
remove a presentModalViewController

hi , i have posted how to show a modalViewController but now i need to remove it and come back to my tabbarController with the view he was. thx ...

Three20 TTThumbsViewController

I need to show some images in my app. So, I decided to use three20 and especially the TTThumbsViewController. i have tried to put it in my tabbar application, but it doesn't work. What I have to do?? Is there another way to make an image gallery?? Link to the project P.S. Sorry for my English, i can't write but i understand very well...

TabBar Controller Selection color

Hello, Ia there any one who have implemented for the TabBar Controller application in which on selection of tab item it shows different colour other than gray and blue color. ...

Add checkbox to tab in Flex

How could you add a checkbox to a tab in a tabnavigator or a tabbar in Flex? Or would you have to create your own tabbar? ...

Execute a function just after the view loads, iphone

I am creating a tabbar application. One of the tabs is for an rss feed, which is a navigation application. but when i click the tab bat button, it is taking a while to load the view of that tab. It is because the application is waiting for the feed to be loaded from the server. Is there any way to load the view before the loading of that...

TableView on Tab Bar Application ? Application is crashing.

Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a Tab Bar Application called "TestApp" 2. Add new file, a UIViewController subclass with a XIB user interface called "Table" 3. Open up MainWindows.xib, click on the Second tab bar item and in Inspector change the NIB Name from "SecondView" to "Table". Save and close. 4. Open up Table.xib and drag a TableVie...

tabbar hides when calling a UIViewController

I am barely new to IPhone Programming so can anyone please shed some light for my problem. Current SetUp: I have Tabbar Controller(4 TabbarItem's) When u click the secondtabbaritem -> It calls second.xib which is of type UIViewController. My Requirement: I have a button inside the view. So when i click the button, it should load anoth...

TabBar Stop The Popping

If have a Navigation Bar and a Tab Bar in one of my views. This is all working fine. One of the Tab Bar items requires pushing several other view controllers on the navigation stack before I get the where I need to be. This is also working. When I click on the tab bar item, it marches right back up the stack. How can I make the desired c...

iPad - I need to put a split view inside a tab bar application.

hello, is there a way to add a split view in a tabbar application using only IB, without add the split view programmatically? many thanks, Simone ...

WPF TabBarControl Setting Focus to element when tab changes

I have a TabControl that is bound to a view model <TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding Path=ViewModelCollection}" > <TabControl.ItemContainerStyle> <Style TargetType="TabItem" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type TabItem}}"> <Setter ...

Changing the orientation of tabbar controller Forcefully.

Hai. In my iphone app i won't to change my tabbar orientation to landscape or portrait with out rotating the device, such that when i am pressing rotate button whole tabbar controller need to rotate for either landscape or portrait mode. can any one please give me a suggestion. ...

How to hide a tabbar at the app startup?

So, I want my app starts with a UIViewController(without seeing a tabbar), and then enter a UITableView with navigationbar and tabbar. the problem is that the Tabbar is visible at the app starts up, anyone can help on this will be very appreciated... ...

Tab bar application with UINavigation Controller MOC not being retained.

I created a tab bar application from the template and added a navigation controller to one of the tabs. I have already created this app from the navigation app template already and is working. The reason I am doing it this way is because I need to add a tab bar and thought it would be easier starting by using the tab bar project template...

iPhone dev - number of TabBarItem

I want to create a Tabbar that the number of tab bar items is defined by the user (let say it stores in a variable NumberOfTabBarItem). Is there a way to put tab bar items into some sort of array and display? Thanks! ...

Tab Bar disappears below the bottom of the screen

Hi, In my application I'm using a Navigation Controller to push one view that loads a Tab Bar Controller and a custom Navigation Bar as well. The problem is that the Tab Bar disappears below the bottom of the screen, and I don't know what's causing the problem. If I load a simple Tab Bar in the next view, it positions itself correctly...

Navigation (controller) in Tabbar (c) in Navigation (c) (iphone)

I want to have a TabBar controller inside a navigation controller. So that when an item is selected on the first Navigation Controller it pushes the TabBar into view. Inside this tabbar on the first tab is another navigation controller. However I only want one navigation bar. I've come up with 2 ways but not sure which way is better (I...

Problem in building a tab bar inside navigation controller

Hello Everyone! I am really frustrated and I rally hope that you will help me to solve this problem! I'm trying to build a tab bar inside a navigation controller. I used this template provided by WiredBob. My problem is that I want to add more bar items to the tab bar, but I keep getting crash! From the log: 2010-05-24 00:15:43.469 N...

Customizing TabBar in iphone.

Hai Can anyone guide me on How to customize the Tabbar such that each TabBarItem look like rounded button in Tabbar. and how to change the Tabbar Selection color. ...

TabBar beginCustomizingItems and endCustomizingAnimated in iphone

Hai. How and when we use the UITabbar beginCustomizingItems and endCustomizingAnimated methods, can any one guide me about these methods ? ...

iphone tabbar with custom buttons and scrollvie

i'm trying to get a tab bar effect not unlike russel quinn's 'creative review' app. the tabbar swipes across, which i have figured out, but the tabbar style itself is unlike anything i've seen on the iphone (though it looks so simple!). it has square buttons with a space between, and each button has a select/active/inactive state. i'm ...