
Is the SO tag ordering a good representation of programming language popularity?

Is the SO tag ordering a good representation of programming language popularity? My first guess would be that it's not and that it's largely populated by fans of Jeff (who would probably be .Net biased) and fans of Joel (who may be more C/C++ biased among others). Is there a way to get unbiased programming language popularity stats? ...

How can I implement a tag engine in PHP?

I've been trying to implement PHP Tag Engine in my application but only succeeded to do it partially. According to the documentation, to call the HTML form to modify an existing item's tags you should use the following code: $pte->html_item_tags($item_id) The thing is that nothing is explained about how to call the tags form for a new...

What are the most useful obscure JSF tag libraries?

What are the most useful JSF tag libraries? Initially, I'd like one recommendation per answer, if you also use that library then just vote up the previous answer. My goal is to get to know what's out there apart from the most obvious ones: xmlns:h = http://java.sun.com/jsf/html xmlns:f = http://java.sun.com/jsf/core xmlns:ui = http...

Why are tags typically all lower case?

Everywhere I look I see that whenever a site implement a tags system, they convert the tags names to lowercase. Even here in StackOverflow. I was thinking about why is it so. Other than preventing duplication I can't think of a reason to use lowercase. I believe it hurts the practical aspect of the tags. People are used to read "IBM" no...

ID for tags in tag systems

I'm implementing a tag system similar to StackOverflow tag system. I was thinking about when storing the tags and relating to a question, that relationship will be directly with the tag name or it's better create a field tagID to "link" the question with the tag? Looks that linking directly to tag name is easier, but it doesn't look good...

Scaling Web Applications and Tagging - Digg, Del.icio.us, StackOverflow

How do websites like Digg, Del.icio.us, and StackOverflow implement tagging? I know this other question has an accepted answer of a many-to-many relation with a cross ref table. But how do the "big boys" do it? The same way? How is it scaling? ...

Why does code render in code block?

I want to display HTML in a webpage. I've wrapped in a code block but the last two lines still execute/render. What am I doing wrong? <pre><code> div {background: brown;} div.bluebg {background: blue;} <div>default brown background</div> <div class="base">blue background</div> </code></pre> The last two lines were wrapped in div tag...

Position divs in a tag cloud structure without overlap?

Hi, I wondered if someone could help. I need to build a system that pulls numbers out of an array and displays them in a cloud like pattern (a range of different sizes and colours). I'm stumped on how to build a system to create the divs so they don't overlap and make a nice tight structure. Any pointers would be great. Mock Up: http:/...

Regex to read out HTML tags

I'm looking for a regex that matches all used HTML tags in a text consisting of several lines. It should read out "b", "p" and "script" in the following lines: <b> <p class="normalText"> <script type="text/javascript"> Is there such thing? The start I have is that it should start with a "<" and read until it hits a space or a ">", but...

I only want to match the start tags in regex

I am making a regex expression in which I only want to match wrong tags like: <p> *some text here, some other tags may be here as well but no ending 'p' tag* </p> <P>Affectionately Inscribed </P><P>TO </P><P>HENRY BULLAR, </P><P>(of the western circuit)<P>PREFACE</P> In the above same text I want to get the result as <P>(of the west...

i want to match only start tags in regex

i am making a regex expression in which i want to only match wrong tags like <p> *some text here, some other tags may be here as well but no ending 'p' tag* </p> <P>Affectionately Inscribed </P><P>TO </P><P>HENRY BULLAR, </P><P>(of the western circuit)<P>PREFACE</P> like in the above same text i want to get the result as <P>(of th...

HTML 'container' tags - proper usage?

For some time I've been making websites, but have never really seen discussion of the proper usage of the container tags. I've seen any number of different types of content in the collection tags, but it usually seems that the page creator just picks a style they like and sticks with it. The main discrepancy in my mind is that between ...

Stemming - code examples or open source projects?

Stemming is something that's needed in tagging systems. I use delicious, and I don't have time to manage and prune my tags. I'm a bit more careful with my blog, but it isn't perfect. I write software for embedded systems that would be much more functional (helpful to the user) if they included stemming. For instance: Parse Parser Par...

What tag schema(s) are the most efficient/effective?

http://www.pui.ch/phred/archives/2005/04/tags-database-schemas.html Stackoverflow's tag handling is among the best that I've seen so far. Does anyone know if it is a schema pattern I could get some ideas from? Otherwise, I'm just looking for suggestions on what tag schemas others have successfully implemented. ...

Parent-child relationship with LINQ2SQL and POCO objects

I just started learning LINQ2SQL and one of the first things I wanted to try is a simple parent-child hierarchy, but I can't seem to find a good way to do it. I saw some examples here on SO and i've googled, but I couldn't apply them directly, so I'll explain exactly what i'm trying to accomplish. Lets use the common example with tags. ...

How can I implement a boolean tag search in SQL?

Given a table of items, a table of tags and a join table between them, what is a good and efficient way to implement queries of the form: p1 AND p2 AND ... AND pn AND NOT n1 AND NOT n2 ... AND NOT nk I am using SQL. So to find all items that match all tags p1...pn and none of n1...nk? Is there a good "standard" solution for this? ...

Is the 'name' attribute considered outdated for <a> anchor tags?

Visual Studio doesn't like on-page anchor tags: Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Attribute 'name' is considered outdated. A newer construct is recommended. I'm using name attributes in this way <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml...

Retrieving records that has both tag T1 and T2

Hi all, I need an sql query that will retrieve all items that have both tags, not any of tags. I already have a query but returns all items that hove both tags, not expected result. Find detailed description below. Thanks! Table structure: ITEMS TABLE ------------ item_id item_name TAGS TABLE ---------- tag_id tag_name ITEMTAGS TABL...

A difficult SQL query: tag popularity for models with complex associations

I'm not even sure this is possible to do efficiently, but here's my problem: I'm writing what's essentially a blog engine where a blog post and all replies to each blog post can tagged. So, I could have a blog post tagged "stack", and a reply to that post tagged "overflow". Right now, I'm trying to generate a list of the most popular ...

Should tags use comma or space

What is your opinion on whether a tagging user interface widget should require commas or spaces as the delimiter? For example, this site uses spaces, requiring multi-word tags to use a hyphen. I assumed this was some design suggestion from Joel; but then I realized that Facebook and Wordpress use commas. So what should it be? Or does...