
How to create comparison tables in Python

I want to generate comparison tables like this by using Python. Can you suggest any library to do this? ...

is there anyway to popup a facebox dialog when clicking inside of a table TD cell

i want to popup a dialog facebox when i click inside a td in an html table. is this possible ? ...

[PHP] query-generated tables with many-to-many data fields, best practice?

You have two hypothetical tables: TABLE 1 [id] [item] [amount] [cost] 1 hat 20 10 2 shoe 7 45 3 belt 2 25 TABLE 2 (many to many) [item] [color] hat blue hat red hat yellow shoe black shoe white etc. etc. and when you run a query, you want to output a list ...

Table compression requirements in Oracle

Hi I have a Tablespace with total Size 600 MB(this is my test machine).and free space of 110 MB. i was trying to compress a table thats size is 120 MB. When execute the commands; alter table DOWNLOADSESSIONLOG move compress; im getting error saying (Error): ORA-01659: unable to allocate MINEXTENTS beyond 16 in tablespace WAP . I was se...

Aligning messageformat on printing a JTable.

I'm using this for the moment to print out my table, and it works. But I'm not really happy with the layout of the messageformatting, I would like to have both pagenumber and date in the footer, and date format aligned to the left side of the table, and page to the right. How can I do that? Been reading some stuff about overriding the P...

Iphone: Youtube thumbs refresh on scrolling

I'm working on my first iPhone app, and everything is going pretty good, however I got a problem that I can't solve. I created an rss reader that retrieves a title and a youtube link. I placed the youtube link in a UIwebview and the title next to that. But when I scroll through the list the youtube thumbs that are created keep reloadin...

How to store the following SQL data optimally in SQL Server 2008

I am creating a page where people can post articles. When the user posts an article, it shows up on a list, like the related questions on stackoverflow (when you add a new question). It's fairly simple. My problem is that i have 2 types of users. 1) Unregistered private users. 2) A company. The unregistered users needs to type in their...

Iptables administration - Big list of IP addresses

Hello all, How can we create a table of IP addresses for NetFilter? I would like to do so, just like table directive of PacketFilter. Thank you for any help. ...

[Javascript] How to iterate through multiple dropdown lists and access their option values

I'm writing the code for a basic GPA calculator. Basically, it's a 3-column-table, two text areas for the course name/credit hours and a dropdown list that contains letter grades (A+, C, B-) and their corresponding point values as the option value, like this <td><select name="letterGrades"> <option value="0.7">A+</option>> <option value...

How to build up a lookup table in microcontroller?

Hi, I am so confused about how to build up a 3-dimension lookup table. Is the template as follows: create a 3 dimensional array to store data. Then create linked list. Then create function 'insert' to put all the data into the array? As some book said, linked list should be static const, is it need to create another function to expand th...

Add background-image to <td> in PDF (ABCpdf)

I'm dynamically creating a pdf using ABCpdf (HTML -> PDF) I'm trying to create a Table Of Contents (with leaders), and I think the easiest way to get the leaders is using a repeat-x background-image. Here is my file structure: /Web    GenReport.aspx    /images       tocback.gif /Data    template.html GenReport uses an html template, ...

MS SQL Database Table Prefix from Previous Owner

I have an MS SQL 2000 database that was backed up from a public server and restored at a test location for an upgrade test. The problem is that the user that had access permission on the public server does not exist on the testing server, and now all tables are prefixed with that username (which requires ALL queries against those tables ...

What versions of Excel support loading HTML tables?

I can make a simple HTML table in a plain text file, including some simple styles, and open it in Excel, and Excel loads the table cells into spreadsheet cells and even interprets colors/styles. I'm using the latest version of Excel. How long has this feature existed? What's the oldest version of Excel that can load HTML tables? And ...

tableview editing

hi i am working with iphone sdk and i need to know when there is a new item or when the user remove an item from the tableview because it is a 'drinks' section and if the user add or remove a drink, i need to show it in another view. thx ...

iTextSharp - Bug in the table functions?

Hello all together, I try to make a table like this: PdfPTable Table = new PdfPTable(6); PdfPCell Cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("a", Font1)); Cell.Rowspan = 2; Cell.Colspan = 2; Table.AddCell(Cell); Cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("b", Font1)); Cell.Rowspan = 2; Cell.Colspan = 2; Table.AddCell(Cell); Cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("...

any way to view ALTER TABLE after its been executed? -MySQL

In the same way SHOW CREATE TABLE tblname; brings back what was previously executed, is there anyway to view the SQL of an ALTER TABLE query? please help? ...

html table max row and ajax navigation

Hi everybody, I have a php page that returns an HTML table like this: <table> <tr> <td>First Row data</td><td>Second Row data</td><td>Third Row data</td> </tr> <tr> <td>First Row data</td><td>Second Row data</td><td>Third Row data</td> </tr> <tr> <td>First Row data</td><td>Second Row data</td><td>Thir...

Should tables be used to align form elements in HTML or is this looked down upon?

I like to follow standards and use table-less div based layouts. However using tables to align form fields/textareas and submit buttons is so much easier than using anything else. So is it acceptable from a strict standard perspective? I see google, facebook among others use tables in their registration pages. ...

GWT Get rid of the tables

I've inherited a GWT project that uses Panels and Panels beyond belief, all of which generated tons of nested tables. I want to style this program and to do so, I'd like to have all of my elements become s so I can CSS style them properly -- can someone tell me how to go about doing that? Are there widgets in GWT that don't use tables, e...

Transfer SQL Server Objects Task using SMO connection fails on a large table

I am copying 120 tables our production database to another location using Transfer SQL Server Object task. I have also tried Script task with VB.NET Script. SQL Server 2005 is the version. All the tables get copied except one table = the error I get is -"The file exists". The table stores files like .doc, .ppt, .xls in a field of data ...