
Open a URL in a new browser process

I need to open a URL in a new browser process. I need to be notified when that browser process quits. The code I'm currently using is the following: Process browser = new Process(); browser.EnableRaisingEvents = true; browser.StartInfo.Arguments = url; browser.StartInfo.FileName = "iexplore"; bro...

How do you escape a file system path for the iPhone?

Hey everyone, Is there a system library for escaping a file system path for iPhone development? I have to read and write files where the file name is based on 3rd party values so I want to make sure the paths I'm actually writing to are nice and safe. I would have thought there was an NS library that would do this for me, since this is...

Dump php system command output to a file

Hello all, In the php system command we use the following system("ffmpeg -i test.avi -ab 56 -ar 44100 -b 200 -r 15 -s 320x240 -f flv output_file.flv 2>&1 &"). Please explain the usage of the above mentioned system command. What does '2>&1 &' stand for ? I want to dump the process details to a file how do I do that ? Thank you very ...

Converting String^ to std::string (basic string) -> Error. How can I fix this?

I try to convert a String^ to basic string...but I get the error after this code. What does it mean and how can I fix it? I need to input basic string into a class constructor. The string^ would not work. System::String^ temp = textBox1->Text; string dummy = System::Convert::ToString(temp); error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert...

How can I simulate a socket disconnection (on windows) between a client and a server?

I've implemented a kind of 'heartbeat solution' and I'd like to see what happen when the network 'goes down', in real conditions, specially if it happens when there is no traffic on the socket. Problems: - I've got only one computer; - I'm on windows/java; I guess that simply unplugging the network cable/deactivating the network card ...

Exec() in PHP on Windows without opening up cmd.exe Security weakness ?

Hi, I have the requirement for a web script to execute an exe file and then return the results on the exe to the web request. I can either echo back the result of the exe or modify the exe to save it's results to a file, and then read the file to echo back the web request. The problem is that using php under IIS all exec() shell_execu...

What's the differences between system and backticks and pipes in Perl?

Perl supports three ways (that I know of) of running external programs: system: system PROGRAM LIST as in: system "abc"; backticks as in: `abc`; running it through a pipe as in: open ABC, "abc|"; What are the differences between them? Here's what I know: You can use backticks and pipes to get the output of the command ...

Structuring internal mail system

I have two tables in my database: Company table (ID, CompanyName, CompanyUsername, CompanyPassword) Employee table (ID, CompanyID, Name, Username, Password) Right now I am designing an internal mail system for which employees can write to each other, but also write directly to the company account. My internal mail table has these fi...

How to manage PATH variable in Windows?

Every time I experiment with a new language, compiler, interpreter, tool, or whatever, and I want to run that from the command line, I would have to go to System and change my PATH variable. However, the box to put the monster string in consists of only a 1-line text box. I frequently find myself having to copy/paste the PATH string into...

How do you run a .bat file from PHP?

Can anyone tell me how to execute a .bat file from a PHP script? I have tried - exec("C:[path to file]"); system("C:[path to file]"); nothing is working. Ive checked the PHP manuals and googled around but cant find a good answer. Anyone know where im going wrong? I'm running windows 2003 server and have successfully manually ran the ...

What are some conditions that may cause fork() or system() calls to fail on Linux?

And how can one find out whether any of them are occuring, and leading to an error returned by fork() or system()? In other words, if fork() or system() returns with an error, what are some things in Linux that I can check to diagnose why that particular error is happening? For example: Just plain out of memory (results in errno ENOM...

Getting the current ip address from within a application (VC++ 2005)

Hi, I would like to send an email from an application that contains the current ip address of the machine. I have the email code in place and it works. I just need to add the ipaddress to the body of the email (ie I am not doing anything programmatically with the IP address). I was hoping there was a really simple way like running ipc...

Why does an 8-bit field have endianness?

See the definition of TCP header in /netinet/tcp.h: struct tcphdr { u_int16_t th_sport; /* source port */ u_int16_t th_dport; /* destination port */ tcp_seq th_seq; /* sequence number */ tcp_seq th_ack; /* acknowledgement number */ # if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN u_int8...

What's a good task tracking system built on PHP?

I'd like to set up a task tracking system on a hosted PHP server to track small-scale development projects. Something simple but reliable would be great. A Google search pulls up a few names, but I wanted to get some opinions from people who have used a PHP-based system for this. ...

Online paperless application management system recommendations?

Hi, I'm looking for a good online application processing and review system preferably on a .Net platform. We're looking to do some work for a client who wishes to overhall their paper based sponsorship application process using an online system. Has anyone came across any good systems which allow for a fully customisable application d...

Portable way to find out if a command exists (C/C++)

C standard library provides functions system and popen to run a command. But is there a portable way to detect if a command exists? ...

Synchronized value between C# and C++?

Is there a function which exists in both C# and (unmanaged) C++ which returns a synchronized number (such as float or int)? For example is there something which brings the exact system time to at least the second which would return the exact same result on both C++ and C# is called in the exact same time? Just wondering really =) ...

What is the system that allows for anonymous pictures portraits?

Anyone knows what is the system that allow blogs / websites to generate a random picture for anonymous commenters? Its always the same picture if you input the same name and email, seems very useful but can't track down what it is. It's used here on stackoverflow, and I've seen it on a number of other sites and blogs. Thanks! ...

System() calls in C++ and their roles in programming

I've often heard that using system("PAUSE") is bad practice and to use std::cin.get() instead. Now my understanding of system calls is that they take a string which they enter into a system command line and talk with the OS, so PAUSE is a DOS command that pauses the output in the command window. I assume this works similarly with Mac and...

What would it take to write my own database system?

What would it take to write my own database system? I would want to make it a server type system. Have any successful database systems been written by one person? ...