
Anyone have a pointer for what is needed to make an MP3 Tag applicaiton?

I get FLAC files a lot and want to automate the taging of the end point MP3 files after I have converted them. What is my best library to interface with? Vista machine and C# for my code base. The flac files come with a text file for the show, and the numbers performed. I'll edit that any way possible. I use winamp for a player bu...

MySQL Limit with Many to Many Relationship

Given a SCHEMA for implementing tags ITEM ItemId, ItemContent TAG TagId, TagName ITEM_TAG ItemId, TagId What is the best way to limit the number of ITEMS to return when selecting with tags? SELECT i.ItemContent, t.TagName FROM item i INNER JOIN ItemTag it ON i.id = it.ItemId INNER JOIN tag t ON t.id = it.TagId is of course the e...

Best way to navigate duplicate tag definitions in emacs

Within emacs, what are the best options out there for navigating to a specific function whose name might show up across several different files? Within etags, you are only allowed to cycle through the tags one-at-a-time which could take a while if the function name you are looking for is popular. ...

Subversion & switching between tags

My automated deployment system updates a latest version of my site trough subversion. Instead of having my live site point to the trunk (which is always almost a work in progress version), I have my live site point to a tag. E.g. I work on trunk and when my v1.0 is finished I create a tag called 1.0 and do a checkout of that tag which i...

Unicode issues with acts_as_taggable_on_steroids

I'm implementing a blog with tags with some French characters. My question has to do with how to deal with spaces and unicode (utf-8) characters in the url. let's say I have a tag called: ohlàlà! and I have the following code in my tag cloud: <%= link_to h(tag.name.capitalize), { :controller => :blog, :action => :tag, :id => h(tag.name...

How do I check if a tag exists in XSLT?

I have the following template <h2>one</h2> <xsl:apply-templates select="one"/> <h2>two</h2> <xsl:apply-templates select="two"/> <h2>three</h2> <xsl:apply-templates select="three"/> I would like to only display the headers (one,two,three) if there is at least one member of the corresponding template. How do I check for this? ...

Committing binaries to SVN

I've searched around a bit, but haven't found a satisfactory answer, so I'd like to hear your opinions on this. I have a couple of tools which I have to update and deploy to a few servers every now and then. The source is managed in a SVN repository. To save myself the bother of copying the binaries to the production servers by ftp or ...

Are we moving towards classic ASP using MVC framework in .Net 3.5?

Looking at MVC frameworsk, it seems we require more of classic ASP knowledge then ASP.NET postbacks and Viewstates. Are we moving backwards to complex UI + code logic in the actual HTML? ...

Regex for specifig tags and their content, groupped by the tag name

Here is the input (html, not xml): ... html content ... <tag1> content for tag 1 </tag1> <tag2> content for tag 2 </tag2> <tag3> content for tag 3 </tag3> ... html content ... I would like to get 3 matches, each with two groups. First group would contain the name of the tag and the second group would contain the inner text of the tag....

Form bean to session variable

If i can use <td><textarea><bean:write name="smlMoverDetailForm" property="empFDJoiningDate"/> </textarea></td> to displace a value how can i use the struts tags to save a vaiable to the sesssion in sudo code session.setAttribute("test" , "<bean:write name="smlMoverDetailForm" property="empFDJoiningDate"/>"); is this possible? ...

Struts logic tag problem

i know this doesnt work but i dont know why, also how can i make it work? <% int result = referer.indexOf("smlMoverDetail.do"); %> <% if (result == -1){%> <%out.print("checking");%> <bean:define id="JOININGDATE" name="smlMoverDetailForm" property="empFDJoiningDate" type="java.lang.String" toScope="session"/> <%}%> Please pleas...

Struts Logic Problem

Why doesn't the code below work? The idea is that the page checks to see if the dropdown variable has changes since you last refreshed the page. <logic:equal name="Result" value = "-1"> <bean:define id="JOININGDATE" name="smlMoverDetailForm" property="empFDJoiningDate" type="java.lang.String" toScope = "session" /> </logic...

XHTML: <a> tag to multiple destinations in multiple target frames?

I'm working on a table of links within a site using iframes. I'm wondering if there's any way to code a link to go to two simultaneous destinations within two different target frames? I've been reading all afternoon and can't find anything close to what I want to do. Basically I want one link to present a photo in one iframe and some dat...

Sort tag cloud alphabetically in acts_as_taggable_on_steroids

I got the acts_as_taggable_on_steroids plugin to work fine. The tag_cloud method in my view create and formats the cloud properly however the tags are listed in order of 'count desc'. How to I present my tags in the cloud in alphabetical order? ...

Optimal data architecture for tagging, clouds, and searching (like StackOverflow)?

I'd love to know how Stack Overflow's tagging and search is architected, because it seems to work pretty well. What is a good database/search model if I want to do all of the following: Storing Tags on various entities, (how normalized? i.e. Entity, Tag, and Entity_Tag tables?) Searching for items with particular tags Building a ta...

How would you identify a user's most active sections?

On a website, everything is tagged with keywords assigned by the staff (it's not a community driven site, due to its nature). I am able to determine which tags a user is most active in (or, what tags they view the most). However, I'm not entirely sure how to choose the list. A few options present themselves, but they don't seem right to ...

How to parse, persist and retrieve a string with tags separated by spaces?

My database consists of 3 tables (one for storing all items, one for the tags, and one for the relation between the two): Table: Post Columns: PostID, Name, Desc Table: Tag Columns: TagID, Name Table: PostTag Columns: PostID, TagID What is the best way to save a space separated string (e.g. "smart funny wonderful") into the 3 databas...

How to find the records with most common tags, like the related questions in StackOverflow

We may tag a question with multiple tags in StackOverflow website, I'm wondering how to find out the most related questions with common tags. Assume we have 100 questions in a database, each question has several tags. Let's say user is browsing a specific question, and we want to make the system to display the related questions on the p...

Are there any papers or research results concerning the way people use tags and keywords?

I'm working on a tagging system at work, but one thing that I would be interested in is determining what has already been learned about the way people use such systems so that, when using libraries and tools and creating code, I can accommodate the way people do things (or so I hope). After asking this question, I continued to go throug...

Hierarchical tagging in SQL

I have a PHP web application which uses a MySQL database for object tagging, in which I've used the tag structure accepted as the answer to this SO question. I'd like to implement a tag hierarchy, where each tag can have a unique parent tag. Searches for a parent tag T would then match all descendants of T (i.e. T, tags whos parent is T...