
Is there a programming template or a open source framework to study tags in web apps?

Maybe the question is a little confusing. I will like to implement tags (similar to what is used in stackoverflow) in my web application. I will like to take a peak in any documentation, framework or schema made to be able to implement a tag strategy. I can think of many ways of programmatically implement this, but since there are...

Tagging sql statements for tracing and debugging

We have a large enterprise consisting of many apps both old and new backed by Oracle 10G. When blocking sessions or deadlocks occur and we get trace reports it would be super handy to be able to have embedded some details in the sql so that we know both what app, and specifically where it was executed from. In addition to helping speed...

Set the combined length of values in child tags for a particular parent tag

in xsd i want to set the combined tags max value under a parent tag for the child tags. The maximum limit should be specified in the parent tag as the child tag are not mandatory. Maximum Combined length of value of all the tags should be defined. In case of any solution please mail it to [email protected] ...

Can you suggest good ways of generating URLS for viewing tagged content

For example, here on stack overflow the URL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/javascript+php will give you all questions tagged with javascript and php. The system I have allows tags with spaces in them, so the approach used here would not be a good fit for me. What character would you use to separate the tags, so the URLs are ...

What do you deploy to clients SVN branches or tags

Not long ago we were using Microsoft VSS as our version control tool, and used to create branch of our code after the end of every release and deploy that to our clients. Now we have moved to SVN and lately there have been lot of discussion about tags/branches, should we tag/branch our code after development for a particular release? S...

How to access keywords for files generated by desktop search engines like Windows Search or Copernic Desktop Search

Dear Folks, I am trying order the files on a common fileshare of my department, containing thousands of documents of various filetypes. My idea was to sort them by content-related keywords. Only few files contain valid info in the keywords file attribute provided by Windows. My idea was to let some desktop search engine index the files ...

Non-standard tag behavior in Opera

I'm working with a publishing system that uses custom tags. These are interpreted on the server. The problem is, that they cause big problems with Opera, when viewed locally (custom tags are not interpreted). Opera is handling these tags differently from other browser. It looks like it is closing the tag at the end of the document (even...

Explain db tag storage method

from this post http://stackoverflow.com/questions/334183/what-is-the-most-efficient-way-to-store-tags-in-a-database It was recommended to store tag tables like this. Table: Item Columns: ItemID, Title, Content Table: Tag Columns: TagID, Title Table: ItemTag Columns: ItemID, TagID And another SO post said the same thing. Can anyone ...

ASP.NET Control to HTML tag equivalent

I'm looking for a cheat sheet that will allow me to show an HTML designer the equivalent asp.net controls for standard HTML tags. As an example the <asp:Panel> will render as an HTML <div> and an <asp:Label> will render as an HTML <span>. I've been googling this to no avail. Can someone post a link to a good cheat sheet so that the de...

SVN pre-commit hook for avoiding changes to tags subdirectories

Hi, Is there anybody who has clear instructions on how to add a pre-commit hook that avoids changes to tags subdirectories? I already searched the internet quite a bit. I found this link: http://search.cpan.org/~gnustavo/SVN-Hooks-0.13.11/lib/SVN/Hooks/DenyChanges.pm , but I can't seem to compile things. regards, Wim ...

How can I make a thumbnail <img> show a full size image when clicked?

Normally you have an image tage with the src as the source of the image and the alt as the alternative text: <img src="image1.gif" alt="Image 1" /> Can you have something like is?: <img src="image1.gif" alt="image2.gif" /> So that means the src has an image source and the alt also has an image source. What I want to do is pul...

How can I share my JSP .tag files between multiple contexts?

I have a set of .tag files (for example a tag that renders a copyright notice) that I want to share across all my application contexts on my Tomcat application server. I've only ever used them in a context's /WEB-INF/tags directory, referring to them via the taglib directive tagdir = "/WEB-INF/tags" How can I make the tags available to...

XML Schema - getting around unique tag constraint

I have to make a schema for an XML format that's already being used. The existing XML is being generated already by a different program, and it sounds like it would be difficult to track down all the places that would need to be changed in order to use a more regular XML format. Here's an example similar to our XML structure: <data> ...

Validating XML tag by tag

Hi All I'm having some issues validating some XML against a Schema, using .net and C#. I am using XmlReaderSettings with the ValidationEventHandler. However, this seems to stop catching errors after it has encountered the first error at a particular level within the XML file, instead of checking the next tag at the same level, so bas...

Can I get ido-mode-style completion for searching tags in Emacs?

Is it possible to use ido-mode completion to find definitions in a TAGS file? I suspect that ido-completing-read is part of the answer. Here's my non-working code, which shows an unpopulated ido-mode minibuffer: (defun ido-choose-from-tags () "Use ido to select tags " (interactive) (etags-tags-apropos (ido-completing-read...

nested insert in mysql for tagging

hi all, i'd like to add a tag to a blogpost with a single sql statement. say my tables would look as follows: tags +-------+-----------+ | tagid | tag | +-------+-----------+ | 1 | news | | 2 | top-story | +-------+-----------+ tag2post +----+--------+-------+ | id | postid | tagid | +----+--------+-------+ ...

should i really use a relation table when tagging blog posts?

hi all, while trying to figure out how to tag a blog post with a single sql statement here, the following thought crossed my mind: using a relation table tag2post that references tags by id as follows just isn't necessary: tags +-------+-----------+ | tagid | tag | +-------+-----------+ | 1 | news | | 2 | top-story ...

How does the location of a script tag in a page affect a javascript function that is defined in it?

I read that you should define your javascript functions in the <head> tag, but how does the location of the <script> (whether in the <head>, <body>, or any other tag) affect a javascript function. Specifically, I would like to know how does it affect the scope of the function and where you can call it from? ...

Database Schema for Machine Tags?

Machine tags are more precise tags: http://www.flickr.com/groups/api/discuss/72157594497877875. They allow a user to basically tag anything as an object in the format object:property=value Any tips on a rdbms schema that implements this? Just wondering if anyone has already dabbled with this. I imagine the schema is quite similar to imp...

Represent space and tab in XML tag.

How to represent space and tab in XML tag. Is there any special characters for them to represent. ...