
What would be the pros and cons of hierarchical data vs. related data, in performance (and categorization)?

This is related to this question. It got me thinking that, for example, this book. Instead of it being a child of both [Agriculture] and [Other], in the trees [Books > Catalogs > Agriculture] and [Business & Industrial > Agriculture & Forestry > Other], respectively, it could just stand on its own have those levels as tags, instead. In ...

How to read ID3 Tag in an MP3 using Python?

Does anyone has an experience of reading and writing ID3 tags in an MP3 file or a WMA file? There are some libraries but I would like to do it from the scratch. :-) ...

Attaching a tag

What is the actual procedure for attaching multiple tags to a particular content in a project development. What is this tagging all about??? I need to create a tag cloud for my project in .NET using c#. Help me out as a beginner for basic tagging concept. ...

Problem with attribute

Hi,my problem is attribute onclick in tag a.I want to do scriplet command in attribute onclick.When I write this... <a href="somethig" onclick="session.setAttribute('newAttribute','value')" >Click on me</a> ...so nothing happens (session's attribute is not set), and if I write this one <a href="somethig" onclick="<% session.setAttrib...

Enumerating tables used in mysql query?

Is there any way to enumerate tables used in mysql query? Lets say I have query : SELECT * FROM db_people.people_facts pf INNER JOIN db_system.connections sm ON sm.source_id = pf.object_id INNER JOIN db_people.people p ON sm.target_id = p.object_id ORDER BY pf.object_id DESC And i want in return array: $tables = array( [0] => 'db...

What is the PostInfo Meta Tag that appears in my ASP page?

I've got a tag that looks like this: <meta name="postinfo" content="/scripts/postinfo.asp"> that's appeared in my default.asp in a classic ASP application. What is it and can I remove it? ...

Cakephp Tagging - Auto Save new Tags and Tag Relations

I read a lot about tagging in CakePHP but I can't find a "clean" way to save a Post and the Tags to this post. I have all which is necessary the Post Table, Model and Controller, the Tag table, Model and Controller and the posts_tags table. I created the HABTM Associations in the Post and the Tag Model. If I want to save a new post, I w...

How Do I make dynamic-attributes Work in JSP Tag Files?

So according to my JSP reference book, as well as every other reference I can find on the web, I'm supposed to be able to do something like: <%@ tag dynamic-attributes="dynamicAttributesVar" %> and then when someone uses an attribute that I didn't define in an attribute directive, I should be able to access that attribute from the "dy...

what happens when we include the same taglib url with same prefix twice?

what happens when i define the same tag lib twice in a jsp. for ex i am having a.jsp and b.jsp inside a.jsp i include b.jsp (@ include not jsp include) and at times i call b.jsp using ajax and i define a taglib <%@ taglib uri="http://www.myorg.com/my/mytaglib" prefix="mytaglib"%> inside a.jsp and b.jsp and use it in a.jsp and b.jsp i...

What is the best way to compute trending topics or tags?

Many sites offer some statistics like "The hottest topics in the last 24h". For example, Topix.com shows this in its section "News Trends". There, you can see the topics which have the fastest growing number of mentions. I want to compute such a "buzz" for a topic, too. How could I do this? The algorithm should weight the topics which a...

Cannot commit a git tag

I probably did this incorrectly. I made some changes to a git repository and committed these successfully, pushing them to the central repository. I realise now that I want to tag the current version of all files. So I do: git tag -a 0.5 That succeeds. But now I try a git push and I am told there's nothing to commit. How do I push...

Does StackOverflow use Lucene for tagged searches?

How has SO implemented the tagged search? Is it using Lucene or any other open-source search engine library for tagged searching? What is the best way to search document (PDF, XML, HTML, MS Word) or database? ...

How to use git to download a particular tag?

I'm trying to figure out how do download a particular tag of a git repository - it's one version behind the current version. I saw there was a tag for the previous version on the git web page, with object name of something long hex number. But the version name is "Tagged release 1.1.5" according the site. I tried a command like this ...

Using vim for html decoration

Do you have any preferred methodology for managing html formatting tags in vim? The best I've come up with is creating some macros to insert tags at the current cursor position - ctrl-i for <i>, ctrl-j for </i>, etc. It would be handy to be able to, say 2w{something} to italicize 2 words, for instance, without needing to navigate the c...

A good architecture for Tagging items

Duplicate: How do you recommend implementing tags or tagging What's a efficient, fast and elegant architecture for a tagging system (such as posts or photos). For example, you have a site like StackOverflow and each item has a couple of tags. What's the best way to keep track of these, and make them searchable. Scalability is impor...

How do I list related blog posts ordered by the number of common tags?

I want to display a list of related blog posts and I want the list to be ordered by the number of common tags they have to the current post. Each post can have multiple tags associated to it. Here is my table structure: [Posts] <-- [posts-to-tags-joining-table] --> [Tags] I'm using PHP and MySQL - can I do this in one query? ...

Auto Categorization of Content

Hi all I'm developing a script that extracts the messages from the message archive of a particular meetup.com group of which I'm a member - http://www.meetup.com/opencoffee/messages/archive/ The idea is to dynamically add these to a wordpress site and allow people to search messages, auto tag messages etc. The issue I have is how best...

Cocoa control for keywords/tags

I want to build a keyword/tag feature for my Cocoa application. Is there a tutorial or example of how a control that sets keywords/tags works? I want it to look something like the Keywords window in iPhoto that you get from Window->Show Keywords. ...

Python -- Regex -- How to find a string between two sets of strings

Consider the following: <div id=hotlinklist> <a href="foo1.com">Foo1</a> <div id=hotlink> <a href="/">Home</a> </div> <div id=hotlink> <a href="/extract">Extract</a> </div> <div id=hotlink> <a href="/sitemap">Sitemap</a> </div> </div> How would you go about taking out the sitemap line with regex in python? <...

Stuck in installing Taglist in Vim

I was trying to install Taglist in VIM and I did not understand this step: If the exuberant ctags utility is not present in your PATH, then set the Tlist_Ctags_Cmd variable to point to the location of the exuberant ctags utility (not to the directory) in the .vimrc file. What does it mean? If anybody uses this plugi...