
Testing if a program is installed using PHP

For a particular PHP script I'm working on, I'm going to use a system call to the Lynx web browser to convert HTML to plain text and capture the output: $text = `lynx -dump`; /* #[1]Stack Overflow [2]RSS [3]login | [4]about | [5]faq ____________________________ [6]logo homepage * [7]Questions * [8]Tags * [9]Use...

How to read output and give input to a program from c program?

This is with reference to the below question How do I do the same on windows with Tiny C Compiler? I need to execute a .exe fro c program and give input to it from within the same C program by using a file or string as source and read the output from it into...

Java System.getProperty("user.dir") on Mac OS X

I have an application bundle on Mac OS X 10.4 on the desktop. My application looks for a folder named "resources" in which files to be displayed are kept (kept in the same location as the runnable JAR). I know there is a folder named "Resources" within the app bundle too, sorry if thats confusing, but I never programmed on a Mac and didn...

Email Management System

Hi All, I want to build a Email Management System for our call center. Is there a open source out there that I can? My dev environment is C# and SQL 2005. Thanks Tony ...

Determining “System Load”

Does anyone know an elegant way to determine “System Load” preferably using Windows performance counters? In this case I mean “System Load” in the classical (UNIX) sense of the term and not in the commonly confused “CPU Utilization” percentage. Based on my reading … “System Load” is typically represented as a float, defining the numb...

Digital clocking systems/software? (employee clocking)

How does a digital clocking system deal with user error such as someone forgetting to clock out or someone erroneously entering their code causing them to clock someone else in/out (who might not even be on the schedule that day). Its obvious there could be issues of dishonesty, but what about human error? ...

Discrepancy between call to statvfs and df command

When I use the statvfs command on a Linux machine to get the available free space on a mounted file system, the number I get is slightly different than what is reported by df. Is there some reason for this? For example, one on machine I have with a 500G hard drive, I get the following output from df: # df --block-size=1 --no-sync File...

Mysql change column collation and character set of information schema

i want to change column collation and character set of system database information_schema... can anyone give any input on how to do this? is there any special priviledges i need for this ...

Retrieve Architecture from Java

Hi All, I'm writing a JNI application and I want the app to download the correct binary library for the current architecture. Is there any way to retrieve this information from code? I need to know where it's ARM, x86 or any other architecture really. Kind regards, Gavin ...

About RTC(system clock) issue in Win7

I encountered a very very very strange issue, if My SW is still running in Idle mode on Win7, the RTC(system clock) delay 25 sec during 3 days, I addressed it's WM_TIMER issue. If I remove the timer, the issue will disappear, but I really want to know how to avoid it and why. Thanks. ...

Is there a network file system for mainframes (System Z)?

Network file systems are offered by Windows and (L)Unix. Is there one for IBM Mainframes? (Hard to believe not). Does it offer standard Unix-style access (binary? Ascii? EBCDIC?) to mainframe data areas? How are datasets/partitioned data sets treated? Who configures into Z/OS? How do I find out more about such network file systems for...

C#: GPS Tracking system

How do I go about building a GPS tracking system with mobile (with GPS) in ? The scenario is Track a user (service engineer, nothing illegal here) via a GPS enabled mobile Phone. What software and hardware will I require? Is there any open source implementation? For a vehicle tracking system, how do I go about with GPS? I would...

Intranet system

This isn't exactly code-related, but you guys know the best! What's the best intranet/project management system? I'm thinking about using Expression Engine to manage my own custom one. Edit PHP platform. I need to set up projects, colaborate with partners, and let clients see the status of the project. Really just a shared basic to...

What should my thesis project be?

I want to use a SIM-card reader as my hardware for my thesis. With it, my PC can send SMS to someone's cell phone. What kind of system is the best for the kind of software I want to use? As I first planned, I wanted to do a security system that will notify my phone if someone attempts to open my PC, but I got a lot of bad feedback on tha...

how to find out a specific process is still running in PHP

I'm writing a script that builds a queue of other scripts and is supposed to manage their launch. the manager script should know which child process has finished, so it can launch other scripts waiting in the queue. I added a "& echo $!" to get the Process Id of each child process. so I have my child processes Process Ids, and for now a...

How to verify external resources are available

How do you verify the state of the environment for a system without drastically increasing the scope of the system? I'm working on a system which talks to some remote servers. For example, it connects to a server and grabs logs of MyApp that ran on that server. These remote servers use a multitude of operating systems and are "manually"...

Access file type icons Mac OSX

I am trying to find a way to access the Mac OSX system icons. Does anyone know their default location on a Mac? Or know of a way using Java to have them returned? There is a method of using JFileChooser for Mac to retrieve an Icon for a file, but the file has to exist on the file system (in my app the file could be streaming from a serv...

What good web file management systems do you use?

I am looking for a web based file management system and have the following requirements: Deal with the huge size of storage Permissions on the files according to association groups Tagging on files Search engine Is there a service that you can recommend? ...

portable system/process information library

I need to retrieve process information in a C/C++ program. I need at least basic things like CPU% and memory usage, but additional details would be useful as well. The problem is that I need to use this information in a portable program, that will run on multiple platforms: windows, linux, MAC and possibly Solaris too. Is there a libra...

Web based script to determine system information

I know web based scripts can be used to identify the charactertics of vistors (display resolution, Java version, OS, architecture, render engine, etc) But is there anything that could give me amount of system memory resident on the vistors PC? ...