
iphone tab bar icon click area

Do the sizes of the tab bar icons determine the clickable area? If I have a smaller tab bar icon, does that make the clickable area smaller? ...

How to set the Navigation Bar Color of the Tab Bar Configure Menu

As you can see the view I need to change is the provided view to customize the tabbar order. I want to change the color of the navigation bar (displaying "Konfigurieren" which means "Configure"), I already found out how to change the color of the "More"-Navigation Controller, but not this one. Can anybody help me with that? ...

Example of a manually written Tab Bar iPhone application?

I have an application I'm working on that needs to feel somewhat like a Tab Bar application, but without the tab bar. Anyway I'm wondering if someone has manually written such an application that I can use to bootstrap my knowledge in this area? Essentially I want to make a tab bar application using a UIToolbar and with some animations...

iPhone - tabbar + view issue

Hello, I am using a UITabBar control from library in one of my view (note that I am not using UITabBarController but the UITabBar control). Now, I am adding two tabBar items to this tabBar. I have created controller class for this view (.m and .h) files and used delegates in the .h file. In the .m file I have used the following func...

Tab Bar within a navigation based aplication (Again)

Here is my problem: I've read a lot about how to use a tab bar within a navigation based application, but i still can't figure it out. I have tried both to use and avoid using a tab bar controller, but i just can't find the solution. I already have a navigation based app working. I have several nib files (views), each one with its own ...

Tab bar "more" button crashing - sometimes..

Hi, I'm having an issue with my iPhone application. It is Tab bar based with more then five tab bar buttons (so the More... button is there). Follow this scenario with me: The user tap on the More button The user tap a row in the table to get to another view ( which is pushed on the stack with a pushviewcontroller) The user tap on one ...

Iphone TABBAR MENU like documentstogo app

Hi all! How can I do a TABBAR MENU like this??? Thanks, Simone ...

how to set backroundcolor

Is there a way to set a common Backgroundcolor for all the tabs in a given TabBar? Rightnow I am able to set color only for selected tabs using tabBar.getChildAt and setStyle ...

How do you UNhighlight a tab in the tab bar

I have an app that has a tabbar at the bottom. When I select a tab the press is caught by: didSelectItem:(UITabBarItem *)item So, everything works great except that the tab stays blue until I hit another tab which stays blue until I hit another tab, etc.... is there some code I can put in my switch/case code that turns the blue high...

UINavigationController is it needed?

Hello! Im a budding iphone developer, and doing my best but i have a query regarding the UINavigationController. I have a tab bar app, with 3 tabs. The 1st tab has five UIButtons, each loading a different "section" of the app, and each section will have a number of views. The other tabs simply display some info. as users select any o...

how to keep the tabbar while going to a viewcontroller with flipping view transtion

the app has the structure of tabbarController -> navigationController -> viewController , when I go to another viewcontroller with the view transition like this vc.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal; UINavigationController* nvc = [[[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:vc] autorelease]; [sel...

Removing multiple ViewControllers iPhone tabbar app

OK so having a real headache with this one and most of the day has been wasted! with little progress! The app: I have a tab bar application each tab has its own view controller and associated view. Say on tab 1 a user clicks on a button to go to a different view i have implemented the following: [self.view addsubView:view 2] I keep a...

How to create a configurable Tab bar like music app in iPhone

I want to implement a configurable tab bar in my app like iphone music app where a user can edit the Tab bar by dragging and dropping icon on to it. ...

Is it possible to reload a view when a tab bar item is pressed?

It doesn't seem like each time a view is presented via the tab bar, that the viewDidAppear method gets called. I've searched as much as I could on this issue, but haven't really found a definitive answer. Are there any suggestions or workarounds to this? ...

iPhone: Some Views Landscape others Portrait

Hey there, I've got a tabbar setup with a few tabs. The first tabitem is viewcontroller that programmatically loads a xib that is laid out in portrait. When the user rotates the phone, it automatically presents a modal view that is laid out in landscape. This mechanism works fine. When the device is rotated to portrait mode, it dism...

loginview problem in tabbar application.

i have a 3 tabbar in my app. in my Appdelegate i have a reference to loginview where i am popingup loginview if user is not logged is method. - (void)LoginView { loginView = [[[LoginViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"LoginView" bundle:nil] autorelease]; UINavigationController* nav = (UINavigationController*)[tabBarControl...

Is there a way to prevent the configuration of tabbar items?

I constructed a tabbar with more than 5 tabs and the remainders were automatically added into the "More" view. That is fine, but along with that, the user is able to "Edit" the configuration of the app's tabs. I do not want the user to be able to do that. Is there a way to prevent the user from doing this? ...

How can change the Portrait mode to Landscape mode and vice versa in Tab Bar view controller?

In my application, I am using Tab bar controller.How to change from Portrait mode to Landscape mode and vice versa? I can change mode with out Tab bar controller by just returning YES in shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation method but when a view consist tab bar it is not working.Please, provide a solution. I am thankful to you? ...

iPhone Tabbar Controller with UIPageController

I have an iPhone tabbar application with "n" number tabs. I'd like to have a UIpagecontrol in place so I could swipe between tabs. Could anyone tell me how I could do this? Examples are very helpful. Much appreciated. ...

iPhone - Custom Tab Icons, Remove Highlight

I am creating a custom tab bar for my iPhone app and I need to change the images. I have changed the actual tab bar background, but I need to know how to add custom images for the icons and their respective "selected" icons. I also need to remove the square highlight that is default. Pretty much, it just needs to be my icons. Also wonder...