
Restoring a utf8 encoded database to an iso 1 server - effect on strings

We are doing a migration of our Sybase database that has a utf8 encoding to a server with iso 1 encoding. We are just using char and Varchar for our strings. Will doing backup and restore not truncate any strings? I was thinking that Char and Varchar are just single byte characters. ...

Java and Sybase

What is the difference between the drivers provided using jtds.jar and jconn3.jar? ...

How to fix issue with decimal values in Sybase ODBC driver using NHibernate?

Sybase ODBC driver have an issue with the decimal data type. For example, when an application is trying to save in the database a decimal value occurs this error: ERROR [22018] [DataDirect][ODBC Sybase Wire Protocol driver][SQL Server]Implicit conversion from datatype 'VARCHAR' to 'DECIMAL' is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to...

Temporarily disable constraints (Sybase)

Is there the way to temporarily disable checking of foreign keys, check constraints and rules for some table in Sybase? ...

SQL: Is it quicker to insert sorted data into a table?

A table in Sybase has a unique varchar(32) column, and a few other columns. It is indexed on this column too. At regular intervals, I need to truncate it, and repopulate it with fresh data from other tables. insert into MyTable select list_of_columns from OtherTable where some_simple_conditions order by MyUniqueId If...

C# ASP.Net The type or namespace name 'iAnywhere' could not be found

Morning all, I know that this sounds like a simple referencing problem from the title this is becoming a nightmare! I have a code class that uses the "iAnywhere.Data.AsaClient.dll". This Dll is referenced in the project and in the code class I have added this dll in the Using section. Everything seems fine at build with no errors at a...

How can I connect to Sybase with Perl?

I'm trying to a good Perl module to use for connecting to a Sybase database. My Googling has led me to see sybperl as a possible choice, but it hasn't been updated since 2005. ...

Sybase ODBC connection String with .net

Hi, I am having SYBASE 12.5 install on my server as well as my PC, I am unable to get the correct connection string. I have used the but unable to get the correct one. After runnig and making the connection Driver={Sybase ASE ODBC Driver};srvr=server_name;database=database_name;UID=user_name;PWD=pass; and some ...

which to use OLEDB or ODBC for SYbase

Hi, I am not able to figure out which drivers should I use. Even I don't know what I have. When I am trying to make the connection string through the .udl file it only shows SYbase ASE OleDB Provider while in install folder I can see in driver list Syabse Ase ODBC driver but in connection string it is unable to pick up the driver, her...

Doubt about odbc's in c#

Hello, I run a c# process and in the middle of the night this happens: ERROR [HY000][DataDirect][ODBC Sybase Wire Protocol driver] Timeout exceeded I know for sure that the database is allways active! But this keeps happening! Do you how can I fix this error? Thanks in advance! EDIT: is there a way to put the timeout four times big...

How can I "merge", "flatten" or "pivot" results from a query which returns multiple rows into a single result?

I have a simple query over a table, which returns results like the following: id id_type id_ref 2702 5 31 2702 16 14 2702 17 3 2702 40 1 2703 23 4 2703 23 5 2703 34 6 2704 1 14 And I would like to merge the results into a single row, for instance: id concatenation 2702...

Preserve trailing whitespace Sybase

I have a big chunk of textual data which I split and write multiple rows of a varchar(255) column of a table. Sometimes, the last character happens to be a space. When I read back this row, the trailing space is chopped and I get only 254 characters. This messes up my data when I append the next row to the end of this one. My code send...

Is there a way to find TOP X records with grouped data?

I'm working with a Sybase 12.5 server and I have a table defined as such: CREATE TABLE SomeTable( [GroupID] [int] NOT NULL, [DateStamp] [datetime] NOT NULL, [SomeName] varchar(100), PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (GroupID,DateStamp) ) I want to be able to list, per [GroupID], only the latest X records by [DateStamp]. The kicke...

What's the best way to prepare for a technical interview focusing on T-SQL?

I have a job interview coming that will focus on T-SQL and general SQL competency. Any suggestions on how to prepare for this? ...


SYBASE ::i created server using sp_addserver SERVER_NAME i had not mentioned any port, or any other options.. now i see entry of server with class ASEnterprise i donot see any interface file being updated.. now my problem is how to start the newly added server ...

Finding server password encryption properties

1> how can i find whether server is accepting encrypted password or not from C program using sybase library(encryption set by sp_configure "net password enryption reqd",1), to make sure whether i should call function ct_con_props (CS_SEC_EXTENDED_ENCRYPTION) or not ...

How to migrate Sybase Application to Web ?

I have a client asking me to migrate his Sybase application to web. I have worked on PHP/MySQL, C#/Ms-Sql but never worked with Sybase platform! Please suggest me some ways i can go through this. How would we migrate existing Sybase desktop application to web application? Thanks in advance. ...

Sybase PowerDesigner Change Many (Find/Replace/Convert) Data Item's Data Types

Hello, I have a relatively large Conceptual Data Model in PowerDesigner. After generating a Physical Data Model and seeing the DBMS data types, I need to update all of data types(NUMBER/TEXT) for each data item. I'd like to either do a find/replace within the Conceptual Data Model or somehow map to different data types when creating t...

SYBASE "net password encryption reqd" avalaibility

Hi i am using sybase developer edition, i am being unable to set {sp_configure "net password encryption reqd",1}. Do i need any license for this. I get error message "Sybase :: How to start server created using sp_addserver" I am using sybase 15.0.3. ...

Importing Python modules without installing - Sybase ASE

I need to use the Sybase Python module but our SA's won't install because it's not in the repo's. I've downloaded it and placed it on the box and would just like to 'import' or 'include' the module without installing it first. - Is this possible? From the looks of it (Sybase ASE) it needs some type of compilation before use. Is it possib...