
Has anyone successfully created a project using Tapestry, Hibernate and Spring for jax-ws web services?

I have a project using these technologies and I'm getting a number of issues. The first is this error:- org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.TapestryException: Exception constructing service 'ValueEncoderSource': Error invoking service builder method org.apache.tapestry5.services.TapestryModule.buildValueEncoderSource(Map, Invalidatio...

Refreshing a Tapestry zone on a regular basis

What is the best way to refresh a Tapestry zone on a regular basis to pull changes of a dataset from a server? ...

Getting maven to start jetty (Tapestry Tutorial)

I'm trying to work through the Tapestry tutorial. I think I got everything set up right and so far so good but I get to the part where the tut rather glibly states: Change into the newly created directory, and execute the command: mvn jetty:run Again, the first time, there's a dizzying number of downloads, but before...

Inject I18n text into javascript using tapestry-3

Hi, I'm adding Internationalization to a tapestry app. Is there a standard tapestry-3 technique to Internationalize strings that appear as Javascript literals? For example: <input jwcid="submitBtn" type="submit" accesskey="U" value="Update" class="actionBtn" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure that you want to do that?');"/></td> ...

Display a javascript/css tooltip within a @For loop with Tapestry 4.0.1

I'm not at all familiar with Tapestry 4.0.1 and need to update a legacy application to display a formatted tooltip for a few links within a @For loop. What is the easiest/best way to go about accomplishing this? Should I be using the @Script component or is there a simpler way? By the way, upgrading to a newer version of Tapestry is ou...

Tapestry 4.1 - using a Script component with an external js

Hi all, Is it possible to use a @Script component to render a script tag pointing to a js file hosted on a different server? Basically, I need to inject a script tag such as: <script src="http://otherserver.com/script.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; but I need to have it render in the head, or at least before other tapestry scripts are rende...

What's the proper way to access an EJB3 Bean from within a Tapestry Page class?

I want to use an EJB3 from within my Tapestry Page class, I can do JNDI lookup for it, but it will me much convenient to use EJB injection or Tapestry IoC. Is that possible? ...

Why did you stop using Tapestry?

This question goes out to those who have used Tapestry as a web framework and then either gave it up or switched to something else, or even ported their application from Tapestry to something else. The question is why? What led you to make this change? EDIT: Also, what framework (if any) did you change to? ...

Are there any good Tapestry 5 components for implementing tabs/ tabbed navigation?

Also, if there are, which would you recommend? ...

Delete a hibernate entity with tapestry5 gives : "a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session"

I have an error being thrown on deleting an entity. I have users in only one group at a time, so it's a ManyToOne relationship on the User class. In the page class I have a property group: @Property @Persist private Group group; that is populated on page activation: public void onActivate(Group g) { group = g; } When the dele...

How change the layout component in Tapestry 5 pages at runtime?

I have one layout component for all my pages, I want to switch this component based on the user desire. I don't want to add a property to each page to return the current layout component. ...

Tapestry 4 Dynamic image asset

Hi All, I have images stored in a database I need to serve within a tapestry page. I was about to write a servlet (simple enough) to serve the image like I always have but I figured using an asset or a service was more tapestry oriented. What would be the simplest/tidiest way to include a dynamic image within a tapestry page? Bare in...

Integrate Extjs on frontend and Tapestry on backend

Hi, I had a project that requires the use of Extjs as the frontend of my program and tapestry on the backend. I am new with both, but still able to create the panels of forms on the frontend, however can anyone advise how would it be possible to link/integrate with the backend java side of tapestry such that the Extjs form panel would ...

how to use PageEvent in tapestry4 to sendRedirect to another page

public void pageValidate(PageEvent event) { //how to use pageEvent to sendRedirect to google.com ? ...

Insert link/asset into a localized message in Tapestry 5

I'd like to insert a link (as an -Tag) and/or an Asset (as an -Tag) into localized Messages in Tapestry 5. Is there any way to generate the HTML so that I can insert it into the message, possibly via messages.format("message", link); ...

t4 multiple select

I need to implement a multiple select in tapestry 4.1. The example supplied in the component docs is pretty lame as it requires multiple components/properties to do one simple thing. I especially don't like the reliance on a @For component and its properties, or the need to map a boolean array back to the original options to derive the ...

How do I upload an image as a File and display it as a Thumbnail with Tapestry 5?

Using the 3rd party tapestry-upload component, I can upload a File from the client on the server. Using the chenillekit's thumbnail component, a can make a thumbnail from an Asset. How can I convert my File into an Asset in order for the Thumbnail component to provide me the image thumbnail ? ...

tapestry 4 contrib table call getModel() multiple times

public IBasicTableModel getModel() { return new IBasicTableModel() { public int getRowCount() { System.out.println("called many times...."); return getServiceLayer().countTotalCategoryRow(getKeyword()); } } when i tried this and printout on console, it showed this metho...

tapestry 4 generate valid XHTML

is it possible to generate valid XHTML in tapestry 4.1.x ? i specifically need the shell to generate the proper XHTML headers and can work around the actual body content - ie only use specific components that render valid tags/structure. thx. ...

Multiple Tapestry modules in one web application

Is it possible to have more than one tapestry5 module in one web application? Every Tapestry module has an AppModule.java file, which if i'm correct, is supposed to handle only one context, is it possible to have multiple of these AppModule.java. ...