
CVS tab completion for modules under Linux

How can I get tab completion to work for selecting CVS modules under Linux (preferably using bash) ? For example, "cvs co " + tab would list the modules I can checkout. I've heard it's easy to do using zsh, but still I didn't manage to get it working either. Also, how can I list all available modules (or repositories?) available in th...

Tab-completion in Python interpreter in OS X Terminal

Several months ago, I wrote a blog post detailing how to achieve tab-completion in the standard Python interactive interpreter--a feature I once thought only available in IPython. I've found it tremendously handy given that I sometimes have to switch to the standard interpreter due to IPython unicode issues. Recently I've done some work...

Bash TAB-completion inside double-quoted string

Problem I'm writing a Twitter client for the command line (in C). I'm currently working on doing TAB-completion for Twitter screen names, like so: tweet "@s<TAB> @sourcebits @spolsky However, I can't get it to work mid-string, e.g.: tweet "Foo bar @s<TAB> since Bash treats the string as one word. I couldn't find anythin...

Send TAB to a child console (windows)

I create a child console application with _process = new Process(); _process.StartInfo.FileName = @"cmd.exe"; _process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; _process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; _process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; _process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; _proccess.Start(); Now I can go to c:\a...

Unable to make a tab completion file for MacPorts in Bash?

I did not find by Google a tab completion file for MacPorts. It should not apparetnly differ much from the ones for Git and Django. How can you make a tab completion for MacPorts in Bash? ...

Unable to have a tab completion of system variables without a backslash

My inputrc is empty. I use Bash. Problem: I am at cd $te I press Tab, and I get cd \$test How can you have the tab completion without the backslash in Bash? ...

Unable to have MacPorts' tab completion in Zsh

I get the following in including MacPorts' Bash tab completion to Zsh /opt/local/etc/bash_completion:[:48: unrecognized condition: `2' [ -- cut -- ] /opt/local/etc/bash_completion:[:62: unrecognized condition: `2' /opt/local/etc/bash_completion:69: command not found: shopt [ -- cut -- ] /opt/local/etc/bash_completion:3015: command not f...

Unable to have two-word-search in Zsh's TAB completion for Man

Problem: to have a tab completion which takes two words and calculates the best match from them for Man, and then returns the best matches Example: The following pseudo-code should give me at least Zsh's reverse-menu-complete -command. Right now, I cannot search manuals inside manuals without zgrep. man zsh:reverse <TAB> where ":" is...

Unable to find a tab completion for Rubygem in Bash/Zsh

I have not found a tab-completion script for RubyGem in Bash/Zsh. Where can you get the tab-completion script for RubyGem in Bahs/Zsh? ...

Unable to find a substitute command for Bash's complete in Zsh

I put the newest git-completion.bash to my .zshrc and I get /Users/Masi/bin/shells/git/git-completion.bash:2116: command not found: complete /Users/Masi/bin/shells/git/git-completion.bash:2118: command not found: complete The lines are complete -o bashdefault -o default -o nospace -F _git git 2>/dev/null \ || complete -o defaul...

How can I hook into tcsh's TAB completion on Linux

I have some directories with a number of "hidden" files. One example of this is I'm in a source controlled sandbox and some of the files have not been checked out yet. When I hit TAB, I'd like the option of seeing these files. A similar question has been asked before: CVS Tab completion for modules under linux The answers to that quest...

python tab completion in windows

I'm writing a cross-platform shell like program in python and I'd like to add custom tab-completion actions. On Unix systems I can use the built-in readline module and use code like the following to specify a list of possible completions when I hit the TAB key: import readline readline.parse_and_bind( 'tab: complete' ) readline.set_comp...

Programming customized tab completion for zsh

Sorry if my google fu is too weak, but: I simply want to adjust zsh so that I can tab complete someappname -s using the contents (filenames) of ~/somedir For example: someapp -s f<tab> should cycle through completions based on the files starting with the letter f in ~/somedir . So I might end up with a command line like: "someapp...

How do I do tab completion in Perl's Term::Shell?

I am using the Term::Shell package in Perl for implementing a CLI tool. I am not able to do the tab completion of a command part with that. comp_CMD() - which is a API provided by this Term::Shell, is to achieve the tab completion. This is not helping me. Does anyone know how to make this work?? Sample Code: #!/usr/bin/env perl packa...

How can I customize tab completion in Perl's Term::Shell?

I am using Term::Shell package to implement a CLI tool. This package provides a API: comp_CMD. This function is invoked whenever the user presses the TAB. My requirement here is: shell> stackTAB over under `shell>stack overTAB flow sample junk But the default comp_CMD provides only one set of TAB options like shell> stack TAB ov...

TAB completion and mc problems

DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=8.10 DISTRIB_CODENAME=intrepid DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 8.10" This is the server version. When I ssh into it, I encounter the following problems: Problem 1 tab completion behaves weird to the point of being unusable: > cd ~/<press TAB> -sh: <( compgen -d -- '/home/dmitriid/' ): No such file or d...

raw_input without leaving a history in readline

Is there a way of using raw_input without leaving a sign in the readline history, so that it don't show when tab-completing? ...

How to enable auto compleation in Ruby's IRB

When I use Merb's built in console, I get tab auto-completion similar to a standard bash prompt. I find this useful and would like to enable it in non-merb IRB sessions. How do I get auto-completion in IRB? ...

Tcsh and/or bash directory completion with variable hidden root prefix

I'm trying to set up directory completion in tcsh and/or bash (both are used at my site) with a slight twist: for a particular command "foo", I'd like to have completion use a custom function to match the first /-delimited term to an actual subtree node, and then follow normal directory completion for any successive terms. It is sort of...

How would one implement bash-like tab completion?

I'm trying to determine how the system prints characters to standard input -- that is, how it prints characters which the user can delete and which are considered input if the user hits "Enter." I happen to be using C, but I would be very surprised if the solution were language-dependent. Thanks for any insights! : D ...