
Tabs of a tabcontainer on one line ?

A tabcontainer is holding many tabs. Is it possible to have only one line of tabs, and a scrollbutton left and right, rather than the default behaviour of having multiple lines of tabs ? ...

DIJIT TabContainer display problems in IE7

I am having an issue with a tabcontainer displaying tabs vertically, rather than horizontally in IE7. Firefox 3.5 is fine. My setup is as follows: Tab container contains 5 tabs. Tab container has CSS defined by a custom CSS file Each tab can contain a new tab container This 'inner' tab container uses the default tundra css styling. Th...

How can I link to a specific tab created with Dojo/Zend Combination

I have the following html / Javascript: And the following Zend PHP Code for the tabs: I would like to link to the Second Tab (Event Information2). If possible I would prefer to be able to have a button on the first tab that when clicked it goes to the next form. If that isn't possib...

[dojox] dojox.image.lightbox into dijit.layout.tabcontainer

Hello everybody! I try to insert an image, witch could be open with dojox.image.lightbox into a TabContainer. The TabContainer works, but when I add my image: <a dojoType="dojox.image.LightBox" group="grouped" title="mytitle" href="pathToImage"><img src="pathToImage" height="180px" width="240px" /></a> The TabContainer doesn't work a...

Databinding and dynamic TabPanel creation

My current task is an ASP.NET page to display the contents of a data object. One of that object's properties is a list of named lists. For opacity's sake let's call it a Company, which has a list of named locations, and each location is associated with (only) a list of employees. In case it matters, Company has this property implemented...

Visual studio 2010 ajax control toolkit tab container

Hi. We just upgraded to visual studio 2010 RC1 and all of a sudden our controls inside tabcontainer disappeared from the designer file. Actually, it all seemed good in the beginning, the project compiled nicely, but as soon as we did any change in the markup of a page and build the code for the controls inside the tabcontainer disappea...

Ajax TabContainer causing browser to close automatically

Hi All, I am trying to fix an issue. I have an ASP.NET Ajax's TabContainer on the page. And each tab there is a gridview control that gets binded onload. However for some reason the browser gets closed automatically after the page renders. If I remove the TabContainer then it works fine. I think the binding code will no wa...

Reference control from form inside AJAX tabcontainer

Ho do you reference code inside an AJAX tabcontainer? Is there an easy way? I am using a datepicker script and I am having trouble referencing the calendar inside an AJAX tabcontainer. This gives trouble cannot FIND it. Doesn't work <img onclick="displayDatePicker('ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder2$TabContainer1$txtDateContacted');" ...

Best approach for a multi-tab ASP.NET AJAX control?

Looking for some implementation advice: I have a page that has a 3-tab ajaxToolkit:TabContainer. The purpose of the page is to expose a calculator that has two basic inputs: geo-location and date. The three tabs are labeled "City and State", "Postal Code", and "GPS Coordinates". The layout of each tab container is the same for each tab,...

Ajax Tab Container usage in master page

Hi Can any one tell how to use AJAXControlToolkit's Tab container in Master page. My application has more pages, if I use tabcontainer i can include contentplace holder for each panel.. but the problem is only the first page is being displayed for me, when i click on the second tab nothing is being displayed .. here is my application ...

Tab container - Button event is not firing

Hi experts, In tab container let say I have two tabs [Tab1 & Tab2] Tab1 has 2 text box with required field validator Tab2 has 3 text box with required field validator Now even if I am filling all the text boxes in the TAB1, it is not allowing me to postback. [because TAB2 text boxes are still empty] & When I am filling all the text...

How to open a form in a determined tab? vb .net

I have a form with a tabcontrol and 4 tabs. I want to open a form with showdialog in a predetermined tab. I've tried OptionsForm.OPTS_TabControl1.SelectTab(1) OptionsForm.OPTS_TabControl1.ShowDialog() but it didn't work. Any help? thanks ...

How to use ajax tabcontainer in formview?

How to add a tabcontainer in a formview template? I am sure i have a scriptmanager inside the page. but it keep compliaint "A ScriptManager is required on page to use ASP.NET AJAX Script Components. I have also tried move the ScriptManager inside the itemTemplate but same error. ...

ASP.NET 3.5 AJAX control toolkit - is it possible to change TabOrder on existing tabs at runtime?

I'm working on an application with a TabContainer. Some of the tabs in the tabcontainer are hard-coded in the page while others will be configured using settings in Web.Config. For the dynamically added tabs, I can set the tab index to the value from Web.config, and things work fine. I'm doing this in Page_Init. When I try to set the...

AJAX TabContainer containing user controls

Hi all, Wondering if someone here can help. I have an AJAX tabcontainer which has a number of tabs and each tab contains a user control. When I add a new item from one of the tabs, it is not reflected in the user control in another tab unless a postback occurs. (e.g. the first tab has a listview where I add a new record and the second ...

CascadingDropDown in TabContainer and Target in other Tab

Hello, I have divised a page with a TabContainer. Before, this page worked with a CascadingDropDown that populate a DropDownList. Now this DropDownList is in another tab. So I catch an exception "Object Reference Null" when I try to see this page. How did runs to load a DropDownList in another Tab when I change a value in a different ...

How to disable the page refresh due to activeTabChange of TabContainer inside UpdatePanel?

Hi I am using AJAX TabContainer control with following settings. When I change a tab the postback happens and whole page refreshes. Because AutoPostBack="true"> . To AJAxify the behavior, I added UpdatePanel around it but still the page is refreshing. The control need to go to server because user controls contains some grids which need ...

Remembering active tab on refresh of ASPX page

I've got an ASPX page set up that loads and displays dynamic data from a local SQLite database. Since the data is being written to the database from a separate C# application, I've set up my ASPX page to refresh every 30 seconds when the database has flagged itself as actively receiving new data. On my ASPX page, I've got a TabContainer...

Tabcontainer in Master Page not working as expected

Isn't TABCONTAINER supposed to be used in a MASTERPAGE? I started building my application in a single .aspx page with a tabcontainer to separate the different features in the application. My idea was to later break it up into individual pages with less code in each of them. I thought the use of a masterpage would be the perfect solutio...

Problem with the way the Ajax Control Toolkit TabContainer sets the default submit button

We have an Ajax Control Toolkit TabContainer containing some textboxes for doing a search. When you keypress inside one of the textboxes, the TabContainer sets the default button to be the button immediately following the tab control. This is fine because that's the search button. The problem occurs after the button is clicked and resul...