When should a period be used after $ in jQuery?
Hi, I am a beginner in JQuery. When should be used point after $ in JQuery? $.trim(str) and not $trim(str)? And some cases without point: $(document).ready, but not $.(document).ready? Thanks. ...
Hi, I am a beginner in JQuery. When should be used point after $ in JQuery? $.trim(str) and not $trim(str)? And some cases without point: $(document).ready, but not $.(document).ready? Thanks. ...
I was recently comparing the current version of json2.js with the version I had in my project and noticed a difference in how the function expression was created and self executed. The code used to wrap an anonymous function in parenthesis and then execute it, (function () { // code here })(); but now it wraps the auto-executed fun...
If you simply type an integer after the >>> prompt they give you in the IDLE interpreter, most of the time it'll simply bounce the number back at you. >>> 3 3 >>> 8 8 >>> 10 10 Start the nubmer off with a 0 however, and some interesting errors happen. >>> 010 8 >>> 020 16 ...
My code: $fileid = $_GET['imgid']; $fileid = (int)$fileid; //id is int type in photos table require 'database.php'; //get the image sourc name $q = "SELECT src form photos WHERE id='$fileid'"; $result = $mysqli->query($q) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli)); if ($result) { $row = $result->fetch_object(); $filename = $row->src; ...
I'm trying to write this as part of stored procedure on SQL Server 2000. I keep getting a syntax error thrown on line starting Insert into OPENROWSET(..... Help! I can't see the syntax error! DECLARE @vDate Varchar(25) DECLARE @vCommand nvarchar(1000) DECLARE @fileName varchar(500) SET @vDate = LEFT(DATENAME(month, DATEADD(m, -...
I found this interesting item in a blog today: def abc(): try: return True finally: return False print "abc() is", abc() Can anyone tell why it does what it does? Thanks, KR ...
In a book they showed me this declaration: friends = [ { first_name: "Emily", last_name: "Laskin" }, { first_name: "Nick", last_name: "Mauro" }, { first_name: "Mark", last_name: "Maxwell" } ] This doesn't look like a hash. And when I enter it in IRB i get an error. What is this format? ...
With the following c++ example(indention was left out in purpose). if(condA) // if #1 if(condB) // if #2 if(condC) // if #3 if(condD) // if #4 funcA(); else if(condD) // else #1 if #5 funcB(); else if(condE) // else #2 if #6 funcC(); else // else #3 funcD(); else if(condF) //...
I have a string that looks like '%s in %s' and I want to know how to seperate the arguments so that they are two different %s. My mind coming from Java came up with this: '%s in %s' % unicode(self.author), unicode(self.publication) But this doesn't work so how does it look in Python? ...
I want to parse the SQL code of a file .sql using C#. I want determinate Syntax Check of a file sql, specifically Insert, Update and Delete statements. Specifically is there any parser freely available which can parse the SQL code in C# .NET ? better is freeware, source code included, and easy use. I use Oracle ...
I have noticed quite a few times that syntax errors like Exit(push(ASBDD(asPixmap, _ScriptSavePixmap(Script, PMRGBAdjust(_ScriptGetPixmap(Script, Args[0].Index), adjparams)))); actually compiles. Notice that one closing bracket ) is missing. (Of course it also compiles if I add this missing bracket!) Is this a documented feature? ...
I've seen Scala using both interchangeably, but I don't know when to use one or the other. Is there a convention? For instance these are equivalent "hello" toString and "hello".toString() And they can even be mixed "hello".toString() length What's the convention? ...
Hi All, I am trying to make a edit profile page and i want the user to be able to change there username and email address. I've been going at this problem now for sometime and need your help. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE $edit = mysql_query("UPDATE users (Username, EmailAddress) VALUES('".$newusername."', '".$ne...
for i in range(len(results_histogram)): if i!=len(results_histogram)-1: url+=str(results_histogram[i])+',' my if statement is checking whether i am on the last loop, but it is not working. what am i doing wrong? ...
I have a div element with contenteditable set to true, and I want to detect whether a certain string exists within the element, and if so, style it, giving the appearance of syntax highlighting (I've already looked at existing libraries/scripts, and none of them work the way I need them to). What would be the best solution to this, whil...
I have a class say public class CostStore { int DirectorateId { get; set; } decimal NewCar { get; set; } decimal ContractorNew { get; set; } decimal ContractorRenew { get; set; } decimal ContractorLost { get; set; } decimal ContractorStolen { get; set; } decimal InternalNew { get; set; } decimal ...
So since I'm still wanting to create a simple Pac-Man clone by December, I'm currently teaching myself C# in order to use the XNA Game Studio 3.1, which I find the best answer with readily available documentation to learn from as well as being kinda future-safe. Anyway, the problem comes from a book I'm reading in which a function is d...
Hi, I was wondering if there was a more elegant way than this example to use generic type as generic parameter: public class Wrapper<TObject> where TObject : MyBaseClass { } public class WrapperCollection<TWrapper, TObject> : Collection<TWrapper> where TWrapper : Wrapper<TObject> where TObject : MyBaseClass { } Actually,...
When calculating math.factorial(100) I get: 93326215443944152681699238856266700490715968264381621468592963895217599993229915608941463976156518286253697920827223758251185210916864000000000000000000000000L Why is there an L at the end of the number? ...
Hello, firstof all, i excuse in advance, this error may be a simple one. But i slept like 4 hour this night... :'( <?php echo url_for('@news_read/id=?'.$news_item->getId()) ?> outputs a syntax error and i don't see where it is (i wouldn't see an elephant right now...) Thank you ...