
IE7 and the CSS table-cell property

So I just love it when my application is working great in Firefox, but then I open it in IE and... Nope, please try again. The issue I'm having is that I'm setting a CSS display property to either none or table-cell with JavaScript. I was initially using display: block, but Firefox was rendering it weird without the table-cell property...

Vertical alignment (for IE!)

HTML: <div class="product"> <a href="#" class="thumb"><img src="img/thumb_md.png" alt="" /></a> </div> CSS: .product .thumb { position: relative; display: table-cell; vertical-align: bottom; height: 130px; } great in modern browser, except, ofcourse, IE! Is there any workaround? The other solution I tried w...

min-width and max-wdith are ignored when element has display:table-cell

I'm trying to do simple fluid layout using CSS tables techniqe, but there is one big flow that I have found in it: min-width and max-width are ignored on elements with table-cell display. Do you know any workaround that would allow me to specify how far #sidebar element can stretch in the following example? XHTML: <div id="wrapper"> ...

JQuery - grab the td value next to radio button

Hello, I have the following dilemma: My HTML is as such (this exists within a PL/SQL app.): <table id="search_result_table"> <tr> <input type=radio name="pv_select" value="'||lv_spriden_id||'"/> <font face="Calibri" size=3><td id="spriden_id" name="spriden_id">'||lv_spriden_id||'</td></font>' <font face="Calibri" size=3><td id="la...

Table element in CSS table-cell offsets other table-cell contents

The following table element in the "center" div causes the contents in the "left" divs to be offset by several pixels from the top (8 in my browser). Adding some text prior to the table removes this offset. Why? How do I stop this from happening without requiring a "dummy" line of text before my table? <html> <head> <style type="te...

css table cell ie8 issue

Hi all, Am sure this one is basic :) I have a webpage with the following css .gameboard-table { border: solid 3px black; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; } .gameboard-table tr { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } .gameboard-table td { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; vertical-align: bottom; border: sol...

Why do Firefox and Opera ignore max-width inside of display: table-cell?

The following code displays correctly in Chrome or IE (the image is 200px wide). In Firefox and Opera the max-width style is ignored completely. Why does this happen and is there a good work around? Also, which way is most standards compliant? Note One possible work around for this particular situation is to set max-width to 200px. ...

HTML&CSS for 3 column layouts

I have 3 DIVs that are in a container. now: a div should be at left that it's width is not obvious a div should be at right that it's width is not obvious too problem: a div in the middle that always should be maximized in remained area i did that by using display property in FF but it seems IE does not support table-cell for display...

How to display the rows (<tr>) of a table on a single line(Internet Explorer 6,7)?

Hi all, I want to display the rows of a table on a single line. This is a problem in Internet Explorer 6 and 7 because setting the float attribute to left and the display to block won't do. And changing <tr>s to <td>s won't do either as these html elements are generated by a framework's code that i am not allowed to change. Edit: Some...

display: table-cell; in ie6/7 workaround

I'm trying to build a single row css table with multiple cells that has text that is vertically centered inside the cells. Basically the table behaviour I am trying to mimic with css is this: <table width="100%" height="54" border="0" bgcolor="red"> <tr> <td width="20%">text</td> <td width="20%">text</td> <td width="20%">te...

Display: Table-cell not setting height constantly xbrowser (ie8 table bug)

So I'm setting up a page with a bunch of dynamic content. I'm organizing this within a table. There are three rows, each with a single cell. The top part works as a fixed header, since I've set the top cell's height. The bottom cell works as a footer, since it also has a static height. The table's total height is set to 100% and the midd...