<String> fieldOne; public List<String> getFieldOne(){....} public void setFieldOn...

PHP startup warning - sqlanywhere module

After a successful install of wamp server, I installed the sqlanywhere module(php-5.3.0_sqlanywhere.dll), and added it to the php.ini file as an extension. Problem is, after startup, the Wamp server throws the following error. PHP Startup: sqlanywhere: Unable to initialize module Module compiled with build ID=API20090626, TS,VC9...

Advantage Data Architect doesn't accept 'output to', are there any other options for outputting a table to a file?

I'm trying to output the results of a SELECT query to a tab delimited text file in Advantage Data Architect. I know I can use the 'Export to' feature to do this, but there are a lot of tables and that is going to take forever. I would rather use the SQL editor, but I found out it does not accept the OUTPUT TO argument, even though tha...

Alternative to NOT EXISTS

Hi all, I have two tables linked by an ID column. Let's call them Table A and table B. My goal is to find all the records in table A that have no record in table B. For instance: Table A: ID----Value 1-----value1 2-----value2 3-----value3 4-----value4 Table B ID----Value 1-----x 2-----y 4-----z 4-----l As you can see, record with ID =...

sybase 'drop procedure'. can I get it to take a parameter instead of a naked proc name?

Happy Monday o/ I'm looking to do the following within a stored proc select @parameter="fooproc" drop procedure @parameter instead of drop procedure fooproc But it's choking with a syntax error. Is there some way I can bend this to my will? I would've expected to be able to do this. I've tried a few permutations of type de...

How to reduce log file size in Sybase Anywhere 11 during a Load statement

I've got a LOAD statement in a Sybase Anywhere 11 DB that I fire off. The problem is that it's an insert of about 500k records. In my transaction log, I see tons of inserts (in addition to my load) that look this: SET n1 = n1 || [SOME LARGE HEX VALUES]. I know LOAD statements are just inserts, but is there anyway for me to just log a L...

Any good interview Questions to ask a sybase dba.

Hi, I am a java developer and i will be interviewing sybase dbas along with my boss. I know some basic stuff about sybase. Iam looking for good interview questions that i can ask for a sybase dba. they will be having a min of 4 years of experience. I am looking for them to have really good knowledge in performance and tuning related a...

How to access data using VBSCRIPT from a stored procedure which contains values in Temp table ?

Hi , for testing purpose I wrote a VBscript which will fetch values from Sybase by executing a stored procedure which contains values in temp table. When I run the script I get the following errors , "Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record." or "Item cannot b...

Non-empty list with null elements returned from Hibernate query

Hi, I'm new to hibernate so not sure if this is an expected behaviour, anyway: Session session = (Session)entityManager.getDelegate(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(myRequest.class); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("username", username)); criteria.setProjection(Projections.max("accesscount")); List<myRequest> results = crite...

migrate database from sybase to mysql

I have been trying to migrate a database from sybase to Mysql. This is my approach: Generate pojo classes from my sybase database using hibernate in eclipse Use these pojo classes to generate the schema in mysql database Then somehow migrate the data from sybase to mysql I guess this approach should work??? Please let me know if the...

What is a good way to assign order #s to ordered rows in a table in Sybase

I have a table T (structure below) which initially contains all-NULL values in an integer order column: col1 varchar(30), col2 varchar(30), order int NULL I also have a way to order the "colN" columns, e.g. SELECT * FROM T ORDER BY some_expression_involving_col1_and_col2 What's the best way to assign - IN SQL - numeric order val...

Possibilities of powerbuilder 12

Hello, I'm a .Net developer and I heard that since release 12 PowerBuilder enhanced integration with .Net. I would like to know what are the advantages of using Sybase PowerBuilder over normal WPF programming techniques and so on. When is it recommended to use Sybase PowerBuilder ? Thanks for the help ...

Is it possible to return a list of numbers from a Sybase function?

I'm trying to overcome a very serious performance issue in which Sybase refuses to use the primary key index on a large table because one of the required fields is specified indirectly through another table - or, in other words; SELECT ... FROM BIGTABLE WHERE KFIELD = 123 runs in ms but SELECT ... FROM BIGTABLE, LTLTBL WHERE KFIELD =...

Sybase SQL stored procedure consumes too much memory

I am trying to run a stored procedure with a while loop in it using Aqua Data Studio 6.5 and as soon as the SP starts Aqua Data starts consuming an increasing amount of my CPU's memory which makes absolutely no sense to me because everything should be off on the Sybase server I am working with. I have commented out and tested every piec...