
How to change title of more tab item?

I searched a lot of web-site about this topic and try some solutions: 1)Changing navigationItem title I changed navigationItem title but More tabItem is not changed. 2)Changing tabbarItem title [tabBarController moreNavigationController].tabBarItem.title = @"Morre"; It didnt work either. 3)Creating a new tabbarItem and assigning t...

how to implement the following style/customize the toolbar in iphone applicaiton?

I want to change my common toolbar style to this style.. Transparent toolbar. the round conner at the left and right side. press any of them have the click events. (all of them have already implemented in the old toolbar version.) ...

Modal View In TabBar iPhone App

Hi, I have TabBar app that loads several .xib files. In one of the views I am trying to load a modal view to compose an email in the app over the the view. I am using - (IBAction)buttonPressed { MFMailComposeViewController *controller = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init]; [controller setSubject:@"Email Subject"]; ...

Android scrollable Tabbar

Hello everyone, is it somehow possible to have horizontal scrollable tabbar if there are more than e.g. 10 tabs in it? Have anybody implemented something like this? Mur Ps. It was not nice, what I did: I've deleted almost the same topic, I'd started yesterday. A big SORRY for man, who answered it already, even if it wasn't really t...

"Handmade" TabView for Android

I'm not really fascinated by TabView in Android. So I've got a crazy idea how to do a "handmade"-almost-TabView. Before I start to implement it, I decide to ask you, if this idea too bad, what are negative or positive sides of it. Assume the whole application should include tabbar. The Layout of every activity will get as tabbar for ...