
uitableview reloadData issue

I've been debugging my iphone app and found something interesting. I have a UIViewControllers with TabBarcontroller( 6 tabs). Each tab is a UIViewController and it has a UITtableview. The viewDidLoad works and brings the initial data. On of the UITableView has a search bar. After the user touchs presses search some magic happens a...

How Can i reload data in tableview in view controller in iphone

Hi, I am new to iphone development. I have created 5 buttons in the view. On clicking the buttons it navigates to the corresponding views. On clicking the "News" button it navigates and displayed the parsing details in the table view.(This table view, I have created View controller and added table view using Interface Builder and i have ...

TableView Cells unresponsive

I have a TableView and I wish to be able to press several cells one after the other and have messages appear. At the moment the cells are often unresponsive. I found some coed for a similar problem someone was kind enough to post, however, although he claimed it worked 100% it doesn't work for me. The app won't even build. Here's the c...

Grouped items in Table view like the Mail app on the iPad

Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to group items like the grouped mail boxes in the mail app. I need it to be like selecting a mail box, when you tap it it loads new data, your inbox outbox and all of the other boxes for that mail account. Then you can tap back and return to all of your accounts. If anyone has a little sample code the...

Objective-C : Iphone Programming Reset a database (TableView)

Hi, i created a Navigation Controller application sample using core data but the thing is i don't know how to use core data and i need to create a button in the navigation bar to reset the entire tableview.. it is possible? If you want some code just create a new project in xcode and you will have it all. ...

Adding single row one by one in tableview from core data of iPhone

I am working on RSS reader code where articles get downloaded and are viewable offline. The problem is only after all articles are downlaoded the tableview containing headlines gets updated. Core data is used. So everytime NSobjectcontext is saved , [self tableview updatebegins ] is called.The table is getting updated via fetchcontroller...

Get links from a page and show them in a table?

I'd like to get the titles of some links on a webpage to show them in a table. The page links change a lot, so I don't know how to make the table "dynamic", to show the link titles correctly. Is this possible with JavaScript? ...

Update tableview instantly as data pushed in core data iphone

I need to update the tableview as soon as the content is pushed in core data database. for this AppDelegate.m contains following code NSManagedObjectContext *moc = [self managedObjectContext]; NSFetchRequest *request = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init]; [request setEntity:[NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"FeedItem" inManagedObjectCont...

Updating a TableView with a WebService and Saving to CoreData

I am working on a project where I have a table view that is currently updated via a web request that returns XML. I implemented -(int)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView*)tv and -(id)tableView:(NSTableView *)tv objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn*)tableColumn row:(int)row in my XML parsing class, and have the table updated w...

Custom UITableviewcell, CGGradient still shows when cell is selected?

I'm using a custom tableview cell (like Tweetie's fast scrolling) i've added a gradient to the context, which looks really nice, but when I select the cell, the gradient is still visible. I'm not sure how to go about removing the gradient when the cell is selected? any ideas? cheers Nik - (void)drawContentView:(CGRect)r { CGContext...

How return a value from view2 to view1 when using navigation bar

Hi All, I am New to the iPhone Development. How can i carry a string value from view2 to view1 when using navigation bar. I have no problem in carrying string values from view1 to view2 to view3 using pushviewcontroller But when i come back to previous views using Back button of navigation bar, I cannot able to hold string v...

switch views using a button, going to a table view, iphone

My program has 4 buttons and each button calls a different table view. That works fine, but my problem is, the view controller I'm using brings up a table view that covers up my navigation bar and my tab bar. I need to replace that coding with something that will bring up a table and not cover up my nav and tab bars. Here is the coding I...

deallocated memory in tableview: message sent to deallocated instance

I tried looking up other issues but couldn't find anything to match so here goes: I'm trying to display text in the table view so I use this bit of code: // StockData is an object I created and it pulls information from Yahoo APIs based on // a stock ticker stored in NSString *heading NSArray* tickerValues = [heading componentsS...

Loading contents of TableView Controller after showing Tab

Hello, I have a 4 tabbar application. The second tab has a tableviewController. When i select the second tab the tableview is displayed with it's contents and it works fine. The problem is that that data is comming from the network and it talks 2-3 seconds to load. So when i press the second tab it goes there after the contents have be...

didSelectRowAtIndexPath TableView Popover Issue

I've tried a lot of different code examples including just brute force try this try that but, stumped. The popover left arrow seems to display just fine if the first row is displayed at the very top of the table view but, when the table scrolls down the popover left arrow doesn't align correctly with the table row selected. Solutions or...

Get next record with Core Data

Hey, I have a tableview which content is managed through core data. When I select a row, a details view is pushed in and shows more information. How can I jump to the next record (the one below the one I selected in the tableview before) through a "next" button in the view ? Same for a previous button, but that should be very similar ......

iphone programming obj-c : removing the "..."

hi, when you enter a too long sentence for the iphone it automaticaly add a "..." at the end to show you there is other stuff you don't see right. I want to delete those "...". image : ...

Access problem with NSMutableArray

Hi, my problem is that I can't access my NSMutableArray in - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {}. I create my NSMutableArray here: nodes = [xmlDoc nodesForXPath:@"/xml/items/item/short_desc" error:nil]; if (nodes != nil && [nodes count] >= 1) { for (int i = 0; i <...

PyQt4 and QTableView with spinbox and checkbox

Hi, I have a QTableView with QSqlTableModel and with 3 columns, now I need to have: - second column: spinbox after clicked to edit - third column: checkbox (displayed center) My code: class SpinBoxDelegate(QtGui.QItemDelegate): def createEditor(self, parent, option, index): editor = QtGui.QSpinBox(parent) editor.setMinimum(0) ...

Parse XML Using NSXMLParser for display in table view

I am parsing some XML from an RSS feed (using NSXMLParser) for a blog and would like to display the data for each post in a table cell. The XML looks like this: <item> <title>Blog post 1</title> . . </item> <item> <title>Blog post 22</title> . . </item> How would I store this data so that it is available to my ...