
tapestry4 method called when page load

pagevalidate() method will be called each time the page is refresh and i did some action on the page. I looking for a method that will only be call first time the page is loaded and for subsequent time the page is refresh/do some actions, the method will not be called. any such method in tapestry 4? ...

Tapestry5.1+seleniumRc Ajax waitForAjax Request

Hi there, Does anyone know how to do waitForAjaxRequest using seleniumRc(like waitForPageToLoad) on tapestry zone? I know there are alternatives like wait for certain element to appear and etc. I am seeking for a proper waitForAjaxRequest, and wish it work on different browsers as well. I had tried browserbot, but no luck. :-( Thank...

Tapestry 4 - omitting component render

Hi. I have a component in Tapestry 4 that should render only when user has privileges to use it's attached business code. In Tapestry 5 I would probably use rendering phases and would return false on SetupRender in order to skip rendering of this component: http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry5/guide/rendering.html But how would I go a...

RegistryShutdownListener throws exception

acording to the docs on service lifecycle i should be able to implement RegistryShutdownListener and tidy up my resources (in this case, shutdown a threadpool) however it is throwing an exception and seems to be trying to re-initialise my service in order to perform the shutdown listener!? 2010-01-14 10:59:01,750 [main] ERROR org.apache...

Problem with Tapestry palette's arrow icons in IE8

I'm using Tapestry to create pages for a web app, and have been using the palette component to add/delete items to/from a group. The page looks great in Firefox (Tapestry seems biased towards Firefox), but my customers will all be using Internet Explorer (any versions from 6, 7, & 8) and in IE8, the disabled arrow buttons look awful. I...

tapestry4: Access visit object from IEngineService implementation

what is the best way to get a reference to the current session's visit object from an implementation of IEngineService? on my pages/components i access it via @InjectState("visit") public abstract Visit getVisit(). Can i inject it into my EngineService via hivemodule.xml or access it via the RequestCycle? As usual with tapestry, the d...

Tapestry 5: contributeRequestHandler in unit tests only

I'm trying to use PageTester in conjunction with spring security but am running into this exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException: Can only process HttpServletRequest I think there is a solution (as below) but does anyone know how I can use the following contribution so that it gets called only during tests? public ...

Tapestry loop through hashmap

Hi all, I'm trying to loop through a hashmap and display a number checkboxes with id the key of the hashmap and label the value of the hashmap. Anyone knows how the tapestry syntax for that is? Cheers Dimitris ...

force all session log-out

i'm using spring+tapestry for authenticate webuser. I wonder is there any technique i can force all users that currently login in to logout let say i'm on scenario where the site is 'under maintenance mode' p/s: will it able to force all users' running process to finish and only force log out ...

@EventListener on contrib:MultiplePropertySelection (Tapestry 4.1)

Hi. Is it possible to add @EventListener to a contrib:MultiplePropertySelection in Tapestry 4.1 (dojo) and listen to onclick on its checkboxes? I would like to redraw the component everytime I click on a checkbox (as I'm toggling disabled and checked properties on the rest of them then). I would like to achieve this (Java): @EventListe...

Tapestry5 display grid component using a hashmap

Hi there I am trying to attempt to display a hashmap using a grid component. If I use List list = CollectionFactory.newList(MyHashMap); it returns a list however on my template page I see <theader>Empty</tHeader> and <tbody>false</tbody> when passing my parameter t:souce="list" to my grid component, therefore my grid component only ...

Tapestry 4, get submitted value from non-component element

My form has a custom element like below, created using custom ajax: <select jwcid="testtest <at> Any"> <option value="x">California -- CA</option> <option value="y">Colorado -- CO</option> <option value="z">Connecticut -- CN</option> </select> After the form is submitted, how do I get the value of this custom html element? cycle.getP...

Good resources for building web-app in Tapestry

Hi, I'm currently researching into Tapestry for my company and trying to decide if I think we can port our pre-existing proprietary web applications to something better. Currently we are running Tomcat and using JSP for our front end backed by our own framework that eventually uses JDBC to connect to an Oracle database. I've gone throug...

Updating Lists of Lists in Tapestry4 using textfields and a single submit button

In Tapestry 4 I am trying it iterate over a list of lists (technically a list of objects who have a list of strings as a data field). I am currently doing this by using 'nested' for components. (This is pseudo code) <span jwcid="Form"> <span jwcid="@For" source="ognl:Javaclass.TopLevelList" value="ognl:SecondLevelList" index="ognl:inde...

onchange force page submit

<form jwcid="@Form" listener="listener:updateStaff"> <select jwcid="staffselect@Select" multiple="ognl:false" validators="validators:required" onchange="this.form.submit()" listener="listener:updateStaff"> <span jwcid="@For" source="ognl:hrStaff" value="ognl:currentHrStaff" index="ognl:currentHrStaffIndex"> ...

Tapestry 5 and Spring beans with same interface

I have a problem with Tapestry 5 and Spring integration. Problem occurs if I have a multiple beans that implement the same interface and I try to inject them with @Inject annotation. Of course I got an exception. I found a tutorial that says that in that case I have to use @Service annotation too but now I'm getting org.apache.tapestr...

Tapestry + REST

Hi all ! I want to add REST to my tapestry project, and so need to know how to implement it. What is the better way ? thx. [Edit, copied from answer:] I have to add GET, PUT, POST and DELETE services to my tapestry application. I see that Tapestry has RESTful url but what about JAX-RS and annotations? ...

Loading jQuery with Tapestry 5

Okay, so I'm not a Java guy, but I work with loads of them. We generally load Prototype with Tapestry 5, as Tapestry was built on this javascript library. As a UI/front end developer/engineer, I know the awesomeness of jQuery and the lack of prototype therein. (Feel free to debate that elsewhere -- this ticket doesn't concern that que...

Which Web2.0 framework integrates best with JPA2?

Hi all My choice is between Tapestry 5 Vaadin JSF2 --- start EDIT 2010-05-13 18:04 -- Spring MVC (don't know why I forgot to mention this) --- stop EDIT 2010-05-13 18:04 -- I like Vaadin most, because it seems to come with all the look-and-feel features out-of-the-box, I wonder if anyone has experience with Vaadin and JPA2, pre...

Tapestry + JaxB conflict

Hi all ! I need your help to resolve a conflict between Tapestry and JaxB. The error is : com.sun.xml.stream.ZephyrParserFactory cannot be cast to org.codehaus.stax2.XMLInputFactory2 I find a way to resolve it, but it is for jetty : http://tynamo.org/tapestry-resteasy+guide The solution seems to be to add a system properties...