
How to include math Symbols in Editor or Textbox ..

hi I have to include math symbols in my so whatever the symbols it may be sigma , integral , pie etc..or any how to write or display the Symbols in it should be UI so when the user click the particular Symbols it will display in the textbox or any editor control.. If anyone have idea let me know...? thanks. ...

CAtlNavigateData can not deal with special symbol such as +

CAtlNavigateData navData; CStringA m_strForm = "name=+++&priv=1&password="; navData.SetSocketTimeout(m_nMilliSecond); navData.SetMethod(ATL_HTTP_METHOD_POST); navData.SetPostData((BYTE*)(LPSTR)(LPCSTR)m_strForm, m_strForm.GetLength(), QHTTP_FORM_URLENCODE); I catch the posted package, and find post data name = "", it should be name=...

how do you assert an exception from another ruby module is thrown? (using assert_throws)

I'm trying to write code like this: assert_throws(:ExtractionFailed) { unit.extract_from('5 x 2005')} ExtractionFailed is a trivial subclass of Exception, and under test/unit, I'm trying to assert that it is thrown when I call unit.extract_from(... bad data...) I've moved ExtractionFailed into the SemanticText module, so now test/un...

LaTeX math symbol macro

Hi there, I've long had a dream of creating a "consistent comparison" operator to use in my homework (in LaTeX). That is, in some long derivation, we might want to know how $a$ compares to $b$, and although this is totally contrived, an example might read \begin{align*} a &? b \\ f(a) &? f(b) \\ f(a) &= f(b) \text{by assump...

How could I redefine a subroutine and keep the old one too?

Here's what I'd like to achieve: sub first { print "this is original first"; } *original_first = \&first; sub first { print "this is first redefined"; } original_first(); # i expect this to print "this is original first" first() # i expect this to print "this is first redefined" I thought that by saving the symbol for first...

obj-c duplicate symbol for header variable

It was my impression that using #import would only import a file once per build, yet after trying to define a variable in a header, and then importing that header in two different source files, I get a duplicate symbol linker error for the variable. How is this possible? ...

What does this symbol mean in PHP <?=

<h2>Manage Role: > (<?= $myACL->getRoleNameFromID($_GET['roleID']); ?>)</h2> ...

Why Subversion skips files which contain the @ symbol?

when I try to execute command like this (from a command-line or Perl script - it doesn't matter): svn revert "build\[email protected]" SVN skips this file and outputs: Skipped 'build\myfile' I tried doing: svn revert "build\*.meta" But it gives the same result. I can revert these files from the GUI. And I can revert these files...

How to useOffice Insert Symbol dialog and insert the selected symbol at desired place in app?

I am developing a Windows app, where i have a infragistic grid. Inside that grid their is a column having dropdwn from which i have to invoke Words , Insert Symbol Dialog. I somehow managed to open the dialog but when i choose the symbol from the dialog , it pastes the symbol on the new word doc, instead i want it on the cell from where ...

can we implement a php extract function in php with out using zend api

Extract function of php adds variables to the local scope of the calling function. How can we write our own php function extract which does the same? ...

Play sounds with the Symbol Developer Kit in c#

Hello, We are developping a mobile application, which targets devices manufactured by Symbol. On these devices, Windows Mobile is the system. Our application play sounds (simple beeps in fact) : we use the developper kit provided by Symbol to access the device sound card in order to play sounds. here is the code we use : Symbol.Audio...

Linker throwing out undefined symbol

I'm building an executable using GCC 3.4.0 . The target is an embedded system. I've been using a way of modularly defining "console command handlers" by defining a function pointer to a handler in any compilation unit to be in a certain linker section. At runtime when a command is entered on the console I can loop through all the handler...

ReferenceError: Error #1008 Class is ambiguous

I have a As3 file and I get a runtime error: ReferenceError: **Error #1008**: Tooltip is ambiguous; Found more than one matching binding. I have a class named Tooltip and also a symbol in library with linkage class: Tooltip and Base Class fvg.Tooltip (fvg is the name of the package). Why I get this conflict? ...

HTML symbol in flash variable

I got a Flash variable: <param name=\"flashvars\" value=\"title=$title\" /> $title is a string, but in this string I want to put: ë or in HTML &euml;. But flash doesn’t like it. How to fix this? thnx, stefan ...

Weird Symbol PHP – instead of -

Hey, well I'm having a problem and this weird symbol is showing up – it's suppose to be a " - " but for some reason it's not doing that,anyone got any ideas why. ...

Unresolved External Symbol? error lnk2019

Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew what this error meant. Thanks error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall LinkedList,class std::allocator > >::LocItem *>::decreasekey(class PriorityList,class std::allocator > >::LocItem * const &)" (?decreasekey@?$LinkedList@HPAVLocItem@?$PriorityList@HV?$basic_string@DU...

common-lisp: difference between binding and symbol

What's (in simple terms) the difference between setting a binding (LET) and symbols (=variables) in common lisp? ...

Linux Kernel Programming - Module 2 unable to get symbols exported by Module 1

I have a Linux kernel module M1 which exports a symbol S1. When I insmod M1.ko, I can see S1 in /proc/kallsyms. I use S1 in another kernel module M2. When I compile and insert module M2, I get message in dmesg saying "Unknown symbol in module S1". I am stumped. Can someone please tell me what is going wrong? I am using Ubuntu 9.10. ...

Missing symbol names when profiling IPhone application with Instruments.

I am compiling an IPhone application via command line (so no XCode options involved) and I am unable to get my symbol names to show when profiling with Instruments. I have tried several flags such as -gdawrf-2 and -g without any success. I have also tried using dsymutils to generate a .dSYM file but i have no clue how I'm supposed to use...

Pointing symbol-file folder for gdb

You can point a single symbol file to gdb with command symbol-file /usr/lib/debug/ But how to tell gdb to load all symbol-files from given path including subdirectories? ...