
sfJQueryUIPlugin: No Picker for new records

Everyday is a new day with Symfony, but I'm loving it! This morning I installed the sfJQueryUIPlugin. It has very little dependencies & accepts themeRoller styles. However, it has 2 issues: [Feature_Request] There is no way to specify the year range. By default, it shows a 20 year range around the year in the field value. eg. if field v...

sfWidgetFormSchemaFormatter: Format for name of embedded form

Hi, Im trying to create a custom formatter in Symfony 1.4. I have embedded form via $this->embedRelation('User','BasesfGuardUserAdminForm'); Is there a way to format the name of the embedded form 'User'? ...

Symfony 1.4 - Don't save a blank password on a executeUpdate action.

I have a form to edit a UserProfile which is stored in mysql db. Which includes the following custom configuration: public function configure() { $this->widgetSchema['password']=new sfWidgetFormInputPassword(); $this->validatorSchema['password']->setOption('required', false); // you don't need to specify a new password if you ...

Symfony 1.4: use relations in fixtures with propel

Hello, I just started to use the PHP symfony framework. Currently I'm trying to create fixture files in YAML to easily insert data into my MySQL database. Now my database has a couple of relations, I have the tables Organisation and Location. Organisation org_id (PK) org_name Location loc_id (PK) org_id (FK) loc_name Now I'm ...

Symfony 1.4: Deleting a sfGuardUser

Hi, I'm having some trouble with the following... I have a sfGuardUser table set up normally, and it has a one-to-one relationship with a Profile table, which contains some additional user info. When a user wants to delete themselves from the site, I'd like to retain their info in the Profile table for various purposes BUT delete the ...

symfony doctrine:insert-sql - "Couldn't locate driver named mysql" error

hey, I am a newbie in symfony. I am following this joobet tutorial on, I am on there day 3 Whenever I type php symfony doctrine:insert-sql, I get the following error: doctrine creating tables Couldn't locate driver named mysql I am using it on WAMP. I have sym...

Symfony file upload - "Array" stored in database instead of the actual filename

I'm using Symfony 1.4.4 and Doctrine and I need to upload an image on the server. I've done that hundreds of times without any problem but this time something weird happens : instead of the filename being stored in the database, I find the string "Array". Here's what I'm doing: In my Form: $this->useFields(array('filename')); $this->...

What is the most efficient approach to fetch category tree, products, brands, counts by subcategory in Symfony + Doctrine

Symfony 1.4 + Doctrine 1.2. What is the best way to minimize the number of queries to retrieve products, subcategories of current category, product counts by subcategory and brand for the result set of the query below? Categories are a nested set. Here is my query: $q = Doctrine_Query::create() ->select('c.*, p.product,p.pri...

How to include a library in Symfony

I am writing an application using Symfony. I have some reusable components that I don't want to put into the main Symfony modules; instead, they are in the lib directory. What I want to know is, what is the best way to include this file? Can I include lib/foo/bar.php or do I need a full path, or is there something else I should do? ...

Couldn't get last insert identifier symfony sql server through ODBC

Im getting that error every time I try to add a new set of data to my sql server 2008 database. I'm running windows 7 on my development machine. my current config is: all: doctrine: class: sfDoctrineDatabase param: dsn: 'odbc:Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server=localhost;database=jobeet;' username: sa password: **...

Attaching javascript events to form widgets

I have a form with a drop down menu and I want to do a javascript action whenever the user changes the selection. I imagine it is possible find the input later, using javascript, and attach an event to to it; but it seems like it would be easier if there was some sort of attribute or option that could be defined in form->configure(): e....

how can I solve a problem with andWhere with symfony/doctrine and odbc?

While following the symfony tutorial (1.4.4) I'm getting an error with ODBC/mssql 2008. SQLSTATE[07002]: COUNT field incorrect: 0 [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error (SQLExecute[0] at ext\pdo_odbc\odbc_stmt.c:254). Failing Query: "SELECT [j].[id] AS [j__id], [j].[category_id] AS [j__category_...

using setSfGuardUser() to save the current user in the model

My application makes use of the sfGuardUser plugin. One of my tables has a relation onto the sf_guard_user table so there is a corresponding setSfGuardUser() function in the base model. From Actions.class.php, I am attempting to set the current user into the object using this function, (Which I then save in the database). my attempt: ...

Symfony - Several form on the same page -> ID issue

Hi folks. I have an issue while displaying several forms of the same model on the same page. The problem is that with the NameFormat, the fields have the same ID : $this->widgetSchema->setNameFormat('display[%s]'); Will display <form class="update_display_form" id="update_display_0" action="/iperf/web/frontend_dev.php/update_display...

How to filter by ID in the admin generator

The question is simple: how do I SHOW the ID field in the filter area, when using the admin generator? I'm trying to include "id" in the display option, inside the filter section, but it is not appearing. I have no problem with the other fields. I'm using Symfony 1.4.5 ...

Symfony 1.4 Form Value change after getValues()

Hi, I've got some problem with symfony form value (i guess it's the clean value, but not so clear yet). Here's the problem : I got a sfFormDateJQueryUI widget setup like this in my form : $this->setWidgets(array( 'needDate' => new sfWidgetFormDateJQueryUI(), )); $this->setValidators(array( 'needDate' ...

Admin generator and i18n

I have read lots of questions about i18n, but I haven't found any about performance. I have a simple backend app listing the contents of an ads table. These ads have a category, that is translated in some languages (it's defined as i18n in the Doctrine schema). So, when I add a "table_method" in my generator.yml to include de Category ...

Store Selected User Info in Database

Using Symfony 1.4.x (with Propel), I've been given a task that requires me to share specific user info with multiple external systems. This is currently stored as a session (in memory) attribute, but I need to get it into a database so that I can create an API that will provide that info to authorized consumers. I'd rather not overhaul ...

Symfony 1.4 setter type double precision

Hi volks, I want to save a number with 14 decimal places, but symfony only saves 6. How can I control this: $loc->setSinRadLon(0.73946213661883); In the schema the column looks like: sin_rad_lon: { type: double(), scale: 14, notnull: true } The DB stetting is: sin_rad_lon double(18,14) In the DB the column value is: 0.73946...

setting a default in sfwidgetformchoice

I have an embedded form with a choice widget. I'm trying to pass a default value from the main form to the widget. I'm trying to pass the value to the form as an option, then once I have it in the embedded form do I just do something like: new sfwidgetformchoice(array(...,'default' => $this->getOption('default')) doesn't seem to wor...