
Problems with Xcode Syntax Highlighting

In Xcode 3.2.1 I have this problem where it stops highlighting Objects in purple, and such. For example: In that example, NSAutoreleasePool, pool, img, size, width and height should be highlighted, however, they are not. Here is a screenshot of what that looks like. Anyone know how to fix this? Edit: Also, code sense isn't showing c...

Text editor/viewer with ANSI codes rendering support for Windows.

I need some tool to display text containing ANSI codes correctly on Windows. No full support needed, but at least coloring/bold is a must. Reason: My logger/debug module produce nicely rendered rich output with important sections colored using ANSI codes. This helps a lot when debugging on the serial terminal, but if I dump the debug to...

syntax highlight with objective-c

Hi Guys, i'm looking for a objective-c class that supports syntax hightlighting a string. is there something like that existing? this should work on iphone! ...

javascript php editor

Is there and editor for PHP (or for any other syntax-highlight - able) language, written in javascript and available to use? ...

PHP: Using PHP to syntax highlight all <code>s on a page... ($highlight_string() isn't an option)

Hi Stackers! I'm using CodeIgniter, alongside the highlight_code("$string"); (More info) function to provide syntax highlighting to a dynamic site. I want the users to be able to submit their own posts written in a BBCode-style format. I'm using NBBC PHP library for this. My problem is that nomatter how I do it I cannot get NBBC to syn...

c# richtext editor with smarttags

I'm looking for a richtextbox control which preferably has support for custom smart tags. The standard rich text editor in .net is a bit limited, so I'm just wondering if someone has a control to recommend. Some features I'm looking for is - being able to represent links with a different text than the link itself - being able to add a c...

Add syntax coloring for new filetype in Visual Studio 6?

Is it possible to change the syntax coloring for a new file type (let's call it .XYZ files) in Visual Studio (VC++) 6, and if so, how? I see where you can edit the color for comments, numbers, operators, etc. in Tools/Options/Format, but it seems to apply only to known filetypes like .C, .H, .CPP, .HPP, etc. In this particular case, XY...

C# or javascript code formatter

I'm currently using Syntax Highlighter to show a XML or SOAP messages on a page. That works fine for messages that are already formatted correctly (line breaks, indents, etc). But if I had a XML string like: string xml = "<doc><object><first>Joe</first><last>Smith</last></object></doc>"; I would write the string to the page and the ...

Make Wordpress tinyMCE Editor looks like Dreamweaver code highlight in HTML view

¿Anybody know a plugin or something who makes tinyMCE Wordpress editor in HTML mode highlight the xhtml code for better editing? Thanks ...

vim syntax highlighting of ColdFusion hash marks

I'm trying to create a patch for cf.vim to resolve an issue with hashes. In ColdFusion, # signs are used to enclose an expression inside a cfoutput block. <cfset x = 1 /> <cfoutput> x is now #x# </cfoutput> <!--- outputs "x is now 1" ---> The problem comes into play when there is a lone #, not inside a cfoutput block: <a href="#x">a...

On-the-fly syntax error highlighting for c++ in Visual Studio 2005?

Is it possible to get Visual Studio 2005 to highlight syntax and type errors on-the-fly, as I am typing code? This functionality is available in Eclipse and I miss it. ...

Python: wingIDE syntax highlighting customization

Hello, I'm using the free version of wingIDE. I am trying to customize individual syntax highlighting colors (comments, strings, constants, normal text, etc). I see the generic color changes for 'background,selected text", etc, but nothing that lets me get down to specifics. Is this a limitation of the free version or is the option hidd...

What are good jQuery plugins to highlight code and XML content?

I have a couple of web-pages where I write out some code c#, and some XML. I'd like to find a way to highlight the syntax of the different content to make it easier to read - very much like here on Stackoverflow? I already use a bit of jQuery so something that plugs into that would be a nice fit. ...

Is it possible for Visual Studio to use default colors when pasting into other applications (eg. Outlook)?

I have a custom color theme within visual studio which uses a dark background which looks great, however when I copy & paste into Outlook I would like outlook to use the default formatting, is this possible? My current workaround is to simply paste into a single cell table, reset the background color on the text to none and apply a back...

Syntax hightlighting of template-toolkit within Ultraedit

Have anyone succesfully created a "wordfile" that works? I've tried but i can't get it to highlight [% and %] ...

Can I customize syntax highlighting in Eclipse to show octal literals differently?

I think octal literals are Very Dangerous Things, and I'd like them to be glaringly obvious whenever I read source codes. There must be a way to do this in Eclipse, right? So it looks like standard Eclipse cannot be configured to do this? A custom colorer is required? ...

How do I get "rainbow parentheses" in emacs?

Hello StackOverflowers, I would like rainbow parens for editing Clojure in Emacs and since VI does this I assume that in Emacs it should be something like M-x butterfly or something :) ...

Is it possible in Eclipse to define syntax highlighting for a language without resorting to Java programming?

I am looking for a way to define some syntax coloring for a language in Eclipse. I only need to highlight certain sets of keywords, so the logic is trivial. So I would like to be able to define these in a plain definition file. Is there perhaps some Eclipse plugin which allows this, or is it possible out of the box? ...

Syntax Highlighting - most efficient and professional way

Question: I want code for: syntax highlighting (of programming languages) Language: C# or assembly x86 (preferably C#) Platform: Windows Qualifications: most efficient implementation possible / most professional / the way that big corporations like Microsoft do it Rephrased: How do I implement syntax highlighting in C# for Windows in the...

How to tell which colorscheme a Vim session currently uses

You can set the Vim color scheme by issuing :colorscheme SCHEME_NAME but, oddly enough, you can't get the currently used scheme by issuing :colorscheme as this results in "E471: Argument required". I also don't see the color scheme listed in the output of :set. So how do you go about figuring out the current color scheme in use (o...